Hayfield Parish Council Minutes Archive

Minutes of the meeting held on:
Wednesday 14th April, 2004 and Tuesday 20th April 2004 in the Council Offices

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, A.Ramwell, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr. R.Shockledge.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

Declaration of Interest: Cllrs.Crompton and Mellor declared that any views expressed on planning matters to be preliminary only and reserved the right to a different view when representing another authority.

Minute Action by:

135 Open Forum

Mrs.Powell raised a number of issues relating to the use of the Council's Notice Boards, which were noted. In the absence of a police presence, Cllrs.Gee and Hodgson commented on recent police issues.

136 Minutes of the Council Meeting 3rd March 2004

These were agreed as a correct record.

137 Minutes of the Appointments' Panel 30 March 2004

These were agreed as a correct record.

138 Planning Applications

a) Extension to Garden Room, Mountain View, Highgate Road, Hayfield (NP/HPK/0304/0259) - Cllr.Crompton declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in this application, which was strongly approved.
b) Variation of Conditions re.Former Paper Mill, Thornsett Lane, Hayfield (NP/HPK/0304/0296) - this application was strongly opposed on grounds of character and quality issues for this proposal.
c) Replacement of Conservatory, 3,Basingwerke Court, off Station Road, Hayfield (HPK/2004/0222) - this was approved, subject to compliance with relevant privacy distances per the Local Plan.
d) Replacement of rear utility/entrance extension, Redbrick House, Station Road, Birch Vale (HPK/2004/0241) - this was strongly approved.

139 DALC Circulars

The following circulars were noted:-
12/04 Consultation about public places under s42 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
13/04 Consultation on Burial Law.
14/04 Legal Topic Note on Protection of "Ownerless" Common Land.
15/04 Legal Topic Note on Private Access to Council's Recreation Ground.
16/04 The cycle of Local Government elections in England.
17/04 Local Council Review subscription form.
18/04 General.
19/04 DEFRA consultation on statutory directions to the Environment Agency and Waste Collection Authorities on the unlawful disposal of waste.
20/04 Consultation Papers ODPM "Planning Policy Statement" and "Community Involvement"in planning.
21/04 Local Investigation of allegations of misconduct - consultation by ODPM on proposed regulations.
22/04 Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000: proposals for Regulations under s38 - Appeals relating to Notices.
The minutes of the DALC meeting of 28 February 2004 were also noted.

140 Reports of the Clerk

a) The Clerk's actions to advertise the casual vacancy for Hayfield Town Ward were noted. It was agreed that applications would be considered by the full Council.
b) The Continuing Professional Development Report was noted.
c) Proposals for improving the Little Hayfield recreation field were accepted and agreement given to advertising these on the Little Hayfield Notice Board. Any ensuing comments would be considered at the next Council meeting before arrangements were made for a working party.
d) Completion of the Annual Audit was noted.

141 Accounts for payment

The following items were approved:-

Financial Year 2003/04
Item £_
Premises 29.50
Salaries 761.92
Administration 107.74
Village amenity expenses 586.42
Recreation & Leisure 289.94

Financial Year 2004/05
Item £_
Premises 264.85
Administration 353.63
Village amenity expenses 36.83

A preliminary Outturn Report was also noted.

142 Matters for Decision

a) A request from 1st Hayfield Scout Group to use the former School Field for car parking on 20 June for the Kinder Trog Fell Race was approved, subject to usual conditions.
b) A request from the May Queen Festival to use the Council Office and Football Field on 8 May was approved, subject to usual conditions. The Council is agreed to donate a trophy, to be called the Jim Harrison Cup in memory of the late councillor.
c) The Council agreed to enter the Calor Derbyshire Village of the Year 2004 competition and the Chairman and Clerk were asked to complete the registration details. The expense of the entry fee was approved.
d) The response from DCC re. the failure of the street lighting plans for the corner of Lea Road and Swallow House Lane, Hayfield, was noted and it was agreed to await the outcome of Cllr.Bull's initiative with the county council.
e) Approval was given to incur expenditure on Bedding Plants; bark for Play Areas; refurbishing a number of Parish seats; and a new mower as detailed in the Clerk's report. The Clerk was also asked to obtain a price to repair to the rubber surround of the Children's sand pit in Valley Road Recreation area; to reinstate the gate to this area; and top up with sand.
f) A letter from DCC re. Salt Bins was considered and the Clerk was asked to seek clarification of its contents, preferably by inviting an officer from the county to address a future meeting of the Council..

143 Reports from Representatives

a) Wright-Turner Party - Cllr.Wieteska commented on the recent successful annual party, enjoyed by all those attending. The Chairman also thanked the organisers for their excellent efforts.
b) Scouts - no specific report.
c) Village Hall - Cllr.Waterhouse advised of a forthcoming "table top sale" to be held on 17 April.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities - none.
e) May Queen - Cllr.Ramwell advised on progress to this year's events, and councillors were invited to help in the final preparations on 7 May.
f) Allotments Liaison - Cllr.Turner advised on a recent allotment holders meeting when a new Chairman and Secretary were appointed. The Council agreed to support a grant application and asked to see details at the next Council meeting.
g) Hayfield Educational Trust - Cllr.Hodgson advised on recent investment arrangements.
h) Peak Park Parishes Forum - the Chairman referred to the recent newsletter.
i) Parish Plan Steering Group - Cllr.Gee reported on the receipt of £2,250 to complete the Plan, with a retention of a further £250 to be released on final publication. Drafting of the Plan was well in hand, following which all relevant parties would be consulted. A number of councillors raised issues relating to the Steering Group's handling of the process and after a lengthy airing, the Chairman closed the meeting and asked for a resumption on the following Tuesday.

Resumed Council meeting on Tuesday 20th April 2004.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, A.Ramwell, R.Shockledge, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr. T.Turner.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

144 Parish Plan

The Chairman clarified a number of points made at the earlier meeting. Cllr.Gee confirmed that the Council's two nominations on the Steering Group were himself and Cllr.Wieteska, that Cllr. Crompton had been nominated by the Gardening Club, and that a further 13 parishioners were on the Steering Group, actively supported by a larger group of villagers. He advised that the Countryside Agency required a Draft Plan by the end of April, but in view of the lengthy delays in getting the Plan underway, an extension to this deadline was being sought. Cllr.Gee, Chairman of the Steering Group, accepted that many lessons had been learnt as a result of this new initiative, and agreed to inform his colleagues of the various issues raised by members.
Cllr.Mellor proposed that the Council call a public meeting to discuss progress on the Parish Plan, seconded by Cllr.Waterhouse.
Cllr.Gee proposed an amendment that the publication of the Parish Plan be awaited before any public meetings were called.
The amendment was carried.

145 Items for Information

The following were noted:-
a) The Environment Agency response to fallen trees on the River Kinder was noted with displeasure, and members asked the Clerk to make an appropriate reply.
Cllr.Crompton declared an interest in the next item and Cllr.Mellor took the Chair.
b) An application for structural alterations pursuant to s20, Licensing Act 1964 by The Packhorse, Market Street, Hayfield.
Cllr.Crompton in the Chair.
c) A letter from Mr.& Mrs.Burford on changes at Hayfield Quarry. Cllr.Bull's comments were also noted.
d) A letter from Mr.& Mrs.Burford on parking problems at Birch Vale was referred to PC Townsend for police views.
e) A letter from Ms.B.Cole thanking HPC for response to DCC Library sign.
f) A letter from DCC advising that Cultivation Licence for 6, Fisher's Bridge, Hayfield had been approved.
g) A letter from Mrs.S.Wrigley was referred to the Recreation and Leisure Committee for further consideration.
h) A letter from DCC for referring local events to them so that Statutory Undertakers could be informed to minimise clashes with their works; the Clerk was asked to advise on events known so far.
i) The North Staffordshire/West Derbyshire Rural Transport Partnership reminder re. the Rural Access Fund.
j) The Derbyshire Police Authority Annual Report summary for 2002/03.
k) CPRE newsletter; no nominations for Countryside Design Awards 2004 were proposed.
l) Peak Park newsletter.
m) DCC Accessibility Planning Survey.

146 Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman advised on 12 recent meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council.

Minutes of the meeting held on:
Wednesday 3rd March 2004 in the Council Offices.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr. A. Ramwell.

In Attendance: PC S.Townsend (for item 3 only); Clerk P.H.Thompson.

Declaration of Interest: Cllrs.Crompton and Mellor declared that any views expressed on planning matters to be preliminary only and reserved the right to a different view when representing another authority. Cllr. Hodgson recorded a personal interest in Planning Application agenda item 7b.

Minute Action by:

124 Police Matters

PC Townsend gave an update on recent crime statistics and outlined proposals for addressing recent problems, followed by a discussion with councillors.

125 Open Forum

No member of public present.

126 Minutes

These were agreed as a correct record.

127 Planning

a) HPBC - ref.HPK/2004/0110; land off Mill Street, Hayfield. No objection.
b) PP - ref.NP/HPK/0204/0163; addition of chimney, Farlands Coach House, Kinder Road. Cllr.Hodgson declared a personal interest in this application and took no part in the discussion. No objection.
Two further applications were considered as a matter of urgency since responses were required before the next Council meeting.
c) NP/HPK/0304/0245; erection of dwellings, Glossop Road, Little Hayfield. No objections if limited to two storey development.
d) NP/HPK/0204/0213; change of use of portakabin in barn, Higher Heys Farm, Highgate Road, Hayfield. Cllr.Crompton declared a non-prejudicial interest in this application. No objections.

128 DALC Circulars

The following circulars were noted:-
8/04 Consultation Paper on Regulations to remove or relax general restrictions on access land under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.
9/04 Legal Note - Acquisition of Ownerless Land.
10/04 General.
11/04 Consultation on Planning Appeal process (ODPM).

129 Reports of the Clerk

a) Building Condition Survey: this comprehensive survey was considered and the following matters resolved:-
i) that in view of the very high estimate to comply with DDA legislation, it was agreed that it was not reasonable to expend such sums on the existing council offices, and if a need arose, an alternative venue would be used.
ii) the Clerk was authorised to commission an asbestos survey as a matter of priority.
iii) that in the light of the asbestos survey, works would be prioritised and phased within approved budgets.

b) Signage for recreation areas: it was agreed to clean and paint existing signs as necessary. The Clerk was authorised to obtain new signs for the skateboard park.

c) The Parish Councils' Allowance Scheme as approved by High Peak BC was adopted.

d) The resignation of Cllr.J.Harrison, who had served on the Council for almost 49 years, was noted. Councillors were saddened by the circumstances of his decision, and asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks for his long service to Hayfield Parish Council.

130 Accounts for payment

The following items were approved:-

Item £_
Premises 29.50
Salaries 778.90
Administration 232.83
Village amenity expenses 28.92
Vital Villages/Parish Plan 439.40

A budget monitoring report was also noted.

131 Matters for Decision

a) Trees in Valley Road Recreation park, Hayfield - it was agreed to obtain new quotes for the pruning and associated works approved by HPBC.

b) Grass verges opposite the cemetery, New Mills Road, Hayfield - the Clerk advised that DCC had been alerted to the poor state of these as a result of illegal parking, and it was agreed to consider the Council's options when a response was received from DCC.

c) Refurbishment of play/recreation equipment - it was agreed that:-
i) a new swing at Little Hayfield be obtained from the original supplier.
ii) new quotes would be obtained for the resurfacing the base for the swings in Valley Road recreation site.
iii) quotes would be obtained for new litter bins for the sites discussed.
iv) the purchase of a strimmer was agreed up to the maximum price outlined.
v) Quotes for a new mower would be obtained.

132 Reports from Representatives

a) Scouts - none.
b) Village Hall - Cllrs.Hodgson and Waterhouse reported that a successful coffee morning had been held.
c) Non Ecclesiastical Charities - none.
d) May Queen - none.
e) Allotments - none.
f) Hayfield Educational Trust - none.
g) Peak Park Parishes Forum - the Chairman reported that a planning meeting was to be held at Loosehill Hall.
h) Parish Plan Steering Group - Cllr.Gee reported that over 400 people had attended the recent presentation at the Church Hall. The next stage was to prepare a Draft Plan for further consideration.

133 Correspondence

The following were noted:-
a) Peak District NPA Annual Review 2002/03.
b) United Utilities advice that ongoing overhead line reconstruction will shortly be taking place at Little Hayfield.
c) a BT notification that the payphone at Swallow House Lane, Hayfield is to be removed.

134 Chairman's Announcements

a) the date for the Annual Parish meeting was confirmed for 28 April, venue to be confirmed.

b) the next Parish Council meeting is to be deferred to 14 April.

c) the Chairman reported that he had attended 17 meetings including the DALC training day.

d) the Chairman notified that he had been invited to join the Rural Deprivation Forum, and this was agreed.

e) the Chairman advised that he would donate his allowance from the HPBC Standards Committee for hanging baskets.

f) the Chairman reported that the Gardening Club had agreed to sponsor five additional hanging baskets and the Recreation Committee were asked to decide where to position these.