Hayfield Parish Council
Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee



The next meeting of this committee, due to be held on 8th February

Has now been


The new meeting date will be announced shortly.

This has been necessary because of a re-scheduling of Parish Council meetings to hold an additional public meeting on the proposed development on Swallow House Lane.

Please accept the Council’s apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Mike Crompton

Clerk to the Parish Counci




20th October 2010

Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee

Dear Councillors,

The next meeting of the Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee will be on Tuesday 26th  October at 7.30pm in the Parish Council Office.


Mike Crompton


Clerk to the Parish Council


2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 25th May 2010. (attached)
5. Chairman’s report, Clerk’s report and actions taken
6. BMX track in Recreation Ground
7. Little Hayfield
7. Bank Vale Field: funding
8. Kinder Trespass Heritage Project
9. Orchard Project update
10. Budget update
11. Date of next meeting: 26th October 2010



Hayfield Parish Council

Minutes of the Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee meeting held on 25th May 2010
at 7.30pm in the Parish Council office

Present: Cllrs P Gee (Chair), J Harvey, A Ramwell, A Seipp.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Assistant Clerk K Chesworth.

1. Site visit to recreation ground
The letters for (7) and against (1) the changes on the BMX track and skate park were discussed.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of interest       
4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 17th December 2009
The minutes were approved, but item 6(i) Pro Loco date is incorrect (should be 19th June).
5. Clerk’s report and actions taken
A new gardener has been recruited. The bund on the Old School Field has been created and it is now decided to keep it permanently: Mike to contact John Mellor accordingly.            ACTION: MC
No progress with Mr Alexander. An inspection on Little Hayfield took place. The purchase of Bank Vale Field is now being held up by the Charity Commission, but we expect movement by the end of the summer. Mike will speak with Cllr S McCall re. the information board.            ACTION: MC
It was decided not to build a wall at the back of the stage on the Old School Field but to continue strimming etc, but the existing walls/seats still need to be completed.                        ACTION: MC
The Pro Loco local artists’ exhibition working party needs to happen urgently.            ACTION: MC
The Memorial Square opening party working party needs to happen urgently.            ACTION: MC
The Clerk updated the committee on the work done by the Little Hayfield committee.
The events calendar was discussed and will appear in a leaflet for the Memorial Square opening; a fuller calendar will be produced at a later date. Mike will liaise with Cllr J McCall. ACTION: MC
6. Site visit to recreation ground
The letters in item (1) were discussed again and it was felt the interest in the area was positive. HPBC inspect the area and had no problems with it. The grind rail needs removing following a number of accidents. It is on one of the skate ramps.                                                ACTION: MC
Some of the bolts – on the ‘volcano’ – are missing and/or need replacing.                        ACTION: MC
Graffiti is appearing and needs removing.                                                            ACTION: MC
Mike needs to sign the playground inspection report and send an invoice.                        ACTION: MC
A sign is required to notify users of the skate park that protective equipment is required. The primary school and main secondary schools need to send a letter to Hayfield children saying the same and giving other safety messages.                                                                        ACTION: MC
Any requests for changes from now on need to go via the Youth Council to the full Parish Council, and the children need to be made aware of this.                                                        ACTION: MC & AS
Proper drainage is required.                                                                                    ACTION: MC
A member of Parish Council staff needs to inspect the area daily.                                    ACTION: MC
7. Bank Vale Field: funding
Discussed in the Clerk’s report. A recommendation was made for the finance committee to organize the funding.                                                                                            ACTION: MC & JH
8. Kinder Trespass Heritage Project       
Cllr Harvey & the Clerk are visiting Nottingham to have the project assessed by the grant funders. Many excellent letters of support have been received from the major agencies written to. The National Trust offered to potentially provide some financial assistance, and Cllr Harvey has arranged to speak with the regional officer.
9.        Orchard Project
Cllr S McCall is now the main person responsible for this. The project is going well. There is a lot to be done before the next planting time. An audit trail/monitoring report is required. An information board is being installed at the school. Chippings are needed around the base of the trees to prevent weeds etc. from growing.                                                            ACTION: MC
The committee with check with Tony Ross about this as he has some chippings available. The Christmas trees could also be used to make chippings.                                                ACTION: MC
Householders will be encouraged to plant trees on their property by subsidising trees. Some landowners/farmers may be interested, as may the campsite. The land on Swallow House Lane is already committed for more trees.                                                                        ACTION: MC
A bid will be made for future year funding. An apple festival on apple day (21 Oct) will be included in the events calendar.                                                                                                ACTION: MC
10. Budget update
The internal audit is tomorrow evening and the finance committee is on 7th June, so a budget update will be provided for then.
11. Pro Loco event and exhibition
Discussed in Clerk’s report. Needs to be actioned fast.                                ACTION: SMC
12. Date of next meeting: 26th October 2010
The meeting concluded at 9.10pm.






Minutes of the Recreation, Tourism and Leisure Committee, 16th December 2009
7.30pm, Hayfield Cricket Club

Present: Councillors P Gee (chair), J Harvey, Mrs V Wieteska.  Mrs K Chesworth in attendance.
1.             Apologies for absence
Cllrs Mrs S McCall, A Ramwell, Clerk M Crompton.  A member of the public also sent her apologies.
2.            Declarations of interest
3.            i) Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th May:
ii) Site visit report (replaced July meeting).  Visit to land gifted on lease, west of allotments and running to Oaks Avenue.  A five-bar gate is already in place.  There was discussion about local residents’ concerns regarding parking.  The land is fenced off, somewhat uneven but workable.  There could be some parking on the land.  The Council should consider the responsibility for fencing and upkeep.
The exact area of the land is required.                                                            ACTION: MC
The second area of land: it was reported that there had been some correspondence regarding the exact location and whether suitable for allotments.  It was considered dangerous for vehicle access is used as allotments.  There was also the question of the visual amenity, in an exposed position at the entrance to the village, and in the National Park.  Possibly better for other uses, eg. Orchard Project, other food cultivation or wildlife.
Clerk in contact with landowner.
4.            Chairman’s announcements
Report circulated.  Tennis courts will be repaired for next season.  Work on seats being actioned.  Removal of goal posts overlooked when contractors were on site: now it has been decided that removal would be too expensive to action retrospectively.  The Committee nonetheless felt that this should be re-considered, for a number of reasons, amongst them safety considerations.  It was AGREED that the Committee should recommend their removal. 
The Clerk should now look at the costs of this and the possibility of a grant source.  Later the drainage will need to be remedied.                                                            ACTION: MC
Bank Vale Field wicket gate not self-closing: better if it were.                        ACTION: MC
5.            Recreation
i) Recreation grounds:  the BMX feature needs the holes to be filled.  Whole area needs to be looked at in Spring.                                                                        ACTION: MC
            Sand pits at Little Hayfield and Hayfield need some urgent attention.            ACTION: MC
            ii) Bank Vale Field.  Still waiting for the Church to come back with deeds.  Clerk to update the Council.                                                                                                ACTION: MC
            Grants cannot be applied for until ownership secure.  Hayfield Sports Club is being set up.  A question was asked if letters had been sent to all village sports organizations.  The reply would have been that letters will be sent once the Constitution has been agreed.
6.            Tourism
            i) The Pro Loco event has happened successfully and problems now resolved.  Pictures now hung in Village Hall on permanent display.
            ii) Strategy document. (Already circulated).  It looks at Hayfield’s unique selling points; Arthur Lowe, Kinder Trespass, Sherwood Forresters, Kinder Trespass, Coronation Street.  A member of the public had expressed keen interest in a Heritage Centre in the village and in the creation of a Kinder Trespass Trail.  There are many historic collections in the Parish which the Council should try to acquire.  A good collection of photos was in the possession of a village resident.  The original is not required: simply a credited copy.
            Cllr P Gee will pursue this matter.                                                            ACTION: PG
            Cllr J Harvey will progress the Trespass Trail.  Heritage Boards will be required.  Cllr J Harvey to investigate costs.                                                                        ACTION: JH
            Suggested that the Under Bridge Project  could be combined with the Trespass Trail to create a mural.  These could also be unique selling points.  Key locations for the Boards would be the Old Station Site, Bowden Bridge and outside the Council Offices.  An ad hoc working group is required.  J Harvey will talk to S McCall about the boards and the Under Bridge project.                                                                          ACTION: JH, PG, MC
            ii) Future of Information Centre run by Countryside Service: J Harvey to speak to the clerk to arrange a meeting with the Countryside Service.                        ACTION: JH, MC
            iii) Memorial Square has tourist potential especially re. Dad’s Army.  Centenary of the start of World War I is approaching: we need to plan towards it.  Suggested the Council seek appropriate funding to complete paving around the Memorial.            ACTION: MC
            Lighting: LEDs to be installed.  Suggested also we have wi-fi routers on the lights.
            iv) Village ‘What’s On’ leaflet is needed.  The Council to find out if DCC or HPBC have a ‘what’s on’ publication in which the Parish could be included.                          ACTION: MC
            We should write to local groups to ask for 2010 programmes.  Leaflet to go into pubs, clubs, shops, local tourism offices etc.                                                              ACTION: MC
Leaflet racks would be good in the Countryside Centre if we had something to go in them.
v) Arts Projects: S McCall not here to update the meeting.  Aiming to combine with other projects.  The Heritage Lottery Fund may fund the Artwork if it is interpreting heritage material.
7.            Orchard Project
Major problems encountered due to weather, but finally all trees successfully planted.  Orchard project is a tourism project for future years.  250 trees now planted, about 750 still to go.  Funding for additional trees may be needed for additional gifted land sites.
8.            Budget update
The Council is running into a £60k deficit this year taking into account money coming into village.  We need to start setting realistic budgets.  Management costs have not been included.  Bank Vale Field still requires £35k funding.  Need to provide for this in the budget.  The Council does not have enough money in its reserves to take on its commitments.  There are financial implications for all the projects discussed in this committee meeting.
There were no sub-headings on the circulated budget document.                        ACTION: MC
The committee should bid for a £2k-£5k publicity/tourism budget for next financial year.
9.            Date of next meeting
            17th March 2010 in Cricket Pavillion at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 7.30pm


OBJECTIVE:  To attract more visitors to the village, to help sustain local shops, pubs other businesses and services for the benefit of residents. Increased tourism can be one strand of local economic regeneration. To manage any pressures arising from current or future levels of tourism.
Key drivers for expansion

a. Kinder Trespass
The parish council have already approved in principle the application for a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Some work is in progress to identify which aspects of the original proposals are most likely to attract a grant (max £50k); to take soundings from potential partnership agencies;  and to recruit a small group of volunteers to help with this process.
The initial application is likely to focus on two aspects;

A further strand to be explored perhaps as a second phase is promoting countryside access through guided walks of various kinds. The focus of this could be to encourage and enable less adventurous people to sample some of the easier shorter walks starting and finishing in the village centre.
b. Other USP’s
Arthur Lowe?
Sherwood Foresters?
Coronation St?
May Queen
Sheepdog Trials
Well Dressings
Calico Trail and other Civic Trust initiatives
Fell Races and Mountain bike events
Orchard Project
Sports that bring in visiting teams etc
Further environmental improvements to the village centre, following  Memorial Square.
Maintaining or improving infrastructure amenities  car parking, public toilets, etc.

That the parish council approve this outline; and commission the Recreation, Leisure and Tourism sub committee to expand on it and to progress funding applications for 2010/11.

Philip Gee/John Harvey 25th November 2009.


10th December 2009
Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee
The next meeting of the Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee will be on Wednesday 16th December at 7.30pm in the Cricket Pavilion.
Mike Crompton
Clerk to the Parish Council


1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest

3. i) Minutes of the meeting held on 27th May 2009. (attached)

ii) Report on Site Visit

4 Chairman’s announcements

5. Recreation:

i) Recreation Grounds

ii) Bank Vale Field

6. Tourism: i. Strategy Document .ii) Orchard .iii) Memorial Square iv) Arts projects

7. Publications

8. Budget update

9. Date of next meeting.





Minutes of the Recreation, Tourism and Leisure Committee, 28th January 2009

Present: Cllrs P Gee (Chair), Mrs S McCall, Mrs V Wieteska, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, J Harvey.
Clerk: M Crompton.

1. Apologies for absence
Cllr Mrs M Platt

2. Declarations of Interest:

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2008.
Approved as a correct record, with the correction of Item 8) v: £60k should read £6k.

4. Chairman’s announcements
Cllr Gee reminded the meeting that the Olympic Games are to be staged in the UK in 2012, and that EMDA is seeking to encourage regional tourism on the back of these events.  It was agreed to seek more information from EMDA.  Noted that events such as mountain biking may be relevant to this area, and that a number of Olympic athletes live locally. ACTION: MC

5. Finance & Projected Budget
A full report had been circulated, and accepted.  The chair explained the principle of delegated powers which would be discussed at the main Council Meeting in February.

6. Progress Reports.

a) Bank Vale Field
Report noted.  The chair reminded the meeting that there was a contractual obligation to retain the field as a village asset.  The Sports Body should be a small committee to include Hayfield Community Sports.  It should be set up as a legal entity: some discussions had already taken place.  There should be a meeting with HCS as soon as possible, to include all the RL&T cttee.  ACTION: MC
b) Works on Recreation Ground and Old School Field
Report noted.  Notices are urgently needed in sandpit and tennis courts areas concerning dogs on leads.                    ACTION: MC
Top o' the Town: an additional 20 tones of top soil needed. ACTION: MC

c) Community Orchard Project
Report noted.  It was decided to go ahead with a pilot scheme this year.  This would entail planting a small number of fruit trees in the Children's Play area on the Recreation Ground, and alongside the path leading down from the Scout Hut to the Old School Field.  Cllr S McCall will contact D Ross Nurseries to suggest types of trees suitable for Hayfield. ACTION: SMcC
It was also notes that the path from Thornsett Lane to Little Hayfield had in previous years been planted with wild fruits and that this could be incorporated into the current schemes.
For the long-term scheme, the Primary School will need to be involved. It was noted that the next meeting of the Educational Trust was the 12th February, and so a meeting with the Headmaster of Hayfield School Mr John Posnett would need to be convened before that date.
Working party to consist of S McCall, P Gee, Clerk MC and by invitation Mrs E Crompton.  Clerk to contact J Posnett with suitable dates. ACTION: MC

d)  Allotments
Report noted.

e) Home Zone: Wood Lane
A letter to be sent to County Cllr Beth Atkins asking if she can help to progress this.  Also to advise on how to link this with the BEAC proposals and possible funding. ACTION:MC

  1. Tourism and Merchandising

a)  2009 Walks leaflet.
It was reported that the leaflet was now ready for printing.  Suggested that A5 plastic pockets to contain leaflets be purchased to make sales more attractive.  Moved that 100 copies be printed and the Hayfield Newsagents be approached with a view to possible sales. ACTION: MC

On the topic of tourism, it was noted that the Bus Station toilets were seldom opened until after 9.30am in the morning.  Letter to be sent to DCC. ACTION: MC
There was some discussion about guided walks and the possible links with the Ranger Service and the British Heart Foundation, plus the High Peak Walking Festival.  Update for next meeting.
Cllr J Harvey had circulated some notes previously about commemorating the Kinder Mass Trespass with a Heritage Project.  Also mentioned was a 'Coronation Street' trail in Hayfield/Little Hayfield.  Agreed to convene a group in April to work on this project.

b) Parish Collection: Pro-Loco
Agreed the summer exhibition would not take place in the underpass, rather the Village Hall. Discussion centred on postcards and a loan scheme.  It was reported the photographing of the paintings was proceeding. S McC and P Gee to investigate staging. ACTION: S McC & PG

c)  Website.
Parish Collection can be viewed at -    http://www.settvalley.com/VillColl.html
Mountain Biking routes in the Parish -   http://www.hayfield.uk.net/MtBk-01.html

d) Historical Archive:
Work to date can be seen at - http://www.virtualparish.net/Archive-01.html

e) Mountain Biking:
Cllr A Seipp to report on progress of Autumn Event   at next meeting. ACTION: AS

f) Media Festival:
Information received from going live and local - http://www.liveandlocal.org.uk/
R Seipp and J Pincher to be contacted re. possible event in Autumn. ACTION: MC

             8. Date of next meeting:
18th March 2009

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee

21st January 2009

The next meeting of the Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee will be on Wednesday 28th January at 7.00pm in the Parish Council Office.

Mike Crompton

Mike Crompton,
Clerk to the Parish Council


1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2008. (attached)
4 Chairman’s announcements
5. Report on Finance: and Projected Budget
6. Progress Reports
a) Bank Vale Field
b) Works on Recreation Ground and Old School Field
c) Community Orchard Project
d) Allotments
e) Play Street/Home Zone – Wood lane estate
7.       Tourism and Merchandising

  1. 2008/9 Walks Leaflet
  2. Parish Collection  incl: Pro Loco exhibition, 20th June 2009
  3. Website
  4. Environmental and Historical Archive
  5. Mountain Biking  - Hayfield Cycle Hub
  6. Media Arts Festival

8 Date of next meeting



Minutes of the Recreation, Tourism and Leisure Committee, th December 2008

Present: Cllrs P Gee (Chair), Mrs S McCall, Mrs V Wieteska, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, J Harvey.
Minutes Clerk: K Chesworth

1. Apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2008.
4. Variations to the Agenda.
Cllr Gee added three new items to the agenda. At the end of the discussion, it was requested that these three items are added to future agendas, and that the budgetary implications are considered.
i) Village orchard.  It has been proposed that the village school and Parish Council jointly fund one or more village orchards. The Council would need to find the land. The May Queen Field was suggested, and possibly the school. Cllr Gee felt that as planting is needed November-February, this needs to be agreed now. It was felt that the scheme is good for sustainability and well being. It was suggested that the Peak Park may have funds to support this, and at least one site would be within their boundary. Cllr Gee proposed the Council works with other groups such as the school and Peak Park to find land and to make a financial contribution. There is money available in the budget for the Old School Field already, through the May Queen festival. Standards or half-standards should be ordered imminently, for delivery in January. Cllr Gee proposed a contribution from the Council of £500 this financial year. AGREED.
Cllrs S McCall, Gee and Ramwell will work together to progress this project.     ACTION: SM, PG, AR
The Peak Park must be written to, to request financial support. ACTION: MC
The Educational Trust must be consulted to involve Hayfield School. ACTION: PG
ii) Mountain biking.  Richard Seipp has written to P Gee: the mountain biking group in Hayfield would like to get involved in providing facilities. Key sites were felt to be the Valley Road recreation ground and Bank Vale Field. A Hayfield event for an annual mountain bike race was requested. Cllr Gee has written to Richard Seipp to set up a meeting. Cllr Gee suggested the Council support this and offer free use of facilities, parking, land, etc. The Committee felt the race was a good idea. Cllr Gee suggested October for the race.
iii) Media/arts festival.  This festival has been proposed by village residents working in this area. It would be based on photography, film, video, music. Cllr Gee felt this should be supported, and suggested October for the event. It would be worth setting up an arts group.
5. Terms of reference
No comments made.
6. Reports:
i) Friends Group.  No comments made.
ii) Old School Field: walling.  No comments made.
iii) Bank Vale Field.  The Educational Trust has awarded the Council a grant of £25k to fund the first stage of purchasing the field. Hayfield PCC have now appointed solicitors, who are communicating with the Council's solicitors. Cllr Harvey proposed that as a contingency the Council allocates £15k from their reserves for 2009-10 to cover the next payment; the plan is to apply for a grant for this £15k and if successful, the £15k reserves could then be allocated elsewhere. This will be proposed at the Finance meeting. Cllr Ramwell informed the Committee that the May Queen organisers have agreed to lend their two marquees for an opening ceremony. The Committee agreed that an opening ceremony was a good idea.
iv) Little Hayfield Recreation Ground.  New sand is required for the sandpit, in the new season.
v) War Memorial.  Discussed later in the '2009-10 budget' section.
vi) Under bridge project.  A grant has been awarded by the Development Trust to continue development of this project. Cllr Gee suggested that the plaque in the playground shows a local trust helped to fund it, and that this same trust should be written to to seek funding for this project.
7. Tourism: publications.
The noticeboard has yet to be erected. Cllr Gee feels the Clerk's office needs an IT budget for capital funding (equipment and software) and consumables (printing, ink, etc) to support the tourism publications.
Need to consider high-level walks map once low-level one is complete (if take-up is good).
8. Projects for coming year.
i) Pro Loco.  Standardised frames and fixings are required for the library of previous winners' paintings, in order to support businesses and individuals loaning them and changing them. A budget is required for framing, fixings and labour, which could be spread over two years. Cllr Ramwell proposed setting a budget after prices of framing etc have been investigated. AGREED
Cllrs S McCall, Harvey and Gee to investigate this and set budget. ACTION: SM, JH, PG
Cllr S McCall suggested using the underpass to exhibit the library of paintings for the half day of the Pro Loco exhibition this year. It could be whitewashed and would work as a better gallery than any other venue. It would need marshalling during the event and closing beforehand while the painting is completed and dries. Cllrs S McCall, P Gee, and the Clerk to work together to develop this idea and contact DCC (who own the underpass) to see if they are amenable. ACTION: SM, PG, MC
ii) Abolition of the car parking charge.  It was recommended that the Council approach DCC with a view to abolish the charge at the Old Station site, with the aim of reducing car parking problems elsewhere in the village and encouraging visitors. ACTION: MC
iii) Home Zones.  It is hoped that Wood Lane can become a Home Zone when it is adopted. The Council should also investigate other areas suitable for Home Zones.
iv) Asset register & maintenance.  Agreed that an asset register is an essential piece of work to complete. Will enable better planning and budgeting. Will enable better maintenance of the Council's assets. Suggested that a survey is undertaken in spring 2009.
v) Valley Road football area.  The football area posts are very scruffy and the grass is patchy. Discussion held, and agreed that as this is a general 'kick-about' area, posts are not required, and if they were not there children would create their own temporary pitches, allowing the land to recover and making football more child-friendly.
Phase 1: Remove the old goal posts to allow the land to recover. Level and re-seed the land.
Phase 2: Only required if there is a swell of public opinion requesting new goal posts. Apply for grants to install new goal posts to current standards.
Cllr Gee suggested £60k should be set aside from the 2009-10 budget to cover this.
Cllr Wieteska noted that the gates to the recreation ground at Valley Road need fixing a.s.a.p.
9. Budget 2009-2010.
There are maintenance implications for Bank Vale Field that will need to be built in to the budget. Maintenance will be limited to the perimeter and mowing. The cost of mowing will be covered by club rents. If clubs gain permission to use the field under license, additional costs and facilities will be their liability. Once the Field enters Council ownership, a Council sub-committee will be required to act as a management committee.
Two major priorities from the Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee for the 2009-10 budget: Bank Vale Field and Valley Road recreation ground (incl. Footpath). The cost of Bank Vale Field is known but maintenance allocation is yet to be decided. For Valley Road Field, costs are unknown until tenders come in. Cllr Harvey needs to investigate when these tenders are due back (ie. Are they in time for the January finance meeting?). The costs of the football 'kick-about' area discussed above also need to be included. ACTION: JH & MC

Note: Cllr Ramwell left the meeting at 20.30.

With the new tourism remit of this sub-committee, it is felt that the War Memorial project should go ahead, with this sub-committee supporting BEAC, as it is an essential showcase for the village. Cllrs Gee & McCall felt the project must be built in January-February 2009 in time for the coming season of events. They felt the project could not wait until 2010. Cllrs Harvey & Wieteska felt the timescales for this were too tight and the project could wait until 2010.
It was agreed that Cllr Harvey should investigate the treasury loan, which could be used if the grant application is unsuccessful. Cllr Harvey should find out the timescales and process involved, based on a £50k loan. ACTION: JH
If the treasury loan timescale is untenable, the project may have to wait until 2010 if the grant is unsuccessful. Cllr Gee felt that the process of applying should begin and it can always be discontinued if the grant is successful.
10. Date and time of next meeting.
No date/time were set, though it was agreed no meeting was required for January 2009. Small groups should meet instead, as per the actions above.


The meeting concluded at 21.00.