2004 - 2005

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 6th April 2005 in St.Matthew’s Church Hall.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (in the Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, A.Ramwell, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr.D.Mellor

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

County Councillor J.Bull was also present, together with 8 members of the public.

Declaration of Interests: Cllr.Crompton for the DCC Planning Application.

Minute Action by:

208 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2nd March 2005
These were agreed as a correct record.

209 Open Forum
Mrs.J.Abbots reported that the Licensing issues concerning the Royal Hotel had been resolved amicably.
Mrs.Waterhouse advised that the May Queen Festival Committee would be submitting its application to use the Royal Hotel.
Mr.Barnard referred to poor lighting on Valley Road, near junction with Spring Vale Road footpath, and Cllr.Bull agreed to pursue this with DCC, along with a complaint that trees were obliterating other lights on Valley Road.

210 Police Matters
The local police representative was not present and councillors complained
that the beat bobby was seldom seen. The Clerk was asked to write to the
Inspector for an explanation PT
211 Meeting of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Chairman of Recreation & Leisure Committee, 24 March 2005
The Clerk gave an update on developments for the Old School Field, and the
minutes were noted.

212 Planning Applications
a) The re-submission by Mrs.A.Barlow of 33 Kinder Road, Hayfield, for change of use of shop to residential to include flat to create one dwelling unit (HPK/2004/1106) was opposed on grounds of loss of amenity.

b) Cllr.Crompton declared an interest in this item and left the meeting.

Cllr.Ramwell in the Chair
The proposed extension for a new classroom, Hayfield Primary School by DCC (CD1/0305/219) was supported.

Cllr.Crompton in the Chair, to consider two new applications received:
c) Application by Mr. & Mrs.Postlethwaite of Mews House, Swallow House Lane, Hayfield, for alterations and additions to existing house to form holiday cottage (HPK/2005/0220) was supported for encouraging tourism in the village.
d) Application by Mrs.K.Patrick of 103 Kinder Road, Hayfield, for side conservatory (HPK/2005/0224) was supported.

213 DALC Circulars
Three Circulars were noted, the last being circulated as an urgent item since it
contained information pertinent to the forthcoming Annual Parish meeting.The
Clerk was asked to refer the NALC Youth Council Toolkit to the youth workers
in Hayfield. It was agreed that Cllrs.Crompton and Wieteska attend the DALC
Training day on 16 April. PT

214 DALC
It was resolved to renew both the membership of DALC and the subscription
for Local Council Review.

215 AQA qualification
The Clerk reported on his recent attainment of the AQA accreditation proving competence in the role of parish clerk, and was congratulated by members.

216 HPBC grant & Rate Relief
The Clerk reported on an increase in grant from High Peak BC for 2005/06, and the receipt of rate relief, these being noted.

217 Applications for Lettings
It was resolved to grant the free use of the Old School Field to 1st Hayfield Scout Group on 19th June, and the May Queen Festival on various dates requested, subject to receipt of satisfactory insurance cover. It was also agreed to water the planter on Church Street during summer months, after it is replanted by the May Queen Committee.

218 HPBC Playground Inspection
The Clerk reported on this late item which identified urgent repairs for play equipment in Valley Road recreation field caused by vandalism, and it was resolved to undertake these as outlined by the Clerk. Other requirements would be attended to during regular maintenance work. PT

219 Cultivation Licence, Chapel Road/Church Street
The Clerk gave an update for this urgent item following final receipt of information from the statutory undertakers. It was resolved to proceed with the planting arrangements and that the Clerk liaises with the Civic Trust to complete this project. PT

220 Little Hayfield tree pruning
Consideration was given to a recent request from a resident at Little Hayfield
to prune a tree which was undermining the Council’s boundary wall. It was
resolved to ask that this tree be removed and replaced by a more suitable
specimen, as advised by Peak Park staff, and to accept the offer to rebuild the
wall. PT

221 Allotments
A late request from the Allotments Society for the purchase of more stone chippings for paths was approved.

222 Calor Derbyshire Village of the Year 2005
It was resolved to enter this competition, and that the Chairman and Clerk
complete the application. MC/PT

223 Hayfield Well Dressing
Proposals from the Hayfield Well Dressing Committee were noted.

224 DCC Rights of Way Improvement Plan
It was resolved that members complete the questionnaire individually and
return it to the Clerk by 30th April for compiling into a Council response. All

225 Little Hayfield sandpit
The Clerk referred to one response received following the public notice
regarding its future. It was resolved to retain the sandpit and to improve its
condition. PT

226 Little Hayfield traffic
Responses from Derbyshire Constabulary and Mrs.Southern were
Considered, and referred to the Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Committee.

227 Resignation of Cllr.Shockledge
This was noted and the vacancy for the Sett Ward declared. The Clerk was
asked to send a letter of thanks for her service to the Parish Council.
Cllr.Crompton was nominated as a new signatory for the Little Hayfield Project
savings account with the Vernon Building Society. MC/PT

228 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 51.40
Management & Administration 73.31
Recreation and Open Spaces 451.28
Village Amenities 169.06

Premises 152.83
Management & Administration 746.57
Recreation and Open Spaces 480.00

229 United Utilities work in Hayfield
Cllr.Wieteska referred to a recent site meeting with a representative of UU, which had identified damage to a wall in Valley Road, Hayfield. It was agreed that this matter be referred to DCC, as highways authority. PT

230 Sett Valley Trail
Cllr.Crompton reported that parts of this trail had become badly overgrown, and it was resolved to report the matter to the Countryside Service, DCC. PT

231 Report of County Councillor J.Bull - County Council & Peak Park matters
PP Local Development Framework was underway.
DCC Hayfield library had been successfully decorated and reopened.
DCC Hayfield primary school extension was programmed.
DCC Highways were looking at junction improvements at A624/New Mills Road, Hayfield.

232 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner – Cllr.Wieteska reported that the annual party had been a resounding success, and she thanked all who had helped make this possible. Councillors thanked Cllr.Wieteska for her contribution to this event, and also asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr.M.Bennett. PT
b) Scouts – Cllr.Ramwell reported on a recent successful weekend trip to
c) Village Hall – none.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities – none.
e) Hayfield Educational Trust – none.
f) Peak Park Parishes Forum – Cllr.Crompton advised that a web site was being created, and that another Parish Councils’ Day was being organised.

233 Correspondence for noting
a) HPBC response re. recycling.
b) HPBC response re. graffiti.
c) DEFRA/DTI partnership for Broadband & Rural Communities.
d) Various letters re. licensing issue for Royal Hotel, Hayfield.
e) DEFRA re. quality parishes.
f) HPBC Review of Council Code of Conduct.
g) Mayor of HPBC thanking the Wright Turner party organisers.
h) Proposed transfer of a Justice’s Licence and Gaming Licence for The Printers Arms, Birch Vale to Mrs.Bernadette Christina McGahey and Mr.Kenneth John McGahey.

234 Annual Parish Meeting
It was noted that this will be held in St.Matthew’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on
Wednesday 27April 2005.

235 Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman tabled a list of meetings attended during his term of office. He thanked County Councillor John Bull, who was standing down at the forthcoming election, for all his work in supporting Hayfield at both the County and Peak Park.
Congratulations were asked to be sent to Robert Hayles for his recent cycling gold medal successes at the World Track Championships. PT
A draft newsletter was circulated for members to comment.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday, 4th May 2005 at the Council Office, Hayfield.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd March 2005 in the Council Office.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (in the Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, A.Ramwell, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

County Councillor J.Bull was also present, and High Peak Borough Councillor A.Ashton sent apologies.

Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Mellor declared that he would abstain from participation in planning matters. Cllr.Gee declared a personal interest in planning application CW1/0205/201 and Cllr.Hodgson declared a personal interest in the item on Gates for Old School Field.

Minute Action by:

178 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 26th January 2005
These were agreed as a correct record.

179 Presentation by Mr. Duncan Chapman, Harvest Group
Mr. Chapman gave a comprehensive presentation on the Affordable Housing
project off Swallow House Lane and answered a number of questions from

180 Police Matters
The local police representative was not present and the Clerk was asked to
refer damage at the bus station to him. PT

181 Open Forum
No members of the public present.

182 Report of County Councillor J.Bull - County Council matters
Cllr.Bull referred to a possible realignment of the junction of the A624 and New Mills Road, subject to budget approval. No details were yet available. He also advised that he would be stepping down as a councillor at the next election. Parish councillors expressed their thanks to him for the contribution he had made over many years to the well being of Hayfield parish.

183 Planning
a) This urgent item was allowed in view of the short timescale. An application by Grade A Components Ltd., New Mills Road, Hayfield for change of use from garage workshop to vehicle de-pollution and dismantling facility was supported.
b) Planning applications considered and supported since last Council under Standing Order 32.2 were noted.
184 DALC Circulars
Four circulars were noted. It was agreed that the Clerk and Cllr.Gee attend
the Derbyshire Records Office in May. PT/PG

185 Freedom of Information Act 2000
It was agreed that the Clerk be the Primary Authorisation and the Chairman
the Secondary Authorisation for the purposes of this Act.

186 Third Party use of sites
The Clerk presented a report introducing a policy to deal with third party use of sites in the Council’s control. It was resolved that all applicants must submit copies of valid Public Liability insurance; that all requests would be referred to the Council for approval, requiring a minimum 6 weeks notice; that no charge would be imposed for those events supported by the Council;
that a charge of £50 be levied on other voluntary events; and that for commercial events be charged a premium rate of £250 per day, with a non-returnable 50% charge payable at the time of booking, subject to its approval.
For events up to the end of September that failed to give this notice, delegation was given to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman to consider these as appropriate. PT

187 Kinder Downfall Fell Race
Approval was given to a request for the Kinder Downfall Race to use the Old
School Field for parking on 10 April next, subject to the terms discussed.

188 New Strimmer
The Clerk presented a report advising that parts could no longer be obtained for the existing strimmer, and detailing competitive prices for a new strimmer. It was resolved to purchase a new one on the terms outlined. PT

189 Tree felling, Little Hayfield Recreation ground
The Clerk advised of a site meeting with Mr.Goodwin of Peak District NPA, who had marked all trees and saplings to be felled around the perimeter of the recreation ground, primarily to minimise wall damage. Some small trees had already been felled by Council staff, and others would be felled when appropriate equipment was obtained. The Clerk was asked to ascertain if training was required for the use of a power saw, and to advise the utility companies of their overhead wires potentially getting caught in some larger trees. PT

190 Tree felling, Valley Road Recreation field, Hayfield
The Clerk presented a report detailing quotes received to fell 10 Lombardy poplar trees in Valley Road Recreation Field, as approved by High Peak BC. Members accepted the lowest quote.

191 Old School Field, Hayfield
Cllr.Hodgson reported on a recent meeting with Civic Trust representatives and other interested parties to assess improvements to Old School Field. It was resolved to ask the May Queen Festival for a report on necessary works for their use, and delegation was given to the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Chairman of Recreation & Leisure Committee to take any immediate appropriate action deemed necessary before the next Council, subject to the Clerk receiving all the relevant information on which decisions could be made.

192 Gates to Old School Field, Hayfield
The Clerk presented a report detailing quotes received to replace the gates to the Old School Field, Hayfield. It was resolved to defer a decision on these, pending the outcome of the overall assessment of improvements to this site, and the availability of grant aid.

193 Market Street, Hayfield
The Clerk reported on a recent site meeting with DCC representatives following complaints of the state of this road at its junction with Swallow House Lane. Mr.Hardy of DCC had agreed to undertake appropriate remedial works.

194 Royal Hotel and Village Hall access roads
Members considered the poor state of these roads and agreed to await advice from DCC regarding the former, whilst Cllr.Hodgson agreed to follow up the latter. EH

195 Venue for Council meetings
A number of members were critical of the poor facilities available at the Council Office for public meetings, and it was resolved that the Clerk arrange an alternative venue for the next Council meeting prior to any longer term decision.

196 Allotment Rents
It was resolved as an exception to allow one new quarter plot to be marked out at a rent of 25% of a full plot. Under no circumstance were any existing half plots to be sub-divided by the Allotments Association.

197 Football Field lease
Revised terms for this lease were received from the PCC and rejected. The Clerk was asked to ascertain if the PCC was willing to sell the site for communal village use. PT

198 Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed that this be held on Wednesday, 27 April and the Clerk was asked to book a suitable public venue. PT

199 Countryside Agency criteria for reviewing National Parks
A consultation paper was considered and it was resolved not to respond.

200 HPBC New Housing Strategy
It was agreed that the Chairman and Clerk make a suitable response to this
consultation. MC/PT

201 Hayfield Cemetery
A request for grant aid to support the maintenance of the enlarged cemetery was considered. It was resolved not to offer any grant for 2005/06, but to invite St.Matthew’s PCC to apply for support for 2006/07.

202 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 28.50
Management & Administration 550.55
Recreation and Open Spaces 755.04
Village Amenities 234.60
Allotments 99.41

203 Little Hayfield Traffic & Safety Advisory Committee
A report of a meeting was considered and the views expressed by this group were endorsed. The Clerk was asked to follow up with the appropriate bodies.

204 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner – Cllr.Wieteska reported that the proposed entertainers had withdrawn, and that an alternative was being sought.
b) Scouts – none.
c) Village Hall – none.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities – none.
e) Hayfield Educational Trust – none.
f) Peak Park Parishes Forum – the Chaiman reported that a conference was being organised for May.

205 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) notification from PDNPA that the planning application for a detached dependent living accommodation at Lower Harthill House, Rowarth, had been refused.
b) notification fromPDNPA that the planning application for internal & external alterations at 31, Cote Lane, Hayfield, had been granted, subject to conditions.
c) notification from PDNPA that the Listed Building consent for alterations at 29, Cote Lane, Hayfield, had been granted, subject to conditions.
d) DEFRA Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Bill.
e) ODPM discussion document “Vibrant Local Leadership”.
f) ODPM discussion document “Citizen Engagement & Public Services: Why Neighbourhoods Matter”.
g) Derbyshire Constabulary details re. Mobile Youth Service.
h) DCC temporary closure of part of Public Bridleway 53 off Highgate Road.

206 Derbyshire Local Transport Plan No.2
This urgent item was allowed in view of the short timescale, and it was agreed that the Chairman submit a response on behalf of the Parish Council. MC

207 Chairman’s Announcements

The next meeting of the Council is on Wednesday, 6th April 2005 at St.Matthew’s Church Hall, Hayfield.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 26th January 2005 in the Council Office.

Present: Cllrs A.Ramwell (in the Chair), P.Gee, E.Hodgson, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllrs. M.Crompton and D.Mellor.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

Three residents and a representative of the press were also present, together with two members of the Civic Trust for the item on the Cultivation Licence.

Declaration of Interest: Cllr.Hodgson declared a personal interest in planning application HPK/2005/0025.

Minute Action by:

160 Police Matters
PC J.Lloyd, Hayfield’s new beat officer, was welcomed to the meeting and he gave an update on recent crime statistics for the area.

161 Cultivation Licence
The Chairman allowed this item to be taken first and introduced Mrs.Richardson and Mr.Huddlestone of the Civic Trust who tabled plans for a proposed planting scheme for the land on the corner of Chapel Road and Church Street. These were considered and agreed by members, and the Clerk asked to submit them to Derbyshire CC.

161 Open Forum
Mr.Cole asked about progress on the Parish Plan and was advised that this was being considered later on the agenda.

162 County & Peak Park Matters
Apologies had been received from Cllr.Bull, and his letter previously circulated re. Hayfield Quarry was noted.

163 Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 1st December 2004
These were agreed as a correct record.

164 Minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee held on 11th January 2005
These were noted.

164 Minutes of the Finance Committee held on 18th January 2005
These were approved by those members present, and the budget virement for 2004/05 recommended by the Clerk was agreed.

165 Budget 2005/06
Members considered the recommendations of the Finance Committee for the 2005/06 Budget and approved this, the precept being agreed at £31,440 (5 members voted in favour and 2 abstained).

165 Planning
a) An application for a conservatory by Mr.&Mrs.Barnes of Derwyn, Highgate Road, Hayyfield was considered as an urgent item and supported, subject to the colour of the uPVC frame being more sympathetic to the area. Cllr.Hodgson declared a personal interest in this application and took no part in the discussions.
b) Planning applications considered and supported since last Council under Standing Order 32.2 were noted.
c) The Clerk advised that a copies of recent Planning Handbook and Guidance from the Peak District NPA was being obtained for all members.

166 DALC Circulars
Seven recent circulars were noted, and the following action agreed:-
a) The Clerk was asked to copy the Home Front Recall Scheme to the May Queen and Village Hall Committees.
b) A review of archive material should be undertaken, and the Clerk to assess this and report back to Council.
c) The Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Chairman of Finance Committee to consider the Model Contract of Employment and National Agreement on salaries and conditions of service for the Clerk, and report back to Council with recommendations.

164 Parish Plan Action Plan
The report of the Clerk was considered to take forward a number of issues arising out of the Parish Plan. It was proposed and seconded that these be approved as detailed in the report, and under Standing Order 5.2 a named
vote was called. Cllrs. Ramwell, Gee, Turner and Wieteska voted for the proposal; Cllrs. Waterhouse and Hodgson voted against; and Cllr.Shockledge abstained.

165 Advisory Committees
Draft terms of reference were considered and it was agreed :-
a) to establish a Hayfield Traffic Issues Advisory Committee on the terms outlined, and appoint Cllr.Gee and Hodgson to represent the Parish Council.
b) to establish a Little Hayfield Traffic Issues Advisory Committee on the terms outlined, and appoint Cllr.Shockledge to represent the Parish Council.
c) not to have an Advisory Committee for the Wright Turner Party, but simply to appoint a Secretary to undertake the necessary arrangements for this annual event. Cllr.Wieteska was invited to undertake this role, which she accepted.

166 Old School Field Gates
The Clerk referred to minute 35 of the Recreation and Leisure Committee and
advised that an appropriate budget could be set aside if members wished to
pursue this proposal, for which possible virement was identified. Members
agreed that the Clerk obtain quotations for this work and also asked that the
existing gates be locked as soon as possible.

167 Freedom of Information Act 2000
This item was deferred to the next Council meeting.

168 Recycling
A letter from Mrs.Harrison was considered and it was agreed that this matter
be referred to High Peak BC.

169 Chewing Gum Litter
A letter from Mr.Ainscough was considered and it was agreed that this matter
be referred to High Peak BC.

170 Parish Plan Correspondence
A letter from Ms.Allen was considered and it was agreed that this matter
be referred to the Hayfield Traffic Issues Advisory Committee.

171 Affordable Housing
Cllr.Turner expressed concern at the “unaffordability” to local villagers of the
new homes being offered on the new development off Swallow House Lane. It
was agreed that the Clerk invite a representative of this development to attend
the next meeting of the Council, along with Cllr.Bull to outline the Peak Park
position. PT

172 High Peak Parish Liaison
The Chairman allowed consideration of this urgent item and it was agreed that
councillors pass on any comments regarding the questionnaire to the Clerk by
18th February. It was also agreed that Cllrs. Crompton and Gee represent
the Council at the next Liaison Meeting on 22nd February.

173 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 66.37
Management & Administration 1,098.43
Recreation and Open Spaces 2,176.81
Village Amenities 972.41
Allotments 99.41
Community Support 250.00

Approval was also given for the purchase of allotment stone and spring
flowers as detailed by the Clerk from the respective budgets.

174 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner - Cllr.Wieteska gave details for the next party on
12th March, 2005.
b) Scouts – none.
c) Village Hall – Cllr.Waterhouse advised that a coffee morning and “table sale” was arranged for 12th February.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities – none.
e) Hayfield Educational Trust – none.
f) Peak Park Parishes Forum – none.

175 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) Parish Councils’ Day, 8th October 2005.
b) Derbyshire Police Annual Report 2003/04.
c) DCC Road Accidents Casualty Report 2003.
d) notification from PDNPA that the planning application to extend 54 Swallow House Lane, Hayfield, has been granted.
e) Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education Annual Report 2003/04.
f) Note from PC S.Townsend advising that he has left the Hayfield beat.
g) letter from DCC re. the condition of Market Street, Hayfield. Memebrs were unhappy at this response and asked that County Cllr.J.Bull be informed.

176 Chairman’s Announcements

It was moved and seconded that the following item be discussed as confidential business under Standing Order 29.1 as detailed by criteria 3, and the press and members of the public withdrew from the meeting.

177 Land Access and Disposal
Members noted a response from a householder regarding access to the playing field. The Clerk also referred to a request for the Council to consider the possible transfer of a small strip of land at Little Hayfield. This was approved in principle subject to an independent valuation, all the Council’s costs to be met by the applicant, although it was acknowledged that any such costs incurred would be reimbursed if the Council did not proceed with the proposed disposal.

The next meeting of the Council is on Wednesday, 2nd March 2005.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 1st December 2004 in the Council Office.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, A.Ramwell, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr.D.Mellor.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

County Councillor J.Bull also present.

Declaration of Interest: Cllr.Crompton declared that he would not participate in any discussion on Peak Park planning matters; Cllrs.Ramwell and Turner declared an interest in the item on Allotment rents.

Minute Action by:

136 Mr.Rob Hayles
The Chairman welcomed Mr.Hayles to the meeting and Councillors congratulated him on his recent success at the Athens Olympics.

137 Presentation by Mr. Adrian Fisher, High Peak BC
Mr.Fisher gave a presentation on the issues faced in the review of the High Peak Local Plan as they impacted on Hayfield in particular. Councillors raised a number of issues, to which Mr.Fisher responded, and the Chairman thanked him for his informative contribution.

138 Police Matters
PC S.Townsend was not present and no matters were raised.

139 Open Forum
Cllr.Bull advised councillors of imminent resurfacing work on the A624; recent approval to extend the primary school; and details impacting on the temporary closure of Hayfield Library.

140 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 3rd November 2004

These were agreed as a correct record.

141 Planning Applications
a) Change of use to a residential house Mr. K.Rangeley of G.W.Rangeley Newsagents, Market Street, Hayfield was opposed on the grounds of a loss of amenity in the village.

b) Change of use to a residential house by Mr.C.D.Hadfield, Butcher’s Shop, Market Street, Hayfield was opposed on the grounds of a loss of amenity in the village.

Cllr.Crompton vacated the Chair for the next application; Cllr.Ramwell in the Chair.

c) Installation of new overhead line on land near Higher Hills Farm, Hayfield by United Utilities was supported.

Cllr.Crompton in the Chair.

d) Two storey side extension at Meadows Farm, Ridge Top Lane, Hayfield by Mr.P.Ramwell was supported.

e) Single storey extension & conservatory by Mr.&Mrs.Howarth of 5, Station Road, Birch Vale was supported.

142 DALC Circulars

Two recent circulars were noted.

143 Council Representatives

The Clerk presented a detailed paper on Council Representatives, and it was agreed that no future appointments would be made by the Council to the Scouts; Village Hall; and May Queen Festival, but that these groups be invited to make presentations to the Council if they wished. Allotments Liaison would also be disbanded on the signing of the Allotment Agreement with the Allotments Society.
County Councillor Bull advised that he would present County issues that impacted on the parish after the Open Forum in future;

a response from the Borough Councillors is awaited.

144 Advisory Committees
The Council agreed to the setting up of Advisory Committees for issues that did not warrant a standing committee of the Council. These would be largely composed of village volunteers, with Council nominations, to be run on lines detailed in the Clerk’s report. The Wright-Turner Committee was immediately established as such a body, and its terms of reference would be presented to the next Council for approval. Councillors will nominate other such committees on a needs basis.

145 Allotments Society

The Clerk presented a draft agreement intended to formalise the Council’s working relationship with the Allotment’s Society. This was approved.

146 Allotment Tenancy Agreement
The Clerk presented a revised draft Tenancy Agreement for use with all allotment holders. This was approved for immediate introduction.

147 Code of Conduct
The Clerk reminded all councillors of their responsibilities with regard to their Interpretation of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, and in particular their use of privileged, confidential information. This advice was noted.

148 Correspondence
The Clerk advised members of the need to refer all Council correspondence, by letter or e-mail, sent directly to themselves for his attention, and not to reply other than to acknowledge receipt of such correspondence; such correspondence would then be dealt with formally by the Clerk. This protocol was agreed.

149 Conduct of Council Meetings
The Clerk referred to a paper prepared by the Chairman on the Conduct of Council meetings, requesting that more respect be given to procedures and personal views being expressed; that councillors do not leave the meeting without the Chairman’s consent; and the need generally to adhere to Standing Orders. The Clerk reiterated that compliance with such principles were the hallmark of a Quality Council, to which Hayfield was committed, and members agreed to improve their conduct at meetings.

150 Little Hayfield
The Clerk reported that DCC had inspected the bridge and found it to be safe; however, mesh would be placed on the wood base to help adhesion. DCC would also look at the stile and give advice on options for the Council to consider.

151 Annual Audit
The Clerk reported that this had been completed satisfactorily by the Audit Commission.

Cllr.Crompton declared a personal interest in the next item and vacated the

Chair; Cllr.Ramwell in the Chair.

152 Highgate Road, Hayfield, Gritting
The Clerk reported that DCC had declined to grit Highgate Road as part of their winter gritting routes as they were fully committed against budget. It was therefore agreed that the Parish Council provide another grit bin on Highgate Road and the Clerk was asked to expedite this. PT

Cllr.Crompton in the Chair

153 Derbyshire Waste Local Plan
The Clerk referred to recent correspondence for Proposed Modifications and it was agreed not to make any response. Cllr. Bull advised that the Save the Sett Valley Liaison Committee would be responding on these.

154 Allotment Rents
Cllrs.Ramwell and Turner declared a personal interest in this item. The Chairman proposed that allotment rents be kept unchanged for 2005, £10 per half plot, and this was agreed. Approval was also given to the Clerk to purchase 4 tons of stone chippings for drainage work, to be charged to the Allotments budget.

155 Request for Financial Contribution
A letter from Live & Local was considered and it was agreed not to make a financial contribution for the event requested.

156 Accounts for payment
The following expenditure was approved:-

Item £_

Premises 29.50
Management & Administration 794.00
Recreation and Open Spaces 1,351.42
Village Amenities 101.77
Parish Plan 50.00

It was noted that:

a) the Gardening post had been filled by Mrs. Helen Taylor.
b) the lowest quotation for the supply of Christmas trees had been accepted in accordance with Financial Regulation 15.2.c.

157 Reports from the Representatives

a) Wright-Turner - Cllr.Wieteska reported that arrangements for the next party set for 12 March, 2005, were progressing.
b) Scouts – Cllr.Ramwell advised that a new Explorer Group, for 14 – 18 year olds, had been formed, and this was welcomed.
c) Village Hall – none.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities – none.
e) Allotments Liaison – Cllr.Crompton reported that a successful meeting had recently taken place to discuss the draft agreements, now adopted by the Council.
f) Hayfield Educational Trust – none.
g) Peak Park Parishes Forum – the Chairman advised that the Peak Park had recently agreed to fund a newsletter.

158 Items for information

The following were noted:-

a) a summary of the Derbyshire Constabulary Parish Councils’ Evening.
b) Peak District NPA Annual Report 2003/04.
c) approval by the PDNPA of a planning application for the erection of a porch at 39, Lea Road, Hayfield.
d) approval by the PDNPA of a planning application for a change of use of a single dwelling to two dwellings at Sandy Bank, 29, Cote Lane, Hayfield.
e) PDNPA Supplementary Planning Guidance for Agricultural Developments.
f) a letter from Derbyshire CC advising that the nominations submitted for the Young Achiever Awards did not meet the judging criteria.
g) Notice of Acceptance by DCC for a claim, made by the Parish Council, to add a footpath along Mill Street, Hayfield.
h) Letter from Mr.R.Dean of Hayfield drawing attention to the fact that the gates to the Old School Field have been left open whilst contractors are using the field. The Clerk had acknowledged this matter.
i) Temporary Road closure by DCC for Oven Hill Road, Birch Vale, 9 – 11 December, to facilitate carriageway resurfacing.
j) Forthcoming temporary closure of Hayfield Library for refurbishment.
159 Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman advised that the precept would need to be set by the end of January to comply with High Peak BC’s timetable for council tax. Accordingly

it was agreed that:-
· the February Council meeting be brought forward to Wednesday, 26th January.
· the Finance Committee will meet as timetabled on Tuesday 18th January for preparing the 2005/06 Budget.
· the Recreation & Leisure Committee meet prior to the Finance Committee.
· the Council meeting of 5th January be cancelled, subject to the Clerk not having any urgent business requiring consideration.

The next meeting of the Council is on Wednesday, 26th January 2005.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on:
Wednesday 3rd November 2004 in the Council Office.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, A.Ramwell, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: none.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

County Councillor J.Bull and 2 members of the public.

Declaration of Interest: Cllr.Crompton declared that he would not participate in any discussion on Peak Park planning matters; Cllr.Mellor declared that he would not participate in any discussion on planning matters.

Minute Action by:

114 Open Forum
Mr.Rainsbury spoke about parking and traffic issues in Hayfield village, and the division caused by the by-pass. Cllr.Bull added that some of the issues could be referred to DCC.

115 Police Matters
Cllr.Mellor mentioned parking issues at Little Hayfield; agreed to refer to the Residents’ Group to be set up.

116 Presentation Ms.Faye Edwards, DCC Youth Service
Ms.Edwards tabled a summary and spoke about the issues being considered by young people. In the subsequent discussion, a number of issues requiring factual assessment were identified, and Ms.Edwards agreed to report back on these to a later meeting. The Chairman thanked her for her excellent work.

117 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 6th October 2004
These were agreed as a correct record.

118 Planning Applications
a) Enlarged access to field and hardcore track at Ridge Top Farm by Mr.A.Barnes, 113 New Mills Road, Hayfield was supported.

The Chairman vacated the Chair for the next application; Cllr.Ramwell in the
b) 2 storey side extension by Mr.&Mrs.D.Eaton, 54 Swallow House Lane, Hayfield was supported.

Cllr.Crompton in the Chair.

119 DALC Circulars
The Clerk reported on three recent circulars. It was agreed that comments on
the Prospectus for the Quality Parishes Investment Fund be passed to the
Clerk for forwarding to ODPM by 10 November. all

120 Standing Orders
It was agreed to delete Standing Order 5.3.d.

121 Valley Road recreation field, damage to wall
The Clerk explained the background of a boundary wall to Valley Road
recreation ground and it was agreed to advise Mr.Heath that this was not the
Council’s responsibility. PT

122 Grit Bins
The Clerk tabled a summary of the audit of grit bins. A number of factual
amendments were made, and approval given to repair those bins belonging to
the Parish Council. It was also agreed not to provide a new grit bin for
Morland Road, Birch Vale.

Cllr. Crompton then declared a personal and prejudicial interest and vacated
the Chair; he was allowed to remain in the meeting but took no part in the
following discussion.
Cllr.Ramwell in the Chair.
Consideration of a new grit bin for Highgate Road was deferred pending information from DCC on adding this road to the winter gritting routes.

Cllr.Crompton in the Chair.

123 Storage Issues
The Clerk referred to storage issues, with particular reference to a number of
bulky wheelchairs. It was agreed to dispose of the broken chair, and offer the
others, believed to have been donated to the Parish Council, to the Red Cross
at Marple. Cllr.Mellor agreed to check on the Wheelchair at Primrose Court,
believed to be one recently donated to the Parish Council. The Clerk was
asked to discuss these arrangements initially with the Pavilion Club. DM/PT

124 Poplar trees, Valley Road
The Clerk referred to a site meeting with the High Peak BC Tree Officer. It
was agreed to apply for consent to fell these poplar trees. PT

125 Cultivation Licence, Chapel Road
The Clerk advised members of suggestions from DCC for tree planting by the
Chapel Road entrance to the village, and subsequent discussions with the
Civic Trust. Further tree types were proposed for further consideration with
the Civic Trust.

126 Private Access to Little Hayfield recreation ground
The Clerk brought to the Council’s attention a potential land issue at Little
Hayfield. It was agreed to try and resolve this amicably, and the Clerk was
asked to take this matter forward on the lines discussed. PT

127 Ethical Framework Regulations
Members were alerted to amendments to these Regulations as part of their
Code of Conduct.

128 Football Field, Lea Road, Hayfield
A draft agreement was considered and it was agreed that the Chairman and
Clerk discuss this with the Church Authorities. MC/PT

129 Appointments Panel
Delegation was given to the Chairman of the Recreation & Leisure
Committee, Cllr. Hodgson, and the Clerk to conduct interviews for the part
time post of Gardener and make an appointment.

130 Parish Plan
The Chairman reported on the recent presentations of the Parish Plan, and
the Clerk was asked to present to the next meeting options for taking local
issues forward. PT

131 HPBC Corporate Plan
Members were invited to pass on any comments to the Clerk by 17th November for a formal response to HPBC. all

132 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 314.08
Management & Administration 462.49
Recreation and Open Spaces 636.03
Village Amenities 9.60
Parish Plan 634.14

Expenditure on Christmas trees was approved under s137, Local Government Act 1972.

133 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner - Cllr.Wieteska reported that arrangements for the next party set for 12 March, 2005, were progressing.
b) Scouts – Cllr.Ramwell advised that the bonfire and fireworks display would not be proceeding because of lack of sponsorship, despite the Council’s generous offer.
c) Village Hall – none, but the Chairman asked that the valuable contribution of this facility to village life be recorded
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities – none.
e) May Queen – a letter from the Secretary was noted.
f) Allotments Liaison – Cllr.Crompton reported that a meeting would be held later in the month.
g) Hayfield Educational Trust – none.
h) Peak Park Parishes Forum – the Chairman referred to the recent meeting in Hayfield, and the forthcoming planning seminar.
i) Parish Plan Steering Group – the termination of this group was noted.
The Clerk was asked to review the role and reporting arrangements of representatives, and to report to the next meeting. PT

134 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) Notification of the proposed change of licence at The Printers Arms, Thornsett, Birch Vale, which had been advised despite this premise not being in the parish.
b) refusal by the PDNPA of a planning application for the erection of house & garage on land between Cliff View and Brentwood.
c) refusal by the PDNPA of a planning application for the conversion of Hey Barn Farm to holiday accommodation.
d) approval by the PDNPA for a planning application for an animal feed store at 3, Clough Lane, Little Hayfield.
e) confirmation from the Secretary of State that Public Path no.34, linking Swallow House Lane to Primrose Vale Cottages has been reclassified as a bridleway.
f) letter from Tom Levitt MP re. anti-social behaviour.
g) letter from HPBC advising that the parish council capital grant system is to be reviewed.
h) CVS news and courses.
i) letter re. 26 Church Street, Hayfield, to which the Clerk would respond.
j) letter from Mr. & Mrs. Scotney.
k) notification from HPBC of the intention to adopt, and of proposed modifications to the replacement High Peak Local Plan.

135 Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman congratulated Cllr.J.Bull on his appointment to Vice Chairman
of the Peak District National Park Authority. He also reminded members of the
clean up at Little Hayfield recreation field on Saturday 13 November, and the
Remembrance Service on the following day, commencing at 10.20am.

The next meeting of the Council is on Wednesday, 1st December 2004.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on:
Wednesday 6th October 2004 in the Council Office.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, A.Ramwell, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: received from Cllr. R.Shockledge.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

PC Townsend for item 4, County Councillor J.Bull.

Declaration of Interest: Cllr.Crompton declared that he would not participate in any discussion on Peak Park planning matters; Cllr.Gee declared a personal interest in item minuted as 94b; and Cllr.Turner in item minuted as 112a.

Minute Action by:

88 Open Forum
No members of the general public were present.

89 Police Matters
PC Townsend reported on recent crime statistics and traffic data for Little Hayfield.

90 Presentation on New Mills & District Volunteer Centre
Mrs.D.Scapers outlined the work done in the Parish and answered questions from councillors.

91 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 25/26 August 2004
These were agreed as a correct record. Cllr.Crompton apologised to Cllr.Hodgson over a misunderstanding for arranging a meeting with Peak Park staff.

92 Standing Orders
Draft proposals were approved, with two abstentions, subject to minor corrections.

93 Financial Regulations
Draft proposals were unanimously approved.

94 Planning Applications
Cllr.Ramwell in the Chair -
a) Erection of porch, 39 Lea Road, Hayfield, was supported.
Cllr.Crompton in the Chair -
b) Notification of appeal re. Old Coop Building, Church Street, Hayfield was noted.
c) Resubmission to create car park area adjacent to Craigmore, Kinder Road, Hayfield was supported.
d) Rear conservatory for 7, Chendre Close, Hayfield was supported.
e) Side extension at Wellsprings, Market Street, Hayfield was opposed on grounds of visual intrusion and out of character with the area.

95 DALC Circulars
The Clerk reported on six recent circulars. It was agreed that Cllrs.Crompton
& Gee attend both the Training Days on 26 October and 27 November, and
Cllrs. Crompton, Gee, Hallam and Hodgson attend the Planning Seminar on
6 November.

96 Reports of the Clerk.
a) A three year pay award for staff was agreed, together with the pay arrangements for November and December, as detailed in the report.
b) Arrangements for the new burial ground in Hayfield were noted.
c) The Clerk reported on signage for dog users, and it was agreed that the Recreation & Leisure Committee determine proposals for consideration by Council.
d) The resignation of Mr.Phillip Ramwell was noted and the Clerk asked to write a letter of thanks, to be copied on all notice boards. It was agreed that Mr.B.Parker be asked to undertake an additional hour per week on a permament basis, and the Clerk asked to advertise locally for a new gardener. The Appointments Panel would be convened at the next Council.

97 Peak District National Park Sustainable Development Fund
It was agreed that the Chairman notify appropriate local groups of the availability of this grant.

98 Civic Trust
The Clerk was asked to write a letter of congratulations for the recent prize award for the Sheep Wash. It was also agreed that Cllrs.Ramwell, Gee, Hodgson, Turner & Wieteska meet with representatives of the Civic Trust with a view to assessing options for improving the Old School Field that could attract grant aid.

99 Grit Bins
It was agreed that:-
a) Cllr.Turner assist the Clerk in listing bins in need of replacement.
b) Cllr.Hodgson advise on the costs from a second hand supplier.
c) The Clerk investigate options for filling bins.
d) DCC be asked to add Highgate Road to the gritting route.

100 Christmas Arrangements
These were referred to the Recreation & Leisure Committee.

101 Use of Council Office
It was confirmed that apart from the existing agreement with the police, no village group had an automatic right to use the Council office. It was agreed
that each request to use this room would be considered by Council for approval. The Clerk was asked to change the arrangements for keeping keys.

102 Rent of Land
The Clerk reported on arrangements for the temporary use of part of the Old School Field by a contractor, and these were approved.

103 HPBC draft policy to comply with the Licensing Act 2003
This was noted.

104 ODPM Consultation Papers
It was agreed that the Chairman respond on the Model Code of Conduct for
Local Government Employees. The Review of the Regulatory Framework
governing the political activities of Local Government Employees was noted.

105 Valley Road recreation field, damage to wall
The Clerk was asked to confirm ownership responsibilities.

106 Derbyshire CC Young Achievers Awards 2004
It was agreed that the youngsters involved in instigating the Skateboard Park
be nominated for this award.

107 Little Hayfield traffic issues
The summary of the public meeting was welcomed, and the Clerk asked to
place a copy on the Little Hayfield notice board, together with an
advertisement inviting volunteers to participate in a Residents Action Group,
to be coordinated by Cllrs.Crompton and Shockledge.

108 Hope Valley & High Peak Transport Partnership community consultation
The summary results were noted.

109 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 29.50
Management & Administration 447.12
Recreation and Open Spaces 878.00
Village Amenities 9.60
Community Support 163.50
Parish Plan 25.82

110 Budget Monitoring Report
The report of the Clerk was noted; the proposed budget virement was
approved and it was also agreed that the Parish Council's contribution to the
Parish Plan costs be met from Reserve.

111 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner - Cllr.Wieteska reported that arrangements for the next party were progressing.
b) Scouts - Cllr.Ramwell advised that a shortage of Leaders threatened to limit the numbers of boys who could join.
c) Village Hall - Cllr.Waterhouse advised that the disabled toilet was now in use.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities - none.
e) May Queen - Cllr.Ramwell advised that a response to the Clerk on issues raised at the last meeting had been sent.
f) Allotments Liaison - Cllr.Crompton advised that a meeting to consider the revised agreements had been arranged.
g) Hayfield Educational Trust - none.
h) Peak Park Parishes Forum - the Chairman referred to the forthcoming meeting to be held in Hayfield.
i) Parish Plan Steering Group - Cllr.Gee tabled a summary of the Plan.

112 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) Notification of the change of licence at the George Hotel, Hayfield, to Gemma Margaret Turner.
b) Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service draft Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2005/06.
c) Derbyshire Local Transport Plan, 4th Annual Progress Report.
d) DALC AGM papers.
e) A number of letters expressing concern on the Council's change of view over the proposed Bridleway from Swallow House Lane to Sett Valley Trail.
f) DCC publicity material on the new Countryside Code.
g) Correspondence re. Higher Heys Farm, Hayfield.
h) Peak District NPA notification that approval has been granted for the conversion of a room into a café at Tunstead House, Hayfield.
i) EMDA Newsletter.
j) DRCC Newsletter.
k) Notification from Peak District NPA of changes to Planning Control Committee procedures.

113 Chairman's Announcements

The next meeting of the Council is on Wednesday, 3 November 2004.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on:
Wednesday and Thursday 25/26th August, 2004 in the Council Office.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr.A.Ramwell.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

PC Townsend for item 4, County Councillor J.Bull, Borough Councillor A.Ashton, three members of the public and the press were also present on 25 August; Cllrs.Bull and Ashton on 26 August.

Declaration of Interest: Cllr.Crompton declared that any views expressed on planning matters to be preliminary only and reserved the right to a different view when representing another authority. Cllr.Mellor declared that he would not participate in any discussion on planning matters.

Minute Action by:

57 Open Forum
Ms.H.Cowley spoke on the proposed bridleway from Swallow House Lane to the Sett Valley Trail, and circulated a number of letters and representations from local inhabitants. Cllrs. Bull and Ashton also spoke to this subject. Members agreed to take these points into account when the subject was considered later in the agenda.

58 Police Matters
PC Townsend reported on recent crime statistics.

59 Presentation by members of HP Youth Service
Ms.Jean Hayes and Faye Edwards spoke about recent developments for encouraging youth activities in the borough, and Hayfield in particular. A number of issues were raised by councillors, and it was agreed that Ms.Edwards, the youth organiser for the area, would engage local interested parties and ascertain how to take forward a possible "Youth Forum" for Hayfield. She promised to report back progress on this to the Council at its November meeting.

60 Proposal to add a Bridleway from Swallow House Lane to Sett Valley Trail
The Clerk reported on new information which had come to light, together with the points made earlier by Ms.Cowley. It was agreed unanimously to oppose the application for a bridleway, and the Clerk was asked to advise this decision to DCC, together with the supporting documentation. The Clerk was also asked to apologise to Mr.Greaves for the confusion caused. PT


61 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 July 2004
These were agreed as a correct record.

62 Minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committee meeting 15 July 2004
These were noted.

63 Planning Applications
a) Change of use to tapas bar, Barley House, Bank Street, Hayfield was supported.
b) New access to field adj. to Birch Barn House, New Mills Road, Birch Vale was opposed.
c) Change of use of single dwelling to two dwellings,.Sandy Bank, 29, Cote Lane, Hayfield was supported.
d) Erection of house & garage on land between Cliff View & Brentwood, Thornsett Lane, Birch Vale was opposed.
e) 2 storey extension, 95, New Mills Road, Hayfield was supported.

64 DALC Circulars
The Clerk reported on four recent circulars. These were noted, and the Council's position on the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was reaffirmed.

65 Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
These were deferred to the next meeting.

66 Refurbishment of base for swings, Valley Road Recreation Field, Hayfield
The Clerk reported on three quotations received for these works. In view of the high cost, it was agreed not to accept any at this point in time, and to make budget provision next year to allow this work to proceed. The Clerk was also asked to write to HPBC to request grant aid for the recreation areas. PT

67 Football Field, Lea Road, Hayfield
The Clerk updated members on the current agreement and suggested that formal terms with the football club be drawn up. It was agreed to defer the matter pending a new lease being agreed with the Church authorities, and the Clerk was asked to pursue this. PT

68 Tenancy Agreement for allotment holders
A revised draft agreement was presented by the Clerk. This was referred to the Allotments Liaison representatives to discuss with the Allotments Society.

69 Bonfire and Fireworks Display
It was agreed to grant aid this event and invite the Scouts to make the appropriate arrangements. PT

70 Stile off Clough Lane, Little Hayfield
The Clerk reported that the Peak District NPA were no longer able to support this project financially. It was agreed that the Clerk ask Derbyshire CC to assess this structure, together with the footbridge, and undertake any necessary repairs. PT

71 Dogs Signage
This matter had been raised by the Recreation & Leisure Committee for Council consideration. The Clerk reported that advice was being sought from High Peak BC, and it was agreed to defer this matter until that was available.

72 Position of Gardener
The Clerk reported that Mr.Ramwell had agreed to stay until the end of September. It was agreed that the Chairman speak again with Mr.Ramwell.
73 Parking on Grass Verges, New Mills Road, Hayfield
A response on this matter from Derbyshire CC was considered and the Clerk was asked to write to DCC to ask that steps be taken to prevent parking on the grass verge, and consider other options for residents parking. PT

74 Hayfield Cemetery
Cllr.Waterhouse referred to the failure to reconsecrate the extended cemetery after more than a year, and the Clerk was asked to write to the Diocese to ascertain the timetable for this event. PT

75 Recreation matters
Cllr.Hodgson tabled a letter from residents at Little Hayfield, and several councillors reminded the meeting that the land had been acquired primarily for children's recreation, not nature conservation. It was agreed that Cllr.Hodgson and other representatives of the Recreation & Leisure Committee make arrangements to determine any tree felling to be undertaken during the winter months. EH

76 NALC Conference
It was agreed not to send a representative to this event.

77 Derbyshire Constabulary Parish Councils Evening
It was agreed not to send a representative to this event.

78 Proposed substation on Valley Road, Hayfield
Proposals from United Utilities were noted, in particular the offer to install a new public bench.

79 Pruning of trees at the Recreation Ground, Valley Road, Hayfield
Approval for this work from High Peak BC was noted and the Clerk asked to assess in-house capability for this. PT

80 The Gateway to Kinder Project
It was agreed to ask Derbyshire CC to hold a public meeting on this proposed project. PT

81 HDT Feasibility Study for the Old Station site
It was proposed that a public meeting to discuss this Study be held, but this was not carried. A second proposal to support the Feasibility Study's findings was carried.

At this point, the time being 10pm, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until the following night.

82 Parish Plan
Cllrs.Crompton, Gee, Turner, Hallam, Shockledge and Wieteska declared personal and non-prejudicial interests in this item. It was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council receives this document and the recommendations of the Parish Plan Steering Group, and that the Chairman calls a public meeting to action those parts of the Plan which fall within the remit of the Parish Council. A vote to hold a public meeting as a single event was lost, and the Chairman advised that the arrangements would be managed in line with advice and support from the Rural Community Council.

83 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 99.55
Management & Administration 2,897.74
Recreation and Open Spaces 1,223.78
Village Amenities 51.30
Parish Plan 2,539.46

84 Inland Revenue Grant
The Clerk reported on the availability of £825 grant over five years for early registering of electronic filing. This was supported. It was also agreed that to improve payroll procedures, all staff would be paid on the last working day of the month, rather than one month in arrears. The Clerk was asked to amend the respective Conditions of Service and advise the staff of this decision. PT

85 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner - Cllr.Wieteska reported that arrangements for the next party were in hand.
b) Scouts - none.
c) Village Hall - Cllr.Waterhouse notified of a hot pot supper on 8 September to raise funds, and advised that the Village Hall would be DDA compliant by October.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities - none.
e) May Queen - Cllr.Hodgson advised that no information on meetings had been received, and the Clerk was asked to remind the May Queen secretary to ensure the Council's representatives were invited to all meetings. PT
f) Allotments Liaison - Cllr.Crompton agreed to arrange a meeting after the Sheepdog Trials to discuss the proposed agreements with the Society representatives. MC
g) Hayfield Educational Trust - none.
h) Peak Park Parishes Forum - the Chairman reported on recent new appointments.
i) Parish Plan Steering Group - none.

86 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) Peak District NPA Best Value Performance Plan 2004/05.
b) CVS news.
c) Derbyshire Policing Plan 2004/05.
d) Calor Derbyshire Village of the Year, DRCC, thanking the Council for its participation.
e) Hayfield Civic Trust, thanking the Council for its sponsorship of the Pro Loco Art Competition.
f) Peak District NPA Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance.
g) High Peak BC Local Plan Inspector's Report.
h) High Peak BC notification that the new access road to the residential units on the site of the former Bank Vale paper mill will be named "Pike Close".
i) Letter from Chair of Skate Park Committee, advising that the Committee had now been disbanded and transferring the balance of funds to the Parish Council. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of thanks. PT
j) Letter from DCC "Working Locally".
k) Peak District NPA news. It was agreed that Cllrs.Hodgson and Gee attend the Parish Councils' Day in October.
l) Peak District NPA Sustainable Development Fund details. The Chairman asked that this be considered at the next Council meeting.
m) High Peak Local Plan Inspector's Report.
n) High Peak BC Best Value Performance Plan 2004/05.
o) Correspondence between Derbyshire CC and Mrs.Oskooi, regarding the trimming of trees along the by-pass. The Clerk was asked to refer overhanging trees on the other side of Chapel Road to DCC, as well as repairs required to Kinder Bridge. PT
p) Derbyshire CC Speed Campaign 2004.
q) Derbyshire CC notification that certain trees at the entrance to Hayfield village will be removed in September, prior to the Parish Council undertaking plantings under its Cultivation Licence. The Clerk was asked to copy the letter to the Civic Trust.
r) Derbyshire CC notification of a forthcoming Traffic Regulation Order to close temporarily part of the Pennine Bridleway:-
i) Beet Lane for 1km in a south westerly direction.
ii) 4.5km north west from junction with Rushup Edge.

87 Chairman's Announcements

The next meeting of the Council is on Wednesday, 6 October 2004.

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the held on:
Wednesday 7th July, 2004 in the Council Offices.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

Apologies: Cllr.A.Ramwell.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

County Councillor J.Bull and the press were also present.

Declaration of Interest: Cllrs.Crompton and Mellor declared that any views expressed on planning matters to be preliminary only and reserved the right to a different view when representing another authority.

Minute Action by:

42 Open Forum
No members of the public present.

43 Police Matters
PC S.Townsend was not present and no matters were raised.

44 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 2nd June 2004
These were agreed as a correct record.

45 Planning Applications
a) change of use from shop to office, 6 Church Street, Hayfield, (HPK/2004/0537) was supported.

b) creation of parking area on land adjoining Craigmore, Kinder Road, Hayfield (HPK/2004/0558) was supported.

46 DALC Circulars
35/04 (General) and 36/04 (Training) were noted.

47 Reports of the Clerk
a) The Clerk informed of a recent Ecological Survey undertaken by Peak Park staff and reported an offer to replace the stile off Clough Lane which would require part of the wall to be rebuilt either side. Members asked that this matter be referred to Derbyshire County Council. PT

b) The Clerk advised that three companies had been invited to quote for refurbishing the base for the swings in Valley Road recreation ground, and these were awaited. Members asked that repairs to the children's sand pit be expedited.
c) The resignation of Mr.P.Ramwell was noted, and in view of the timing, the Chairman was requested to ask Mr.Ramwell to reconsider or defer his departure to the autumn. MC

48 Peak Park Parishes' Forum
Membership for 2004/05 was approved.

49 HDT Feasibility Study for the Old Station site
This proposal generated considerable discussion, and its viability was noted. The Chairman reminded the meeting that this was only one possible option, and any ultimate decision would rest with Derbyshire CC, who, as landowner, had commissioned a separate study.

50 Removal of Payphone on Kinder Road, Hayfield
Notification had been received that BT are proposing to remove a street pay-phone on Kinder Road, Hayfield, near The Sportsman PH. Members strongly objected to this decision and asked the Clerk to forward their views to BT. PT

51 Chapel-en-le-Frith Mobile Physiotherapy Service
A request for financial support in this financial year was turned down, and deferred to the budget considerations for 2005/06.

52 Proposal to add a Bridleway from Swallow House Lane to Sett Valley Trail

DCC had written to advise that a parishioner had applied for an Order for this
proposal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. This was supported by the
Council, but Councillors Hodgson and Mellor asked that it be recorded they
Voted against this decision.

53 Accounts for payment

The following expenditure was approved:-
Item £_
Premises 32.90
Management & Administration 1,453.15
Recreation and Open Spaces 636.33
Village Amenities 565.84
Community Support 150.00
Allotments 17.00

54 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner - none.
b) Scouts - none.
c) Village Hall - Cllr.Waterhouse advised of a recent successful coffee morning to raise funds.
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities - Cllr.Hodgson confirmed that the finances of this charity are quite independent from the Parish Council.
e) May Queen - none.
f) Allotments Liaison - a meeting with Cllrs. Crompton and Mellor is to be arranged.
g) Hayfield Educational Trust - none.
h) Peak Park Parishes Forum - the Chairman advised of the forthcoming AGM and it was agreed that Cllr.Gee represent the Council.
i) Parish Plan Steering Group - Cllr.Gee advised that the Parish Plan would be produced in the near future.

55 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) the Peak Park Parishes' Forum newsletter.
b) Derbyshire CC Travel Awareness Campaign.
c) that High Peak BC's 5 Year Corporate Plan is available on their web site.
d) thanks from 1st Hayfield Scouts for their use of the Old School Field for parking during the Kinder Trog Fell Race.
e) a recent public consultation by Derbyshire CC for an increase in opening hours for Hayfield Library. The Clerk was asked to write to DCC to thank them for this initiative. PT
f) the proposed transfer of a Justice's Licence for The Grouse, Birch Vale, to Mr.P.W.Whitham.
g) the proposed transfer of a Justice's Licence for The Packhorse, Hayfield, to Ms.S.J.Turner and Mr.A.M.Williams.
h) a letter from Mr.K.Wood to inform that the Hayfield Civic Trust had a successful Pro-Loco art competition, despite the poor weather, the Senior First Prize being won by Mr.Cheetham of Newton-le-Willows.
i) confirmation that a public meeting on traffic issues at Little Hayfield will be arranged for Thursday 9th September 2004 at 7.00pm.
j) invitation:
j) an invitation to all Councillors to the Blessing of Bank Street Well at 2pm on Sunday, 18th July.

56 Chairman's Announcements

Next meeting of the Council
It was agreed to cancel the meeting scheduled for the 4th August, and bring
forward the September meeting to the 25th August, in view of holiday

Minutes of the Council Meeting of the held on:
Wednesday 2nd June, 2004 in the Council Offices.

Present: Cllrs M.Crompton (Chair), P.Gee, A.Hallam, E.Hodgson, D.Mellor, A.Ramwell, R.Shockledge, T.Turner, K.Waterhouse and V.Wieteska.

In Attendance: Clerk P.H.Thompson.

Also present were two members of the public for the Open Forum, and the press.

Declaration of Interest: Cllrs.Crompton and Mellor declared that any views expressed on planning matters to be preliminary only and reserved the right to a different view when representing another authority. Cllr.Gee declared an interest in Planning Item 6e.

Welcome: The Chairman welcomed Cllr.Hallam to his first meeting of the Council.

Minute Action by:

28 Open Forum
Two residents from Little Hayfield raised a number of traffic issues including apparent speeding on the A624; dangers for cars exiting Slack Lane; and children crossing the A624 to the bus stop. Councillors were supportive of measures to discourage speeding, but acknowledged that responsibility lay with Derbyshire CC.

29 Police Matters
PC S.Townsend was not present and no matters were raised.

30 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 5th May 2004
These were agreed as a correct record, subject to the addition of "for locating 8 baskets" at the end of minute 20b.

31 Minutes of the Recreation & Leisure Committees for 5th May and 18th May 2004
These were noted.

32 Planning Applications
a) Change of windows to uPVC of a similar design, Clough Mill, Slack Lane, Little Hayfield (NP/HPK/0404/0506) was supported.
b) Two storey extension to replace garage/utility, 68 Lea Road, Hayfield (NP/HPK/0504/0556) was supported.
c) Removal of internal wall, 22/24 Church Street, Hayfield (HPK/2004/0433) was supported.
d) Side extension, Wellsprings, Market Street, Hayfield (HPK/2004/0448) was opposed on grounds of visual intrusion and out of character with the area.
e) Conversion to flats, Old Co-op Building, Church Street, Hayfield (HPK/2004/0456) - Cllr.Gee declared a non-pecuniary interest - was supported.
f) Variations of conditions at former Bank Vale Paper Mill, Swallow House Lane, Hayfield were supported.
g) Higher Hays Farm, Higher Road, Hayfield - planning application refusal by Peak District NPA was noted and the Clerk asked to write to the Secretary of State to express the Council's disappointment at the decision.

33 DALC Circulars
The following circulars were noted:-
29/04 DALC President 2004/05; Margaret Dyson was nominated for President, 2004/05.
30/04 General.
31/04 Training; Councillor Training Day, 10th July 2004 - to nominate any attendees.
32/04 General.
33/04 Training; re AQA courses.
34/04 New telephone number.

34 Reports of the Clerk
a) The appointment of Mrs.A.Fuller as auditor on the terms outlined was agreed.
b) The Clerk reported on difficulties in finding contractors to cut the grass at three recreation areas and councillors were asked to pass on the names of any suitable contractors to the Clerk. all

35 Matters for decision
a) It was agreed, following the discussion traffic and parking issues at Little Hayfield in the Open Forum, to set up a public meeting and invite representatives of the County Council, Police and other parties. PT
b) A response from DCC on parking on grass verge, New Mills Road, Hayfield was considered and it was agreed to ask DCC to consider a 'grasscrete' option.
c) A request from DCC to take on full maintenance responsibilities for the Sheepwash Interpretation Panel was rejected, although it was agreed to maintain the Board only if this was acceptable.
d) Advice from DALC on Private Access to Council's Recreation Ground was formally adopted and the Recreation & Leisure Committee asked to apply it on a uniform basis.
e) Issues about car parking on Church Street were considered and the Clerk asked to alert PC Townsend to these for relevant. PT
f) It was agreed that Cllr.Gee attend the Liaison Meeting of the Peak Park Parishes Forum, 15 June 2004. PG
g) The Chairman suggested that a Youth Forum for Hayfield be considered and it was agreed to invite an appropriate expert to address the Council on this matter. MC
h) DCC's response on Salt Bins was noted and it was agreed to discuss this further at the October meeting of the Council.
i) DCC terms for the Cultivation Licence proposed for Church Street/Chapel Road, Hayfield were accepted.

36 Accounts for payment

Item £_
Management & Administration 662.40
Recreation and Open Spaces 2,438.93
Village Amenities 1,115.87

37 Annual Accounts
The Clerk presented the accounts for 2003/04, which were approved subject
to audit.

38 Reports from the Representatives
a) Wright-Turner - none.
b) Scouts - none.
c) Village Hall - Cllr.Waterhouse advised of a forthcoming coffee morning to raise funds .
d) Non Ecclesiastical Charities - none.
e) May Queen - it was agreed to send a letter of thanks to the May Queen Committee for a well organised and supported event, which saw a doubling of numbers compared with the previous year.
f) Allotments Liaison - none.
g) Hayfield Educational Trust - Cllr.Hodgson reported on the recent AGM.
h) Peak Park Parishes Forum - the Chairman reported that a recent seminar had been cancelled, and that a number of resignations had been tendered. Further developments were awaited.
i) Parish Plan Steering Group - the Chairman circulated copies of a Feasibility Study for the old station site (to be considered at the next meeting), and Cllr.Gee advised that the Parish Plan was in hand.

39 Items for information
The following were noted:-
a) Derbyshire Rural Community Council newsletter.
b) letter from Peak District NPA.
c) notification of the temporary closure of Beet Lane, Roych Clough Pennine Bridleway.
d) DCC views concerning land adjacent to the new building off Mill Street, Hayfield.
e) High Peak Summer Youth Arts Festival.
f) the Derbyshire Fire Authority Risk Management Plan.
g) the next meeting of the Local Council Liaison Group.
h) Derbyshire Car Share scheme details.
i) Community Mediation service.
j) letter from High Peak & Dales PCT re. Hayfield Pharmacy.

40 Chairman's Announcements
The Chairman advised that 26 meetings had been attended on behalf
of the Council. He also proposed to seek volunteers to draft a Council
newsletter for publication later in the year.

41 Urgent Business
Cllr.Mellor asked for consideration of an insurance issue concerning
Hayfield's imminent well dressing event. It was agreed to nominate
Cllr.Ramwell to join the Well Dressing Committee if this was acceptable,
subject to the Clerk confirming the availability of insurance cover for the event.
