2008 - 2009

Hayfield Parish Council Council Meeting


Minutes of the meeting held on 1st April 2009 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Hayfield.

Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, Mrs S McCall, Mrs M Platt, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: 5 members of the public, County Cllr B Atkins, PC Will Brockett, 1 press member.

332.         Apologies for absence
            Borough Cllr Tony Ashton.
333.         Variations to the Order of Business
334.         Declarations of interest
            Cllr Harvey declared a personal interest in item 10b.
335.         Matters for Part II
336.         Public speaking
PC Will Brockett said the police plan to mark double-yellow lines on Wood Lane as far as the first property and at the junction of Swallow House Lane and Fairy Bank Road. The police are preparing for the Hayfield May Queen. Arrests have been made in a scrap-stealing incident at Birch Vale. A sign will be installed on top of Cote Lane saying it is unsuitable for large vehicles.
Cllr Gee requested yellow lines/similar by the Wood Lane path to the Old School Field. Cllr Seipp informed about a persistent parking problem at the junction of Swallow House Lane with Lea Road. Cllr Hodgson said the traffic sign at Peep O Day appears too late. Cllr Ramwell asked the police to patrol the parks to support the anti dog-fouling initiative.
County Cllr B Atkins thanked the Council for the invite to the Wright Turner Party. She was very impressed with dog fouling leaflet. Cllr Atkins was concerned about the Borough Council review of Parish support but Cllr Harvey felt it would not be detrimental.
Cllr Ramwell reported the tree felling at the Cemetery, leaving a 6ft high stump. Cllr Gee asked for information on the Home Zone area for Wood Lane. Cllr Atkins said the Home Zone wouldn't be suitable as the Wood Lane estate has gardens where children can play and driveways for parking.  It was pointed out that the gardens were unfenced and the area had a large population of young children.  Cllr Atkins to investigate.
Member of the public: biodegradable dog waste bags are available from the Information Centre, but it's almost never open, an issue that needs addressing. A 30mph sign at the junction of New Mills Road and the bypass is obscured or incorrectly placed – this needs rectifying. The car parking charges at the Old Station car park have resulted in parking problems on Wood Lane.
            Cllr Hodgson requested the nuisance of discarded dog waste bags needs publicising.
The presentation on the Britain in Bloom Campaign in the High Peak was cancelled through illness.
337.         Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th March 2009
338.         Planning Applications
a) Mr Richard Hallam: Advertisement consent: erection of free-standing advertising, south of Lyme View, Little Hayfield. (NP/HPK/0309/0203). Proposed to support: 7 for, 2 against, 1 abstained. Recommended for approval.
b) Mrs Kathleen Jackson: Demolition of existing WC and erection of new single storey extension. (HPK/2009/0128)  Recommended for approval.
c) Derbyshire County Council: replacement of roof on Hayfield Primary School, Swallow House Lane. (DC1/0309/230).Recommended for approval.
339.         Chairman's announcements
The Chair commended the improvements on the Old School Field and theTop o’ the Town planting, and requested a letter of thanks to be sent to the gentleman who let us use his hosepipe.                                                                                    Action: MC
The Chair asked the Clerk to organise the AGM for the last week of April. Cllr J McCall suggested including an agenda item or display, telling the village about the Memorial Square project, to form a part of the consultation.                                    Action: MC
340.         Clerk's report
a) Minutes of Built Environment Advisory Committee, 10th March 2009. A quote has been requested for the finials repair work.
b) Actions taken (report tabled). 2008-09 meeting details will soon be publicised on noticeboards. The litter bin on Swallow House Lane will be reinstated. The initiative on Climate Change is being progressed. The memorial bench is being progressed. The allotment society have some underspend from 2007-08 and want to spend £155 to prevent deer invasion. They want to have two trees felled, but agreement from High Peak Council is required. Approved subject to permission from HPBC.  The Clerk will write to PDNPA re. Core Strategy consultation. The new tennis netting is going up next week; a rental scheme needs to be instated. At Little Hayfield, some residents have wrongly created their own footpaths onto council land, and will be written to.            Actions: MC
341.         Matters for discussion
a) Dog fouling: follow-up actions (Newsletter tabled). The Clerk suggested the newsletter is used as the leaflet. Cllrs Ramwell, Gee and Hodgson felt more dog waste bins should be purchased for the village. Cllr Platt proposed dropping the leaflet into every house. Agreed. Cllr Ramwell felt a dog fouling warden should be purchased for a few days during the campaign, and in the longer term local Parish Councils could club together to pay for a warden's time regularly. Cllr Wieteska: the gates in the sand pit area need repairing. Cllr Gee: asked the Clerk to write to the Rangers re. the situation on the Sett Valley Trail, and request they collect bags or put a bin in. Cllr Ramwell suggested we invite the Rangers to join us on this campaign. The campaign will begin by Easter. Cllr Wieteska requested a press release. The Clerk should contact HPBC to ask what they are doing on dog fouling, and see if they can provide more bins.                        Action: MC
b) Report circulated by Cllr J Harvey on Church Street and letter from two residents. Cllr Harvey stressed it was not the Council's intention to make any residents feel under pressure to agree with Option 3. Cllr Wieteska felt the the Council should write to the two residents to explain that this was not the Council's intention. Cllr Harvey's proposal, to pursue only Option 2 for the time being, was voted on. Agreed. The Clerk will write to DCC, requesting Option 2 be implemented, and reply to the residents.            Action: MC
c) Report circulated by Cllr J Harvey: Trespass Trail proposal. Cllr Harvey proposed submitting a Trespass Trail & Heritage Centre application to the Heritage Lottery Fund, and volunteered to do this work. The report's proposal was agreed.            Action: JH
            d) Date of Annual Parish Meeting. It will be towards the end of April.        Action: MC
    e) Well at Valley Road. The Well Dressing Committee has asked for new work to be postponed until after the Well Dressing. Cllr J Harvey said the Civic Trust had offered to help tidy up the well area. He proposed accepting this offer. Agreed.            Action: MC
f) Cllr S McCall: environmental concerns. The Waltzing Weasel car park is an eyesore, with signs, bins, etc outside: can anything be done? Cllr Gee suggested a letter is sent to request changes, and the Environmental Health team is contacted.             Action: MC
The Rec ground is being well used, but there is a litter problem by the steps that go over the wall into the cricket field – a bin is needed. The footpath sign by Kinder Rd is obscured; the County Council needs to cut back growth.                                     Action: MC
Cllr Waterhouse: there is a lorry container and trailer dumped at the top of Thornsett Lane causing an obstruction and is an eyesore. Police will be contacted.            Action: MC
342.         Letters received
            a) Hayfield May Queen: invitation to Parade, 9th May 2009.
    b) Hayfield May Queen: invitation to Sunday Parade, 10th May 2009: permission to use field on various dates. Agreed.
c) Hayfield Primary School: invitation to Village Barbecue, 17th July. A Council stand was requested. Agreed.
d) Letter to Chair of Hayfield PC re. research project with DRCC (on the effect of the recession on Derbyshire rural areas – Hayfield is a partner in this).
e) Planning Inspectorate: notification of public inquiry: Town Hall, New Mills, 4th August 2009. Re. Bridleway 89.
f) High Peak Borough Council: Sustainable Communities Act. Invitation for proposals. Agreed to fill in the form.                                                                        Action: MC
            g) Hayfield Scouts: Plant sale 4th May.
            h) High Peak Borough Council: Protocol for Development Control Committee.
            i) Letters from Chafe's Solicitors: allotments, Church Solicitors, allotments planning.
    j) Derbyshire Dales and High Peak Core Strategy: invitation to consultation 21st May. Seminars are being held if anyone wishes to attend.
k) Derbyshire County Council: quote for mowing contract. This will be accepted as it is the cheapest quote.                                                                                    Action: MC
            l) East Midlands Regional Assembly: Regional Plan Partial Review.        Action: MC
            m) Tom Levitt MP: buses to Stepping Hill.
    n) Copy of letter to chair of Hayfield Development Trust: stage 1 approval of grant application. for Memorial Square. Stage 2 is more a technical hurdle.
o) High Peak Borough Council: confirmation that planning permission is not required on Kinder Rd for the additional allotments.
            p) Derbyshire County Council: Minerals and Waste strategy documents.        Action: MC
            q) Commission for Rural Communities: response on rural broadband.         Action: MC
            r) Letter from P Gee, Hayfield Education Charity: cheque for £25,000 for field purchase.
343.         DALC circulars
            a) DALC subscriptions 2009-2010.
            b) DALC Circular 11/2009: Safety of burial grounds.
            c) DALC Circular 12/2009: Bus and coach passenger rights.
            d) DALC Circular 09/2009: Local Council Review subscriber form.
            e) DALC Circular 10/2009: Subscriptions, salary award 2008/2009.
            f) DALC Circular 13/2009: Minutes of DALC executive committee 28 February 2009.
    g) DALC Circular 14/2009: The Power of Well Being. A copy was circulated to all Cllrs. 2 places are allocated and will be booked.                                                            Action: MC
h) DALC Circular 15/2009: Training for chairmen and prospective chairmen. Cllr S McCall will attend this.                                                                                                Action: MC
            i) DALC Circular 16/2009: Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA).
344.         Reports from representatives of outside bodies
            a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities. Nothing to report.
    b) Hayfield Educational Trust. The financial situation has been resolved. More applications will be invited for further grants.
c) Other bodies (Clerk's report tabled). The Wright Turner party went very well, Cllr Wieteska had many positive comments. Cllr Gee proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Wiesteska. Agreed.
345.         Items for information
A lot of progress has been made on the Orchard project. A meeting with the PDPNA is scheduled for next week. Cllr Gee thanked the members of the public who helped with the planting of the pilot scheme. Cllr Gee voted to thank the Clerk and Chair for the work at the Top of the Town. The Chair strongly supported the Orchard project.
            The Clerk went through the magazines and newsletters received and available to view.
    The DALC subscription has increased but represents good value for money when training discounts are taken into account. It was agreed to pay the 2009-10 subscription. .
346.         Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
            Included within the earlier minutes where relevant.



347.         Accounts for approval
    List of cheques:

Cheque No.

Payable To








M Crompton




T Middleton




Employee 1

Wages – mth 12



Employee 2

Wages – mth 12



Employee 3

Wages – mth 12



Turners Ltd





Rock salt



Peak Park Parishes Forum





Christmas lighting







Solutions SK

Dog signs







David G Ross








T Critchlow

Finance admin



J Mellor

Four stone benches and retaining wall on OSF



Severn Trent

Water rates



David G Ross

Plants and trees




Annual subscription



David G Ross

Prunus Shidare Sakura



John Mellor

Drainage work on Rec



S Derbyshire & Son

6 bags of compost




Telephone and IT



Derbyshire CC

Filing grit bins







Peter Lomas

Repair of notice boards



T J Turner

Clearing land at OSF



Hayfield Village Hall

Room hire










Payments and grants received:
DCC Rights of Way:                £495.00
Hayfield Educational Trust:        £25,000.00


The meeting closed at 9.10pm.


Minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2009 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Hayfield.

Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (Chair), P Gee, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, Mrs S McCall, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Isabel Bellamy (Rural Housing Enabler), Alison Clamp (Peak District Rural Housing Association), PC James Taylor, PS J Bowman, County Councillor Beth Atkins, Borough Councillor Tony Ashton, 5 members of the public.
316. Apologies for absence
Cllrs Mrs M Platt, Mrs A Seipp, & J Harvey.
317. Variations to the Order of Business
The Police will speak prior to the presentation by Isabel Bellamy and Alison Clamp.
318. Declarations of interest
319. Matters for Part II
Two matters relating to Parish Council staff employment will be discussed in Part II.
320. Public speaking
    Sergeant Bowman: Burglaries have recently increased in this Safer Neighbourhood Area, including several in Hayfield (though overall crimes are still very low). Thus an operation has started to work with potential target properties and to increase awareness. The Police requested that Cllrs ask residents to be more careful. 'Beat Sweep' (7 days of fighting antisocial activity) has been postponed from March to April to allow for the focus on burglary. Parking enforcement has now been passed on to the Borough Council. A member of the public said people park in Wood Lane to avoid the parking charges at the car park, causing a dangerous obstruction. She also asked for police reassurance that the Wood Lane estate is being focused on in the anti-burglary operation. The police confirmed it was and asked for greater contact from the public. Cllr Ramwell told the police that a spring campaign against dog fouling is being proposed and he requested police involvement; he will liaise with the police. He also said the May Queen fair manager complained about drug dealing at the fair last year, and wanted police intervention this year; the manager will contact the police.

    Isabel Bellamy, Rural Housing Enabler. Isabel spoke on the Hayfield Housing Needs Survey. The response rate was 32%. 43 households in Hayfield are in need of affordable housing, most with a long-standing local connection, and mainly 25-44 age range. Half wanted owner-occupied housing; housing supply is unsuitable mainly due to high costs and low turnover. There is a lot of support for affordable housing in the Parish. According to the affordable housing calculation, 14-15 houses need to be built in Hayfield. Isabel is looking into available sites.
    Alison Clamp, Peak District Rural Housing. This organisation buys land and pays for housing to be built, using Government grants. Their rental properties cannot be bought or sold. Cllr J McCall has been working with Isabel and Alison to identify sites in Hayfield and they are optimistic that sites will be found. Houses built in the National Park are restricted in Planning so that they can only go to very local people, but in the High Peak Borough the restrictions only cover those living in the whole of High Peak.
    Member of the public: as all meetings are open to the public, can the dates, times and venues be put on the Parish Council noticeboards? Agreed.                                    Action: MC
    Member of the public: the relevant documents for this meeting in the noticeboard were unreadable as it was steamed up and the frame obscured parts of the pages. She asked that these issues be addressed, and the Clerk agreed.                                    Action: MC
    Cllr Waterhouse asked the Clerk to contact the Borough Council re the litter bin on Lucas terrace. It's been removed; when will it be replaced?                                    Action: MC
    Cllr Beth Atkins: a new pay & display machine has been installed in the Old Station car park. Cllr Gee asked what the income from the car park is, how much is earned from fines, how it is policed, how much did the new meter & noticeboard cost, and why can't it be free? Cllr Atkins will enquire. Cllr Wieteska added that the Countryside office is rarely open. Cllr Atkins is pursuing the problem of scramble bikers wreaking the bridleways and scaring horses. She also suggested Hayfield P.C. ask the police to undertake bicycle marking here. The Children's Centre is up to 80% strength. Friends of New Mills Stations is up and running. Derbyshire Market Town Forum has funding for retailer training. Shop Local is being run again. Derbyshire CC are now charging a licensing fee for seats etc outside businesses. Local cheerleading classes are starting, and a poster was provided.                                     Action: MC
    Cllr Gee raised the issue of the Wood Lane grit bin. The County Council should be filling it, but it falls to the Parish Council. Cllr Atkins will raise this issue with DCC.
    Cllr Waterhouse raised the issue of the fencing near Persimmon Bridge. Cllr Atkins will ask the Countryside Agency to repair it.
    Cllr Tony Ashton: the full council meeting of High Peak Borough Council is tomorrow Thursday 5th March. It is likely that the Council Tax rise will be approved. From next month, under 16's and over 60's will have free swimming at the Leisure Centres. Information is available on the website and at offices about the credit crunch.

321. a) Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th February 2009
    Item 299 was raised by Cllr Waterhouse, not Cllr Hodgson; this will be amended. The minutes were approved.                                                                      Action: MC
    b) To confirm the Confidential Minutes of the meeting held on 17th February 2009       
    The minutes were approved.
322. Planning Applications
    a) Two storey side extension, 3 Barnsfold Court, Hayfield (HPK/2009/0054). Recommended for approval.
323. Chairman's announcements
    Thanks to the Clerk for his first year in post.
    The bus to Stepping Hill hospital: Hayfield P.C. should send a very strong letter to the CC saying we want a reinstated direct bus running to Stepping Hill Hospital. Cllr Waterhouse agreed and added that there are no bus shelters to wait at. Cllr J McCall added that the letter should be copied to the local MP. Agreed.                                        Action: MC
324. Clerk's report
    a) Response to PDNPA Local Development Framework (LDF) Document (tabled). The Clerk outlined the concerns of the Peak Park Parishes Forum. The LDF is available online or through the Clerk. It is hoped that there will be a mass response from the Parishes to the PDNPA. Cllrs raised several additional issues that are relevant to Hayfield, such as affordable housing restrictions. A letter will be sent to the PDNPA endorsing the response document and including Hayfield's additional issues. Cllrs should provide these issues to the Clerk by 18 March, after which the letter will be sent. Agreed.                                                 Action: all
    b) Actions taken to date. The Top of the Town is almost complete. The footpath on the Rec is complete. The toilets have been demolished. The drainage work is starting soon. The Old School Field retaining wall is progressing and the benches completed . An acceptable quote has been received for the work on the edge of the School Field.
325. Matters for decision
    a) Dog fouling: actions needed. (Item proposed by Cllr V Wieteska, 18/02/09). Cllr Wieteska said many areas in the village have a problem. Signs have been bought and are soon to be installed. The sand pit is being fouled and this is a health & safety issue. Dogs should not be allowed in the children's play area. A mailshot should go out to the village. The Chair suggested a dog fouling campaign, including the mailshot. Cllr Waterhouse asked if the public right of way through Valley Rd playground could be diverted – this would enable a 'no dogs' policy to be enforced. Cllr S McCall suggested dog fouling rules and regulations should be in the mailshot. The Clerk suggested the next issue of the newsletter be a dog fouling special. Cllr J McCall said the key issue was about policing. The campaign should begin just before the Easter holidays. Agreed.                                                Action: AR, VW, MC
    b) Policing of the May Queen Festival. See minute 320.
    c) Initiative on Climate Change (document circulated). It was proposed that the initiative including the free showing of 'An Inconvenient Truth' be taken up. Agreed.         Action: MC

326. Letters received
    a) High Peak Borough Council: Off Street Parking Civil Enforcement Order.
    b) Derbyshire Children's Holiday Centre. Donation requested. Denied (funding constraints).       
    c) High Peak Community Housing Tenant's Group. Donation requested. Denied by the Council but individual Cllrs will be donating.                                                Action: MC
    d) Kinder Downfall Race, 26th April 2009. Requesting use of the hard standing area. Agreed.
    e) Peak District Local Development Framework: consultation on Core Strategy.
    f) Sett Valley Medical Centre: permission to install bench outside surgery, Market Street. The Medical Centre will accept the bench for a trial period of 6 months, to have it removed if problems arise. Agreed.                                                        Action: MC

327. DALC circulars
    a) DALC Circular 05/2009: Parish Councils (Power to Promote Well-Being) order 2008. Training will be organised (80% of the Council need to be trained).                Action: MC
    b) DALC Circular 06/2009: Report on Police Annual Parish Councils' evening.
    c) DALC Circular 07/2009: Training: Crash Course on Planning 20 May (3 places booked). Cllrs Ramwell and Gee requested places.                                        Action: MC
    d) DALC Circular 08/2009: Conservative Party Green Paper on Local Government.

328. Accounts for approval
    List of cheques:

Cheque No.

Payable To








Employee 1

Wages – mth 11



Employee 2

Wages – mth 11



Employee 3

Wages – mth 11



Kinder Construction




T Critchlow

Finance admin'



Derbyshire County Council

Grounds maintenance



T Turner

Setting mole traps



Viking Direct

Stationary: toner, etc.



Hayfield Village Hall

Room hire



Kinder Construction

Footpath on rec.






329. Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities. No further ahead with the Chairty Commission; still ongoing.
    b) Hayfield Educational Trust. Recent issues should be resolved by the end of May.
    c) Other bodies (Clerk's report enclosed).
330. Items for information
331. Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman

PART I of the meeting closed at 9pm.

PART II of the meeting began at 9.10pm.

332. Employment of personnel over the age of 65
DALC circular 03/2009 had raised the issue of compulsory retirement at age 65 for Council employees. The significant paragraph contained in the DALC circular is as follows:
One of the most significant points in the Regulations is that they contain a national default retirement age of 65. This means that it does not constitute age discrimination if an employer retires an employee at or above the age of 65 as long as they follow the correct procedure (the ‘duty to consider procedure’). Employees can carry on beyond 65 by agreement with their employers.
If Hayfield Parish Council wishes to continue the employment of personnel over the age of 65, it can do so providing it has agreed this policy.  The Council is required to write to each employee approaching or over the age of 65, prior to their birthday, asking if the employee wishes to continue in employment for another year.  This must be accompanied by a satisfactory performance appraisal.
Moved: that Hayfield Parish Council continues to employ personnel over the age of 65, subject to a satisfactory appraisal.  Agreed.                                                Action: MC

333. Contract for the Parish Council filing clerk
The current filing clerk had completed two satisfactory periods of temporary employment each of three months.  It was recommended that this contract now be made permanent, and that a new contract be drawn up.  AGREED.                                                Action: MC

The meeting concluded at 9.30pm.

Minutes of the meeting held on 4th February at 7.15pm in St John's Hall, Hayfield.

Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (Chair), J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, Mrs S McCall, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Cllr Jacqui Gadd of New Mills Town Council, Borough Cllr David Mellor, one member of the public.

294. Apologies for absence
    Apologies were received from Cllr Platt and Cllr Gee.
295. Variations to the Order of Business
296. Declarations of interest
297. Matters for Part II

298. Public speaking
    A member of the public asked which of the Council's meetings are open to the public. The Clerk stated that they are all open to the public. From now on the Clerk will publicise all meetings using the Council noticeboard, and at Little Hayfield and Birch Vale when the boards have been repaired.
    The member of the public also asked for clarification on the Pro Loco exhibition. The Council will definitely be holding an exhibition of past winners in the Village Hall on Pro Loco weekend.
    Borough Cllr Mellor said a 2.5% increase in rates is proposed in the full council meeting in March. He asked to be told about anyone experiencing problems with dustbin collections.
Cllr Waterhouse asked the Clerk to speak to Cllr Atkins concerning guard rails on Persimmon Bridge.                                                                        ACTION: MC

299. Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 14th January 2009
    Cllr Hodgson requested amendments: Cheque 10207 – the name on the cheque was altered; needs changing on minutes. Part II – the contractors should be named. These amendments were agreed. The minutes were approved.                                        ACTION: MC

300. Planning Applications
    a) Replaced damaged building, Heys Farm, Hayfield (NP/HPK/0109/0037). Approved.
    b) Change of use from single dwelling house to create two dwellings. 17 Church Street, Hayfield (HPK/2009/0032). Approved.
    c) Change of use of vacant barn to two dwellings. Lower Cliffe Farm, Thornsett Lane, Birch Vale (HPK/2009/0027). Approved.
    d) Planning Inspectorate. Notification of proposal to hold a Local Inquiry, Public Bridleway No.89 from Swallow House Lane to Public Bridleway no.81 on the Sett Valley Trail. The Parish Council will have to make the case for this at the enquiry. Some organisations may be willing to help financially. The Chair proposed a meeting on this subject, once the letter and document have been circulated. Local and Borough Cllrs will be invited.         The meeting will be in a fortnight's time. The Clerk will organise a venue and date.                        ACTION: MC
Cllr J McCall asked that the County Council be contacted for a list of specialised legal counsel.
                                                                                ACTION: MC
The Clerk will also take legal advice on whether this meeting should be public or private.       
                                                                                ACTION: MC


301. Chairman's announcements
    The Little Hayfield Traffic Group is on 5th February [since postponed]. The Chairman asked other Cllrs to attend. Cllrs Seipp and Wieteska volunteered.

302. Clerk's report
    a) Minutes of BEAC Committee, 20th January 2009. Circulated.
    b) Minutes of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee, 28th January 2009. The Clerk noted that on page 2 the Chair has put in four web contacts; the Clerk can provide further information for those without access to the web.
    c) Actions taken in January (tabled). Additional actions further to tabled report: attended meeting of local Parish Councils, who are keen to include Chinley & Hayfield in the Market Towns Initiative. Chapel-en-le-Frith is happy to bulk order grit and store at Chapel.  Also, Isabel Bellamy and Brian Wood would like to address Council at the March meeting. It was agreed to reduce the usual Council agenda and start the meeting earlier to accommodate these requests; an additional meeting for other Council business may therefore be required after the scheduled March meeting.

303. Matters for discussion
    a) Devolved budgets (Cllr P Gee, 28th January 2009) – agreed to discuss at a later date.
    b) Gritting problems. A report was tabled and discussed. Bins will be filled tomorrow.

304. Letters received
    a) Derbyshire County Council: Public Bridleway no.89: referred to Secretary of State. This item was discussed in agenda item 7(d).
    b) Chafes Solicitors: land off Kinder Road: Educational Trust. Chafes have written to the owners to ask if the land can be used as allotments. The land on the other side has no record of ownership.
    c) Chafes Solicitors: request for notes of meeting.
    d) New Mills Town Council: tender for mowing contract.
    e) High Peak Borough Council: Gold Card Concessionary Travel Scheme.
    f) Severn Trent Water: Booster station on Highgate Road. The letter provided further details but gave no immediate resolution to the problem.
    g) Chafes solicitors: report on progress with Bank Vale Field. The solicitors are waiting on confirmation from St Matthew’s Church.
    h) Copy of letter from Whiting and Mason to Chafes. Also awaiting confirmation as per above.
    i) Email from Ruth Swann (Ruth Livesley). Ruth requested a memorial in the form of a bench or tree near the Chemist.  Agreed.                                                ACTION: MC
    j) Email from Brian Wood: wishes to discuss procedures on Finance, Meetings, Agendas. He will be attending the next Parish Council meeting.
    k) Email from Isabel Bellamy: draft housing needs survey. She will be attending the next Parish Council meeting.
    l) Letter from DRCC: Village of the Year Competition. Council agreed to enter.        ACTION: MC
    m) Email from Hilary Edgerton: negotiations on Bank Vale Field. A meeting will be held tomorrow (Thursday) between the Church and its Solicitors.
    n) Peak District National Park Authority: document for comment. A reply required in early April. Cllrs J McCall & Ramwell asked to read and contribute.                        ACTION: MC
    o) Draft report from Isabel Bellamy, Rural Housing Enabler: Hayfield Housing Needs Survey.

305. DALC circulars
    a) Press Release: DRCC: Derbyshire gets pedal power. This is a young person's low-cost bike hire scheme.
    b) DALC circular 02/2009: Redundant Buildings Grant; grievance procedures; training programmes. A copy of the training programme was provided to all Cllrs.
    c) DALC circular 03/2009: Age discrimination: compulsory retirement at 65.
    d) DALC circular 04/2009: Market Towns retailer training package.. Chair asked for this to be added to the next meeting's agenda.

306. Accounts for approval
    List of cheques:

Cheque no.

Payable to:








T Middleton




Employee 1

Wages month 10



Employee 2

Wages month 10



Employee 3

Wages month 10



H Taylor




David G Ross




High Peak Borough Council

Christmas Tree



T Critchlow

Finance Admin



Ridge insurance




Derbyshire CC

Filling salt bins










307. Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities. No report.
    b) Hayfield Educational Trust. No report.
    c) Cllr Hodgson on Police Liaison Committee – A mobile police station will come to Hayfield on the second Tuesday of each month, starting 10th Feb, 5.30-7.30pm. The police are working on the problems of motorbikes using moors footpaths. There is concern about parking in Hayfield, and are hoping action will be taken when enforcement authority passes to the County Council. Incident numbers must be obtained for all issues. They are aware about bus station problems. Youth Services want to start up another youth club in the Village Hall. Cllrs are reminded that the new incident reporting number is  0345 123 3333.

308. Items for information
a) Newsletter (Cllr E Hodgson, 26th January 2009). Cllr Hodgson requested that the Council no longer pay St Matthew's Church for publishing the Council newsletter in the Church magazine.

309. Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
    Items are included in the minutes above.

    It was agreed to cancel the BEAC meeting on 17th February and hold the Bridleway meeting on that date instead, due to its pressing importance.

The meeting concluded at 20.15.



Minutes of the meeting held on 14th January 2009 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Hayfield.

Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, Mrs S McCall, Mrs M Platt, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Sergeant J Bowman. Cllr Beth Atkins, Cllr Tony Ashton, 1 member of the press, 2 members of the public.
278         Apologies for absence: None.
279         Variations to the Order of Business:  None.
280         Declarations of interest:  None.

281         Matters for Part II
    Old School Field and Recreation Ground re. tenders to be held in Part II.

282         Public speaking
    Sergeant John Bowman, Hayfield's Safer Neighbourhood Policeman. He is based in Glossop, covering Hayfield and New Mills. The local police have produced a new 'Policing Pledge'.
    Crime in the area has decreased; there are 3.7 crimes per every 1000 people. Vehicle crime and violent crime have decreased. Robbery is down to about one a year. Antisocial behaviour has risen slightly.  If a crime is in progress, call 999. For anything else, call 0345 123 3333.
    Cllr Beth Atkins DCC. Wood Lane has been adopted.
    Unfortunately, the 358 bus connection from Marple to Stepping Hill Hospital is being lost.
    Decriminalisation of parking starts on 19 Feb.  The Hayfield Development Trust was presented with a cheque to replace the finials on the war memorial.
    The DCC car park on the Old Station Site has ceased charging for parking during the week.
    Cllr Tony Ashton HPBC. All the Derbyshire District Councils have signed up to use DCC parking officials to enforce parking, particularly on yellow lines.
    - There is now a combined street cleaning team, targeting areas where tipping takes place.
    - The increase in grant from HPBC to Hayfield Parish Council is equivalent to a 5.6% increase.
    Member of the public: Thanked the Parish Council for filling the grit bin on Highgate Rd near Highgate House; it requires refilling. Secondly, regarding Severn Trent (raised last meeting) – the two points in the letter sent were not responded to: why the water switched off, and why the fail-safe didn't work.
    Member of the public: Firstly, it was agreed at the previous meeting not to name members of the public in the minutes, but by naming them in the attendees section they could still be identified. The Council proposed removing public names altogether.                 Agreed.
    Secondly, there is an increasing amount of graffiti appearing in the village.
The member of the public would like it removed and an attempt made to find out who did it. Cllr Waterhouse knew of the locations and agreed to provide them to the Clerk.                ACTION: MC & KW

283         Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 3rd December 2008
            Agreed, with the removal of names of members of the public.

284         Planning Applications:  None received.
            Planning Decision Notices
    a) Mr & Mrs Robb, 13 Pike Close, Hayfield: erection of front porch. (NP/HPK/1008/0877). Refused.
b) Mr R Hallam, 27 Pike Close, Hayfield: change of use of garage to utility room and gym. (NP/HPK/1008/0883). Granted.
c) Mrs Dobbins, Higher Cliff Farm: proposed conservatory. (NP/HPK/0908/0860). Granted.
285         Chairman's announcements       
            There is an Extraordinary Meeting of the Allotments Committee on Monday 20th January.
286        Clerk's report
a) Minutes of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee (RLTC), 5th December 2008. Village orchard: the Clerk is developing a plan, which needs to be developed at the next RLTC, to be hopefully funded by PDNP. Item 8(5): £60k was a typo; it should read £600. The goalposts: Cllr Gee explained the plan. Little Hayfield sandpit: needs weeding and topping up. ACTION: MC
Wood Lane Home Zone: the streets have been officially adopted, and it is intended to apply for Home Zone status.
b) Minutes of Finance Committee, 7th January 2009. There was discussion about the differences between Finance Committee decisions and RLTC decisions. It was felt that many of the RLTC meeting recommendations can be paid for through this year's budget.
            c) Actions taken in December. Actions have been covered following meeting minutes.
    d) Report on costing of proposed Pro Loco event (document circulated). The Clerk presented a paper on the costs. Cllr S McCall felt the proper photographing and cataloguing of the paintings was imperative before a decision on the event and loan scheme can be taken. It was agreed to refer this item back to RLTC to discuss the further implications of the scheme and the Clerk's paper.
287        Matters for discussion
a) Budget and Precept for 2009-10. The Clerk and Cllr Harvey introduced this item. Cllr Harvey noted the precept increase has been minimised to reflect inflation and the economy.
Cllr J McCall proposed that the unsuccessful grant application for the War Memorial area scheme be rewritten and resubmitted, and felt that the turn-around for this would allow for a decision at the April Council meeting. He felt this decision should be between using a grant (and other grants would also be applied for) or a Treasury Loan (which would also be applied for in the meantime). Work could then begin on site in April.  There was a lengthy discussion.
Cllr Ramwell proposed the budget for 2009-10 with a 2.5% increase be accepted.        Agreed.
Following the discussion about funding the War Memorial area scheme, Cllr Ramwell felt the majority opinion was to apply for every possible grant until August, and then the Council should review the financial situation and make a decision on whether to apply for a loan. This was formally proposed. Agreed.
In favour: Cllrs Ramwell, Hodgson, S McCall, Platt, Seipp, Waterhouse and Wieteska.
Against: Cllrs J McCall, Gee and Harvey.
            b) Tenders for work on Recreation Ground and Old School Field: to be discussed in Part II.
288        Letters received
            a) Information Commissioner's Office: Model Publication Scheme.         ACTION: MC
            d) New Mills TC: maintenance contracts. The Clerk to get a quote.         ACTION: MC
            f) Severn Trent: failure of water supply. The Clerk will respond.                ACTION: MC
            g) Community Spaces: Another application to be made.                   ACTION: MC & JM
            h) Britain in Bloom: newsletter. The Clerk will arrange a talk from HPBC.         ACTION: MC
    m) Mrs V A Preston, Rowarth: grit bins. The Councillors were unclear whether the bins in question are within the Parish boundary. Clerk to investigate.                        ACTION: MC
p) Derbyshire County Council: highways issues. Costs were given for a variety of issues raised by the Council. These will be discussed at the next BEAC meeting. ACTION:MC&JM
r) Email from Sue Buchanan: re. Pro Loco. Requesting an increase in first prize money by £75 to a total of £250. The Council will fund from reserves.              Agreed.

289        DALC circulars
            a) DALC circular No.56/008: various training days.
            b) DALC circular No.57/008: CiLCA training course.
            c) DALC circular No.59/008: Parish Councils' evening, Derbyshire Constabulary.

290        Accounts for approval
    List of cheques for approval

Cheque No.

Payable To





Street lighting



Barnes Building Construction

Repairs to benches



Graham Yarwood

Cenotaph lights



Graham Yarwood

Christmas tree lights



Walter Garlick

Fixing noticeboard



Hayfield St Johns Methodist Church

Room hire



PWP Sportsbase

Tennis net & posts



High Peak Borough Council

Playground inspections



British Telecom

Telephone bill



Marchington Stone

Rock salt



Employee 1

Wages – mth 9



T Middleton




Employee 2

Wages – mth 9



H Taylor

Christmas bonus



Employee 3

Wages – mth 9







M Crompton




T Critchlow

Finance admin



Turners Office Supplies




T J Turner




P Gee

Sale of laptop computer



Hallam Brothers

Van hire



T J Turner





Electricity supply HPC



Hayfield Village Hall

Room Hire






30/11/08        Interest on Reserve Account               £66.72

14/01/09        Deposit account:                £36,209.59
                    Current account:                  £8,786.87

291        Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities. A meeting will be held when Cllr Waterhouse has sent the relevant leaflets around to members to digest.
    b) Hayfield Educational Trust. No news to report. Cllr Hodgson pointed out continuing problems with the bank accounts. Cllr Platt updated the Council on the situation and its history.
    c) Other bodies. Verbal report given.
292        Items for information: None.
293        Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman: None.

PART I of the meeting closed at 21.10.

PART II of the meeting MINUTES. Began at 21.25.

    Tenders for work on the Valley Road recreation ground & the Old School Field

The Clerk noted that the discrepancies in Tender C bids indicated a problem: the Council had underestimated the problem with the drainage; the higher quotes came from contractors who had recognised this and inspected the problem. This presents an unfair situation. As a result, the Council needs to resubmit the tender specification to allow for new, accurate bids to be submitted by all the contractors. In order to resubmit the tender specification.

T Turner will be commissioned to undertake an inspection of the problem. Agreed.                ACTION: MC

The Council found that Tender E also showed a problem, in that the specification sent to contractors to bid for did not reflect what the Councillors thought was required. The requirements were discussed and Cllr J McCall agreed to do a technical drawing for the contractors to allow them to re-tender for this element of the work. Agreed.         ACTION: JM

    Final decisions:
    Tender A – Agreed to award to Contractor C
    Tender B – Agreed to award to Contractor C
    Tender C – not considering until the action above is completed.
    Tender D – Agreed to award to Contractor D
    Tender E – not considering until the action above is completed.
    The Council agreed that, once new bids had been returned, tenders C & E would be decided at the next RLTC if this is sooner than the next Parish Council meeting.

    The next Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee meeting will be held on 28 January at 7pm, in the Parish Council office.


The meeting concluded at 21.40.           

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 3rd December 2008 St John's Methodist Church Sunday School

Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (Chair), Mrs E Hodgson, Mrs S McCall, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska, P Gee, J Harvey, J McCall.

In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Filing Clerk K Chesworth.

Also present: Four members of the public.

262            Apologies for absence
Cllrs M Platt, A Seipp; County Cllr B Atkins
263            Variation of Order of Business
            A Part II was proposed and agreed.
264            Declarations of Interest
265            Matters for Part II
The Council agreed Bank Vale Field, affordable housing and tenders would be in Part II.
266            Public speaking
A member of the public raised electricity cuts, as there had been one previously. The water pump cuts out every time the electricity is cut. When the pump was installed approx' 20 years ago, the water company promised the pump would stay on whenever the electricity cut out.
Cllr Hodgson stated the same problem occurs with the Kinder pump.
Cllr Ramwell expressed sympathy and agreed a letter should be written to Severn Trent Water to ask why this is happening and request a resolution.                                                                                                            ACTION: MC
A member of the public stated that the speed limit change for New Mills Road is not proceeding due to an admin' mistake. Furthermore, two signs in this area are obstructed by trees. The highways authority should be asked to prune them.                                                                                                            ACTION: MC
Cllr Hodgson added that parking on the pavement in this area obstructs a road name plate. Enforcement is needed. The letter to the highways authority should also mention this issue.                                                                        ACTION: MC
267            Non-confidential Minutes of the last meeting.
Cllr Gee requested members of the public are not named in the 'Public Speaking' section of the minutes, as was the case previously. AGREED with one against.
A member of the public requested that 'could' become homezone should be re-worded to 'should'. AGREED.
268            Planning Applications
                        a)  Change of use and alterations to agricultural building to create farm shop, Marl House Farm, Little Hayfield. (NP/HPK/1108/0992). Recommended for REFUSAL on grounds of access to/from the main road. The Council supported the idea of a farm shop however.
            Planning Decision Notices
a) Listed Building Decision Notice, Hill House Farm, Kinder (NP/HPK/0908/0859) GRANTED with 12 conditions.
b) Decision Notice, 3 Lea Road Hayfield (NP/HPK/0908/0821) GRANTED.
269            Chairman’s announcements
The switching on of the Christmas tree lights on 5th December 2008, 7.15pm was noted. Cllr J McCall cannot set up the PA system, so will arrange to delegate this.
The Clerk announced that the Christmas tree and new lights were in place.
270            Clerk’s report
            a) Allotments meetings 9th November and 21st November 2008
The allotments budget has been used for chatter for footpaths and weedproof underlay. New footpaths will be down early in new year. The Allotments Society have moved to quarter plot sizes, reducing the waiting list. They have raised the fee for 2009 by £5.
b) Meeting with Simon Tranter, 10th November (report enclosed)
There are financial implications for the Council to this report, and BEAC will report back on these.                                                                                    ACTION: BEAC
c) Finance sub-committee, 13th November
Covered the Bank Vale Field purchase and a funding group for the village.
d) St Matthew’s Parochial Church Council, 17th November (report enclosed)
Subject to Part II discussion.
e) BEAC, 18th November (report enclosed)
Cllr Harvey was concerned point 5 could be misinterpreted. Concern was also expressed that when Option 2 was recommended, it was thought that DCC would largely fund it.
Cllr J McCall responded that the meeting with S Tranter (enclosed) was very useful in clarifying DCC's position.
Cllrs J McCall and Gee confirmed the Council would ask S Tranter to design Option 2, and the Council would continue to investigate the possibility of Option 3.
f) Actions taken in November (tabled at the meeting)
Note that tenders have gone out for the Recreation Ground.
Note that the Top of Town project is almost complete, except the trees.
Note that equipment at Little Hayfield playground has been installed and invoiced.
Note that a plan has been drawn up and needs addressing for the Civic Trust exhibition.
Cllr Ramwell congratulated the Cllrs and Clerk for the amount achieved in the past month.
271            Matters for discussion
a) Preliminary Budget/Draft precept 2009/2010 (tabled at the meeting)
Cllr Harvey introduced and explained the budget and draft 4% precept. The budget addresses the issue of staffing costs. The war memorial streetscene project, heritage lighting, and Bank Vale Field have not been included as these plans depend on grant funding and/or costs are vague. Reserves may be used for these three items. Cllr Harvey requested that BEAC and the Recreation, Tourism & Leisure Committee indicate their priorities.            ACTION: JM & PG
There was some discussion about Bank Vale Field and whether/how much it should be funded by the PC if grant applications are unsuccessful. It was agreed to defer such discussions until a report is presented to Council on how the purchase would be funded, once the outcome of grant applications is known.
b) Little Hayfield Interactive traffic sign
The Little Hayfield Traffic Group requested the Council pay for 50% of a second traffic sign. The cost of the electricity supply could be considerable due to logistics. It was agreed that a decision would be deferred until the Clerk had investigated the costs involved.                                                            ACTION: MC
The potential for a Little Hayfield Christmas tree was discussed. It was felt this would break up the Parish community and set a precedent for other hamlets/small villages in the Parish. Cllr Gee proposed just one tree for the Parish, in Hayfield. AGREED
c) Report on Underpass Questionnaires (tabled at the meeting)
The majority of respondees wanted the underpass closed as an access route, and either closed altogether or used for community purposes. It was noted that the Rangers would like to make use of the location.  It was agreed that DCC (the owners) should be written to with the results of the consultation, requesting thoughts on the procedure and options. AGREED                        ACTION: MC
272            Letters received
a) Letters from Cllr E Hodgson, Mrs Janet Leadbeater Mr J Posnett, re. Slacks Crossing: Clerk to ascertain the current situation with the bridleway, and write to Mrs Leadbeater with an update.                                                             ACTION: MC
b) New Mills and District Volunteer Centre re. invitation to 25th Anniversary Celebrations: M Crompton attended on Chair's behalf.
c) High Peak Borough Council re. off-street parking enforcement.
d) High Peak Borough Council re. dog fouling: it has become clear that HPBC have no enforcement powers to ensure dogs stay on leads. It was agreed that all signage in recreation areas be removed, except dog fouling ones. ACTION: MC
e) Mr Gareth Hardy re. meeting, Meadows Farm, Ridge Top Lane: noted.
f) Mrs Joan Powell, Hayfield Village Hall re. increase in fees: noted.
g) Hayfield Singers, thank you: noted.
h) DCC rights of way maps: definitive maps for Hayfield have been received.
i) Letter from Hayfield pre-school re non-use of underpass: noted.
j) Hayfield Village Hall – thank you: noted.
k) Copy of letter from Jim Dixon (PDNPA) to Philip Thompson (PPPF) re. LDF: noted.
l) Safer Derbyshire Dales Safety Panel meeting 4th December, Matlock: noted.
m) Mr ND Mrs Moss, Fisher's Bridge re. Landscaping: requesting notification that drainage has been considered.                                                            ACTION: MC
n) Mr Travis, Chafe's Solicitors: noted. The Clerk will respond
                                                                                                ACTION: MC
273            DALC circulars
a)  Circular 53/2008  Training Seminar Darley Dale, 10th December: new criteria for Quality Parish Councils: noted and circulated.
            b)  Circular 54/2008 Internal Auditors Course for Parish Councils 4th February 2009, DALC offices, Wirksworth: noted.
            c)  Circular 55/2008  Lowering of voting age consultation: noted.
            d) Circular 56/2008  Training: circulated.
            e) Circular 57/2008  CiLCA Training: noted.
274            Accounts for approval
                        List of Cheques 3rd November 2008

Cheque No.

Payable To








Employee 1

Wages – mth 8







Hayfield Village Hall

Room hire







David G Ross




Employee 2

Wages – mth 8



Employee 3

Wages – mth 8



E Hodgson

Travel expenses



Hayfield PCC

Advert(Church Magazine)



Allplas.co.uk Ltd

Weed control fabric



T Critchlow

Finance admin



T J Turner




Red Egg

Swing at L. Hayfield



Bulk Tippers Ltd

40 tons top soil



P M Crompton




Marchington Stone Ltd

Hardcore for allotments











30/09/09      Interest on Reserve Account      £117.87
07/10/08      Interest on Reserve Account      £  27.55
31/10/08      Interest on Reserve Account      £  82.83

275            Reports from representatives on outside bodies.
a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities
Cllr Waterhouse indicated a report was available. Grants are being awarded to pensioners, and a sign has been put up seeking additional applicants.
b) Hayfield Educational Trust
Cllr Gee indicated that successful grant applicants will be funded once accounts are finalised.
c) Other bodies  (report enclosed)
276            Items for information
The Clerk attended various meetings, and tabled a list. Note that the RCC has money from DEFRA re. researching rural proofing and other wider research. The Clerk asked for the Chair's permission for the Council to be a part of this research. GRANTED
The Clerk will be applying for a grant from the Derbyshire Environment Trust towards Bank Vale Field.

277            Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
            Addressed in earlier items.

PART I of the meeting closed at 20.30.                                                                                   


PART II of the meeting MINUTES.

Bank Vale Field
Copy of report circulated and noted. It was agreed that the Council is committed to going ahead with the purchasing of Bank Vale Field. The field will be the village recreation ground, available for use by clubs under license from the Council and with a proper development structure for involving youth and others.
As soon as the first payment is made, the Council would officially own the field and this would improve the opportunity to apply successfully for grants for future payments.
It was agreed that once the solicitors have drawn up the contract, the Council should meet to discuss and vote on whether to agree to the contract and propose any changes. The Council's commitment to purchasing the field is subject to this contract.
It was also agreed that a launch event should be held once ownership transfers.

Affordable housing
The Council has been approached and offered the field behind Fairy Bank Road for affordable housing. This land is in the Peak Park. A site meeting has been held.
A sketch proposal for 26 units accessed from Fairy Bank Crescent was put forward to key stakeholders such as Peak Park, DCC, Peak District RHA.
The Peak Park, the planning authority for this site, have a policy that a site in the Park can only be developed for affordable housing if it is the only possible site in a village. Cllr J McCall is writing a report to prove this. He asked other Councillors to consider whether there are any other viable areas of land in the village for affordable housing.                                                                        ACTION: ALL

Tenders for Memorial Square
BEAC had agreed only one of the received tenders was valid: that from Kinder Construction. Their quote was within budget. The grant application to fund this project will be responded to in mid January. There was some discussion of the use of a treasury loan to fund the project if the grant was unsuccessful.
Cllr J McCall proposed this tender was accepted, subject to funds, and the Council moves forward with its plans. AGREED
The Clerk said a letter should also be sent to unsuccessful tenderers. AGREED
                                                                                                ACTION: MC
The meeting concluded at 21.15.


Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 5th November 2008 in Hayfield Village Hall.
Present: Cllr A Ramwell (chair), Cllrs Mrs. E Hodgson, Mrs. S McCall, Mrs. M Platt, Mrs. A Seipp, Mrs. K Waterhouse, Mrs. V Wieteska, P Gee, J Harvey, J McCall,

In attendance:  Clerk M Crompton

Also present: County Councillor Mrs. Beth Atkins: Mrs. V Richardson, Mrs. F Allen (Hayfield Civic Trust), Mrs. J Burns (first part of meeting only), Mr. Jonathan Dodds, (Buxton Advertiser)

246            Apologies for absence
None.  Cllr S McCall took the chair until arrival of Cllr A Ramwell at 19.27, who chaired from 19.39.
248            Variation of Order of Business
249            Declarations of Interest
Cllr J McCall, agenda item 8a) Planning Application HPK/2008/0598.  Reason: Cllr McCall is the agent for this application.
Cllr K Waterhouse, agenda items 11b) and 14): Donation to Village Hall.  Reason: Village Hall Treasurer.
Cllr E Hodgson, agenda items 11b) and 14: Donation to Village Hall.  Reason: Chair of Village Hall Committee.
Cllr M Platt, agenda items 11b) and 14: Donation to Hayfield Scouts.  Reason: Cllr Platt’s husband runs Hayfield Scouts.
Cllr A Ramwell, agenda items 11b) and 14: Donation to Hayfield Scouts.  Reason: Cllr Ramwell runs Hayfield Scouts.
250            Matters for Part II
The Council agreed that discussion of Bank Vale Field would be in Part II of the meeting.  Cllr Gee objected.
251            Public speaking
Mrs. F Allen asked if Church Street could become a Home Zone.  Also asked if there could be a 20mph speed limit throughout the village.
Cllr McCall indicated that this would be raised at a meeting on Monday 10th November with Derbyshire County Council Highways.
Mrs. F Allen asked that the accounts of Hayfield Development Trust be published, as sponsor of the Parish News Letter.  Matter referred to HDT.
Cllr Beth Atkins reported on a number of matters.
Wood Lane: still waiting for an illuminated priority sign, otherwise everything set for formal adoption by Highways.
Agreement had been reached on restoring the pavement at the new development in Little Hayfield.
The Police need to be informed of the Carol Service and will need the date and time, and a PSO will be required for traffic.            (19.27)                                                            Action: MC
There was also a possibility of a PSO in Little Hayfield with a camera.
A number of points were raised with Cllr Atkins. 

252            Non-confidential Minutes of the last meeting.
Approved, with the change in minute 231 c) of ‘home zone’ to ‘shared surface’.  The former what was said, the latter what was intended.
253            Planning Applications
                        a)  Listed Building Consent: conversion of derelict stables to provide holiday let unit, Hill House Farm, Kinder, Hayfield. (NP/HPK/0908/0859) Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        b)  Change of use of garage to utility room and gym.  27 Pike Close, Hayfield. (NP/HPK/1008/0883).  Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        c)  Proposed Conservatory.  Higher Cliff Farm, Thornsett Lane, Birch Vale. (NP/HPK/0908/0860)  Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        Planning Decision Notices
                        d)  Two storey extension, 27 Pike Close, Hayfield.  (NP/HPK/0808/0745) GRANTED with conditions.
e) Erection of front porch, 13 Pikes Close, Hayfield. (NP/HPK/1008/0877)  Recommended for APPROVAL.
254            Chairman’s announcements
Reminders for Festival of Remembrance (9th November) and Tree Lighting (5th December).
255            Clerk’s report
            a) Minutes of Finance Committee 16th October: NOTED.
            b) Minutes of Built Environment Advisory Committee 21st October: NOTED.           
            c) Minutes of Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Committee 23rd October: NOTED.

d) Actions from Council meeting 1st October 2008
Minute 231e)), future use of the underpass: clerk to distribute Newsletter/questionnaire to Hayfield School.                                                                                      ACTION: MC
e) Actions from Finance Committee 16th October 2008
Agenda item 3) Change of terms of reference: See Minute 256a of this meeting. 
Agenda item 7) Policy on donations.  J Harvey considered the Council should offer advice and support for organisations seeking and set aside funds to help with this.
            Moved that no donations should be made in 2009-2010.                                    APPROVED
            (Cllrs A Seipp, P Gee and M Platt abstained on this vote).
Agenda item 11) Cultivation area at Top o’ the Town.  Report given on work in hand including meeting with M Gillespie, HPBC, and meeting at Kettleshulme (D Ross).  All actions approved.  Also approved that HPBC will address next Parish Council meeting re. Britain in Bloom.
f) Actions from Built Environment Advisory Committee 21st October 2008
Agenda item 5) J McCall reported on tenders received for work on Memorial Square.  Only 1 local company had tendered, so two further tenders offered and received from Glossop and Disley.  To be discussed at next meeting of BEAC on 18th November.
            g) Actions from Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Committee 23rd October 2008
A decision on matched funding for a second interactive traffic sign was postponed until consultations had taken place with DCC regarding a blanket speed limit of 30mph from Little Hayfield to the village.
256            Matters for discussion
a) Proposed revised terms of reference for Finance Committee.  The terms of reference paragraphs 5) and 6) to be moved to Recreation and Leisure Committee.  AGREED.
b) Outstanding requests for donations.  £250.00 remained in the 2008-2009 budget for donations.  It was proposed to divide this amount equally among the requests, with a total of £50.00 per request.                                                                                    AGREED.
c) 50% funding of Little Hayfield traffic sign: postponed until meeting with DCC Highways.
257            Letters received
            a) Mrs. Badr: Clerk to ascertain ownership of 20 Trees land.
            i) Quotation from Red Egg re. swings at Little Hayfield: Clerk to proceed with installation.
            j) Email from Mr. G Hardy re. meeting: clerk to progress.                                    ACTION: MC

258            DALC circulars
            DCLG consultation: clerk to progress.                                                            ACTION: MC

259            Accounts for approval

Cheque No.

Payable To



Direct Debit





T Middleton




H Taylor




Employee 1




Employee 2




Peter Lomas

Erecting shelving



Chapel Pallets & Bulk Bags

Vehicle hire



Society of Local Council Clerks




M Crompton




T Critchlow

Finance admin



Employee 3








T J Turner




Barnes Building Construction Ltd

Bench repairs



A Ramwell

Chairman’s Allowance



S Wilson

Allotment deposit



Hayfield Village Hall




Hayfield Singers




Hayfield Scouts




Hayfield Concert Society




St Matthew’s Church cemetery







HPBC                        Grant                                    £525.00
United Utilities Wayleave                        £ 46.35

260            Reports from representatives on outside bodies.
            a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities
            There will be a meeting on 20th November at 8.00pm in the Council Offices.
            b) Hayfield Educational Trust: a meeting will take place on Thursday 6th November.
            c) Other bodies: Clerk M Crompton submitted a written report.
261            Items for information
A comprehensive list of all publications held by the Parish Council and will be produced.  New publications received each month will be issued to councillors.              AGREED.

PART I of the meeting closed at 9.40pm.                                                                       

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 2nd October 2008 in St Matthew’s Church Hall.
Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (chair), Cllrs Mrs. E Hodgson, Mrs. S McCall, Mrs. M Platt, Mrs. A Seipp, Mrs. K Waterhouse, Mrs. V Wieteska, P Gee, J Harvey, J McCall,

In attendance:  Clerk M Crompton

Also present: Borough Councillor Tony Ashton (part of meeting), and 3 members of the public.

223            Apologies for absence
224            Variation of order of business
225            Declarations of interest
Cllrs A Ramwell and M Platt declared an interest in agenda item 12 k); request for funding from Hayfield Scouts.  Reason: A Ramwell is involved with the Scouts; M Platt also involved through her husband.

226            Public speaking
Mrs. V Richardson complained about the number of blocked grids on Highgate Road.  She requested that the Council ask Highways to increase the clearance to twice a year rather than once as at present.                                                ACTION: MC
On Crossings Cottage she requested there should be an inquiry into the narrowing of the pathway.  The route from the linear walk to Thornsett Lane should be adopted as a footpath and retained as a pedestrian route to the School.                                                                                                ACTION: MC
Mrs. F Allen complained that some items of Parish Council business could not be seen in the notice display window of the Parish Council Office because they had been overlaid by other items.  It was pointed out that minutes were on display in the library, and that the problem would be solved when the new notice board is installed.  She requested that the route from the Wood Lane estate to the Old School Field via the footbridge should have a dog bin.
Finally it was reported that after the resignation of the clerk as councillor a new representative was required in the Quarry Liaison Meeting, next due on 11th December at 6.00pm.                                                                                    ACTION: MC
Cllr K Waterhouse complained that on exiting from the village onto the Relief Road, large vehicles such as coaches catch their underside on the steep camber when turning right.  It was doubtful action could be taken to remedy the road camber, but clerk to pursue this.                                                            ACTION: MC           

Cllr Tony Ashton explained that the grids are the responsibility f Derbyshire County Council but the Borough Council is paid by the County Council to do the grid clearing and report which need repairs.  However the fee paid was insufficient and the service unsatisfactory.  High Peak secured an extra £20k from County in return for the Borough making an equal contribution.  The Borough agreed to pay even though the grids are the County’s responsibility.  In addition some 1,000 grids are in need of repair.  However the service has been increased 45% of grids would be cleared twice a year.

Cllr Ashton also explained that on the double rating issue the grant increase to parishes was to continue to 2012-2013.  However it was to be reviewed after three years, in January 2009, to see what savings had been made for residents in Chapel, New Mills and Hayfield.

Cllr J McCall explained to Cllr Ashton that the Council was planning to improve the area around the War Memorial for which planning permission is not required. He asked if there could be any financial help from the Borough Council.  Cllr Ashton explained cogently why not.

227            Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th August 2008
These were approved with the exception of agenda item 219: Village Hall Appeal.  This had not been agreed.  The Confidential minutes were also approved.

228            Planning Applications
                        a) Side extension over garage and rear single storey extension. 12 Wood Gardens, Hayfield. (HPK/2008/0598). Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        b) Alterations to existing detached dwelling with the addition of three single storey extensions. 40 New Mills Road, Birch Vale. (HPK/2008/0585).  Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        c) Demolition of existing boiler room, construction of single storey garden room.  The Nut, Highgate Road, Hayfield. (HPK/2008/0547).  Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        d) Change of use from one dwelling to two holiday lets. 11-13 Church Street, Hayfield.  (HPK/2008/0583).  Recommended for REFUSAL. 
                        Planning decision notices e) – j) were noted.
            k) Single storey extension to lounge.  Smithfold Barn, Chapel Road,
Hayfield (HPK/2008/0605)  Recommended for APPROVAL
l) Two storey side extension with new front porch removal of existing detached garage and shed erection of new detached garage.  3 Lea Road, Hayfield. (NP/HPK/0908/0821).  Recommended for APPROVAL.
m) Conversion of outbuildings into a home office, utility and shower for the use of the applicants.  Bank Vale Croft, Bank Vale Road, Hayfield (NP/HPK/0708/0628).  Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        It was reported that a planning application at 68 New Mills Road had been approved subject to the removal of some controversial bollards.

229            Chairman of Council’s announcements
a) The chairman confirmed that the action day for Friends of Hayfield would be 12th October on the Old School Field, beginning at 10.00am.  It was confirmed that a grant had been received for the tools supplied for the last event.
b) Subject to availability of the Vicar, the date for the Christmas tree lights to be switched on would be 5th December.  Clerk to make arrangements. ACTION: MC
c) Unfortunately the bell ringing at St Matthew’s had not been re-arranged, as had been promised.  The Council agreed to change future venue bookings to exclude St Matthew’s.                                                                                    ACTION: MC


230            Clerk’s report
A verbal report was given confirming the actions taken subsequent to the last BEAC meeting, including progress on the War Memorial land with the Land Registry.  A full written report of meetings attended was circulated under agenda item 15, other bodies.

231            Matters for discussion
            a) Standing Orders
The revised Standing Orders were discussed at length, and with minor changes the Standing Orders were approved.  Cllr Waterhouse was thanked for her work in preparing these revisions.  Now to be written up and circulated. ACTION: MC

b) Land at the Top o’ the Town, Church Street.
Cllr S McCall submitted the drawings prepared with the gardeners.  The planting scheme was agreed.  After some debate it was agreed to have a hedging screen behind the existing properties and allow a degree of access.       ACTION: S McC

c) BEAC recommendations for Church Street.
The results of the consultations on Church Street were formally adopted by the Council as policy for the development of this area as a home zone.
War memorial area: A report had been received from Mr Paul Senior giving full costing of the work proposed.  The drawings should now go out to tender with P Senior as project supervisor.                                                                     ACTION: JMcC
The indemnity insurance must be progressed with the solicitors.            ACTION: MC
There was discussion about bringing interested companies together into a consortium to carry out the work.  The timescale was discussed, agreeing that the period January-March would be ideal.  But the scheme will need to be grant-funded.  WREN scheme to be tried.                                                            ACTION: MC
d) Policy on Bank Vale Field
After considerable discussion, the Council unanimously agreed that the policy should be to secure the field for the village, and that it should be purchased by the Council.
e) Future of the Underpass.
Clerk to write to Playgroups to ascertain use and need.                        ACTION: MC
DCC to be asked about possible future and if an asset transfer would be possible with suitable financial support equivalent to cost to DCC of filling in the underpass.  There should be some wider consultations as well.            ACTION: MC
Ask County to close as underpass.                                                            ACTION: MC

232            Letters received
            d) Request for funding for Cemetery: refer to Finance Committee            ACTION: MC
            l) Parking on Wood Lane: request DCC to make car park free.            ACTION: MC
            n) Parish Wild life: proposal from B Soames to chair to be made            ACTION: MC
            o) War memorial grants: clerk to progress with HPBC                        ACTION: MC
            p)  Football Club grant application: on hold until ownership settled            ACTION: MC

233            DALC circulars
            45/2008: Interest expressed in GOEM grant on Climate Change.            ACTION: MC


244            Accounts for approval

Cheque No.

Payable To







Direct Debit




Direct Debit

Alliance & Leicester

Bank charges



Employee 1

Wages – mth 7



M Crompton




T Middleton




H Taylor




M Hallam




Hayfield Village Hall

Room hire



Bate Mill Trade Centre




New Mills Volunteer Centre




Hayfield Poppy Appeal




Hayfield Village Hall




Employee 2

Wages – mth 7



T Critchlow

Finance admin



E Hodgson




Severn Trent Water

Water charges



Johnston Publishing





Electricity bill



Hayfield Scouts




Hayfield Parochial Church Council

Room hire







G & R Leigh

Weed killer, fencing, nails



T J Turner

Work completed Aug-Sept



Johnston Publishing

Advert for filing clerk




Electricity Bill




Telephone & broadband



David G Ross




M Crompton

Dog fouling sign










Note: items in red are cheques (101977 and 101978) not paid: filled in twice by consultant and clerk.  Cheque 101965: inaccurately recorded for payment in minutes of 27th August.

Grant received from HPBC Going Local:              £525.00
Net outgoings October:                                    £3874.37
245            Reports from representatives on outside bodies
Hayfield Educational Trust:  Cllr Gee reported that criticism of councillors on this Trust had been largely unfounded, and the administrative procedures in the past of the Trust had been at fault.
Other bodies: M Crompton submitted a written report.

The meeting ended at 9.25pm.




Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 27th August 2008 in Hayfield Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs A Ramwell (chair), J Harvey, Mrs. E Hodgson, Mrs. S McCall, J McCall, Mrs. A Seipp, Mrs. K Waterhouse, Mrs. V Wieteska.

In attendance:  Clerk M Crompton

Also present: County Councillor Beth Atkins, and 3 members of the public.

210            Apologies for absence
             Cllrs P Gee, indisposition: Mrs. M Platt, because of an accident of her husband at             work.
211            Variation of order of business
            The item on recruitment could be moved from Part II to Part I.
212            declarations of interest
Cllr J McCall declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda item 8b): Planning Application at Bank Vale Croft, Bank Vale Road. (NP/HPK/0708/0628).  Reason: he is the agent involved.
Cllrs Mrs E Hodgson and Mrs K Waterhouse declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda item 12k): request for funding from Hayfield Village Hall.  Reason: both are on the management committee of the Village Hall.
213            Public Speaking
Mrs. Deborah Harwood of New Mills Road brought to the Council’s attention a proposal to erect bollards at the entrance to Old Wood Lane alongside Hallam’s Garage, Hayfield.  She stated that this would cause problems with parking and displace the number of cars which are now parked there.  The Council promised to investigate the matter.                                                            ACTION: J McC: MC
Cllr Mrs. E Hodgson reported a blocked drain at Watery Hey.           ACTION: MC
Cllr Mrs. K Waterhouse reported a flow of untreated on Market Street.  It had been cleared by the Borough Council on 12th August, and reported again on 22nd and 26th.  It is believed to emanate from a private septic tank.            ACTION: MC
County Councillor Beth Atkins gave a report on her activities.   The speed limits on New Mills Road had been applied but not satisfied with retention of 40 mph near Hayfield Quarry.  Still working on better bus and rail timetables.  New development at bottom of Swallow house Lane to be adopted by the County Council.  Persimmon Homes regarding of roadworks: still pressing on with this problem.  Also pressing for pavement to be completed at the new development in Little Hayfield.  There had also been a new Fire Officer and a new Police Liaison person.  Access to Higher Education has begun at New Mills Centre.
Cllr Mrs V Wieteska asked that the bus interchange timing at Marple be investigated: it was difficult to make the connection between the 358 and the 362 buses.  Cllr Mrs E Hodgson asked that phone booths be retained on Kinder given the poor mobile reception.
214 Minutes of the last Meeting.
Approved as a correct record.
215 Planning Applications received
                        a) Resubmission of HPK/2008/0144: Extensions and alterations to create link to outbuildings, conversion of outbuildings to residential extension. Meadows Farm, Ridge Top Lane.  (HPK/2008/0482).  A very detailed written objection had been received by the clerk.  The Council considered this application to be an overdevelopment of the site, as had been their comments on the previous application.  Recommend REFUSAL to the Borough Council.              ACTION: MC
                        b)  Conversion of outbuildings into a home office, utility and shower room.  Bank Vale Croft, Bank Vale Road. (NP/HPK/0708/0628).  Cllr J McCall left the room.  Recommended APPROVAL.                     ACTION:  MC
                        c) Internal alteration to listed building.  Brookhouse Farm Barn, Lane Head Road, Little Hayfield.  (NP/HPK/0608/0522). No objection                          ACTION: MC
                        d) Listed building consent, Replacement windows, Matley Moor Farm, Lane Head Road, L. Hayfield. (NP/HPK/0708/0575) No objection.                    ACTION MC
                        e) Creation of ménage–equine.  Brook Houses, Lane Head Road, Little Hayfield.  (NP/HPK/0408/0345).  Council considered this to be a very large development in the landscape and detrimental both to the quality of the landscape and to the area of open moorland.  Recommended for refusal. ACTION: MC
                        f)  Planning Appeal.  2 local need affordable semi-detached dwellings at land adjoining Brentwood, Thornsett Lane, Birch Vale.  (NP/HPK/0208/0099) PI Appeal Reference: (APP/M9496/A/08/2082161/WF).  Council to write to Planning Inspectorate objecting on same grounds as with the original application, that the applicant was not a registered social landlord. ACTION: MC
            216      Chairman’s announcements
                        a) Creation of Progress Review Group.  The chair suggested the creation of this group, to consist of chair, vice-chair, chairs of committees, to review progress periodically.  AGREED.
b)  Friends of Hayfield: there will be a bulb-planting day on 11th October commencing 10.00am.  Cllrs E Hodgson and A Ramwell kindly agreed to donate one bag of bulbs each for the Old School Field and the Recreation Ground.  Hayfield Civic Trust will be holding a river clean-up at 1.30pm and carrying out some planting.  Liaison is needed and posters.
c) Hayfield Community Sports Association.  It was agreed the request to house equipment on site in a small container.  The chair also echoed the feeling of the meeting that the Council should be much more pro-active with the Sports agenda, and take a lead rather than just help out.  The matter is to be a priority for debate at the October meeting of the Council.  Accommodating the needs of the football club should also be a major consideration in the re-development of the Scouts facilities.
The clerk reported that the Aggregates Levy grants were prioritised for communities closer to extractive quarries rather than landfill.
217            Clerk’s report
a) Report on meeting with Chafe’s solicitors: noted.  Also reported that the Royal Hotel would no longer we willing to accommodate the waste bins currently on the river access.
            b) Report on meeting with Civic Trust: noted.                                    ACTION: MC
            c) Minutes of Built Environment Advisory Committee: noted.
d) Actions taken re. BEAC: agreed.  Rose garden can be acted on: surplus shrubs to Old School Field.
e) Actions in July and August: noted.  Letter to Hayfield Development Trust thanking for loan of printer.                                                                        ACTION: MC
Walks leaflet: Cllr Gee thanked for efforts: longer print run needed. ACTION:MC


218            Matters for discussion
a) Revised Standing Orders.  Tabled for councillors: to be discussed at October meeting.  Hard copies to be sent to absent Councillors.                        ACTION: MC
b) Council Strategy.  A long discussion took place.  Cllr Harvey to discuss the matter more fully at Finance Committee meeting.                             ACTION: JH, MC
219            Letters received.
            Safer Neighbourhoods scheme: Council to write to DCC road safety officer re.             parking on Wood Land, and to traffic at DCC asking for warning signs saying             children at play and possible speed limits.                                                       ACTION: MC
            New Mills Volunteer Centre: agreed donation of £100.00                        ACTION: MC
            HPBC: consultation on BT payphone provision: clerk to write to Council             requesting phone at Rowarth be retained.                                                ACTION: MC
            Kinder Mountain rescue Appeal: request balance sheet.                        ACTION: MC
            Hayfield Poppy Appeal: agreed donation of £100.00                        ACTION: MC
            Letter regarding grit bin on Cote Lane: letter to Mrs Gardner explaining that             the Council will provide a bin even though not on list of Parish bins; to be             donated by Cllr E Hodgson and installed by the Council.                        ACTION: MC
Appeal from Hayfield Village Hall: agreed £100.00                        ACTION: MC
(Cllrs Waterhouse and Hodgson left the room for this item).
Storage on Bank Vale Field: approved.                                                ACTION: MC
Sherwood Forresters Memorial: refer to Finance.  Letter to Major J H Cotterill explaining Council's enthusiasm.                                                            ACTION: MC
DCC road closure: post notice.                                                            ACTION: MC
Appeals from Hayfield Singers and Hayfield Concert Society: to be referred to Finance Committee.  Letters to be sent to explain.                                    ACTION: MC
220            DALC circulars 25/2008 – 41/2008
            Noted.  Dates of training sessions circulated and offers of attendance noted.              Letter to be sent.                                                                                    ACTION: MC

221            Finance
            a)  Audit Commission's Annual Return:  APPROVED.
                 Annual Governance Statement: read and APPROVED.           


            b) List of Cheques  for Hayfield Parish Council Meeting 27th August 2008

Cheque No.

Payable To







Direct Debit





Walter Garlic & Son

Renew wire from tennis




CiLCA Training




Christmas Lighting



Derbyshire County

information board



LSP Tool &
Equipment Hire





Standing Orders



John McCall




Mr J Turner




Hayfield Parochial
Church Council

Advert (Parish Newsletter)




Village of the Year entry fee



Andrew Mycock

Re-laying flags



T Critchlow

Finance admin



M Crompton




T Middleton




H Taylor




Employee 1

Wages – mth 6



Employee 2

Wages – mth 6










Finance Report: T Critchlow

            30/06/08   £  99.89
            31/07/08   £143.10


222            Reports from representatives on outside bodies
            Other bodies: meetings attended July-August by clerk: report tabled.
            Part I of the meeting closed at 9.50pm.

 Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 27th August 2008 in Hayfield Village Hall.

Part II – Confidential Information

a)            recruitment of temporary filing clerk
            Process, proposed contract and job description were tabled.  APPROVED
                                                                                                                        ACTION: MC
b)            Proposal to set up funding group in Hayfield
            Paper tabled by the clerk on this proposal.  The proposal was accepted: clerk to             progress and report to next meeting.                                                            ACTION: MC


Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 2nd July 2008 in St John's Methodist Church Sunday School.

Present: Councillors A Ramwell (chair), P Gee, Mrs M Platt, Mrs V Wieteska, Mrs E Hodgson, Mrs K Waterhouse.

In attendance Clerk M Crompton

Also present: 1 member of the Press, County Councillor Beth Atkins, 2 members of the public.


198 Apologies for absence
Councillors S and J McCall and Cllr J Harvey sent their apologies because of holiday leave.
199 Variation of Order of Business
Not required
200 Declaration of members' interests
No declarations of interest were made.
201 Public Speaking
Mr J Pope asked about the proposal to appoint a minutes secretary.  It was explained that the first task would be to re-organise the parish council offices; then if required a filing clerk would be appointed. Mrs F Allen asked about advertising which had appeared on the relief road.  Cllr E Hodgson had contacted the appropriate authorities and undertook to pass the details to the clerk.
County Councillor Beth Atkins gave a report on her activities.  Mr J Posnett had asked for support to tackle the leaking roof at the Primary School.  A new roof is scheduled for next year. The May Queen Committee will be given a grant from the Community Fund to match that given to New Mills.   Residents of Wood Lane have been asked to remove planting which is obstructing visibility.  Progress is being made on re-surfacing New Mills Road.  Sound baffling at Primrose Court is the responsibility of the home.  A petition has gone out concerning the possible closure of Strines and Birch Vale Post Offices.
202 Minutes of the last meeting
Approved as a correct record.
203 Planning Applications received
Notification of refusal: Ground and first floor extension, Bank Vale Farm Hayfield. (NP/HPK/0308/0203).   The Council considered this to be a perverse decision, that 'the proposal has not demonstrated how it would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area.'  Councillors argued that the surrounding built environment is such that the proposal would not detract from the environment, and instructed the Clerk to pass the Council's views to the National Park Planning Authority. ACTION: MC
204 Chairman of Council's announcements
The chairman expressed his thanks for the excellent turn-out for the Calor Gas Village of the Year competition.  The results will be announced on 30th July.
The chairman also reminded councillors that the Well Dressing this year would begin on Sunday 13th July at the Bank Street Well.
205 Clerk's report
a) Arrangements for Housing Needs Survey.
The clerk reported that the Housing Needs Survey would be sent out on headed paper with  the Parish Council address.  The Rural Housing Enabler had requested that part of the distribution be carried out by Councillors to save expenses, and a list of addresses was circulated.  Every Councillor present volunteered and the whole list covered. Survey forms and addresses would be brought to Hayfield on 7th or 8th July for distribution.
b) Preliminary Results of Church Street Survey.
A preliminary report was submitted, analysing the initial results.  A majority of respondents were in favour of option 2.  It was resolved to pass the analysis to the Built Environment Advisory Committee.  The issue of non-residents who owned businesses on Church Street was discussed: to be remitted to BEAC.
c) request from J Pincher for letter of support regarding Greening of Hayfield, reducing the carbon footprint.  Council was in general agreement but would like more information on the matter.          ACTION MC
206 Matters for discussion
a) Revised budget 2008/2009.  The clerk had made some enquiries after the Finance Committee on Monday 30th June, and reported that High Peak Borough Council did in fact pay the precept in two instalments, the next being due at the end of September.  This signified that the reserves at 1st April stood at some £27k, and that the projected expenditure for 2008/9 was on course with a small reserve of some £3k being added to reserves.  The clerk was instructed to put together a simplified accounting system to replace the complex system now being used.
b) Delegated arrangements for August.  It was decided that if a decision were required on an urgent matter, the clerk should telephone councillors to obtain a consensus.  All matters so decided will be reported to the next meeting in August.  If urgent financial matters were noted, then the clerk should obtain the required signatures and again report to the next full council meeting. 
207 Letters received
d) Email from Judith Lanham re. Well on Swallow House Lane.  The clerk reported that the fencing had now been erected around the concrete stand for safety reasons.
e) The flooding from Swallow House Lane into the well had been reported to DCC.  The Council thanked Mr John Pope of Hayfield Civic Trust for supplying photographs of the same, which were circulated and copies of which had been passed to the County Council.
f)  The discussion on Playground equipment led to consideration of the postponed purchase of a junior slide and two junior swings at Little Hayfield.  The clerk to obtain additional quotes in consultation with the chair of the Council and the chair of the Recreation and Leisure Committee.          ACTION MC
g) Letter from National Park on arrangements for re-distribution of one seat on Board after unitary authority in Cheshire CC: Council in favour of seat going to High Peak. ACTION MC
h) Email from Legal Officer at DCC regarding Bridleway from Sett Valley Trail to SWH Lane: copy of letter to Beth Atkins and formal reply.          ACTION MC
i) Hayfield Concert Society appeal for funding.  The clerk gave the Council details of the funding appeal.  Councillors requested copies of all documents and correspondence concerning this appeal.  Decision to wait outcome of Hayfield Singers request: no copy of accounts yet received.  In future Council will have a deadline for appeals.  To be actioned in November of this year.          ACTION MC j) It was reported that Kinder Mountain Rescue team had been in touch with the Football Club regarding land availability.
k) Letter from G Hirst regarding strip of land on Old School Field.  The request to purchase a strip of land was rejected, since the Council has a covenant on the land never to sell.  It was pointed out that the residents could join with the Friends of Hayfield to help clear the weeds at the next gathering.  Letter to be sent to G Hirst.                      ACTION MC
l) Letter from Tom Levitt MP regarding Post Office closures; moved no response.

208 Finance
The following accounts were tabled for approval.  The meeting was suspended for 20 minutes to allow the clerk to bring invoices and salary slips left behind.  The clerk apologised for the delay.

List of Cheques for Hayfield Parish Council Meeting 2nd July 2008

Cheque No.

Payable To




T Middleton




H Taylor




Peak Park Parishes Forum




Hayfield Old Age Pensioners





Electricity for office







J Turner




John Mellor




M Crompton




Marmax Products

Picnic benches



Hayfield St Johns Church

Room hire



Martin Hallam




LSP Tool & Equipment Hire

Lawnmower repair


DD 14/6/08


Electricity for Church clock



Barnes Building Cons

Fencing, OSF



Employee 1

Wages, July



Employee 1

Wages, August



Employee 2

Wages, July



Employee 2

Wages, August



T Critchlow








Since there would be no meeting of the Council until 27th August, Council agreed to pay the August salaries of employees at the beginning of July.  Any changes in hours worked would either be added or deducted from next payments.

209 Reports from outside bodies
The clerk tabled a list of meetings attended in June.

There were no other matters to discuss.  The meeting closed at 9.12pm.


Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.15pm on 11th June 2008 in St John's Methodist Church Sunday School.

Present: Councillors A Ramwell (chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs V Wieteska, Mrs E Hodgson, Mrs K Waterhouse.

Apologies: Cllrs Mrs S McCall, J McCall, Mrs M Platt.

In attendance Clerk M Crompton

Also present: 1 member of the Press.


190   Minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2008
Minutes confirmed subject to the following corrections:
174              delete P Gee, and S McCall who is ex-officio
175              delete S McCall who is ex-officio
177              Should read 4 members.  Cllr Hodgson is a community member. The list should be:
                    J McCall (chair), K Waterhouse, J Harvey, P Gee
179              Although the meeting had only just received the minutes urgent matters stemming from same they would be actioned under delegated authority by Clerk
184               item 5) Consultation with owners of Old Co-op: ACTION J McC not PG 
item 9) Should read sighting

191   Planning Applications

         a)              Renovation of potting shed for general garden use and storage. The Gig House, Slack Lane, Little Hayfield.  (NP/HPK/0508/0389).
                                    NO OBJECTION
            b) Erection of single storey porch.  Lower Harthill Farm, Rowarth.  (NP/HPK/0508/0398)
            NO OBJECTION
            c) Two new windows, sun pipe in roof, reinstatement of porch stonework and new light fitting. South Ridge Farm, Ridge Top Lane. (HPK/2008/0277)
            NO OBJECTION
            d) Rear Conservatory. 2 Houghton Close, Hayfield.  (HPK/2008/0380)
            NO OBJECTION
            e) Planning Decision Notice.   Change of use of outbuildings to form gym/multi-purpose room  Brook House Farm (NP/HPK/0308/0215).  APPROVED
            f)         Planning Decision Notice: Single storey extension, two storey side extension, single storey detached garage.  3 Lea Road, Hayfield.  (NP/HPK/0308/0241)  REFUSED.
            g) Planning Decision Notice.  Farlands Cottage, Kinder Road Hayfield.  Extension to dwelling. (NP/HPK/0308/0248)  Planning permission GRANTED
            h) Higher Cliff Farm, Thornsett Lane BV.  Proposed conservatory.  NP/HPK/0408/0314
            Recommended for REFUSAL.

            192 Chairman's Announcements
            The chairman reported that there would be a clean up of the Old School Field and the Recreation Ground on Sunday 15th June starting at 10.00am, by the Friends of Hayfield.
            There was to be a barbecue on Friday 27th June at Hayfield Primary School.  Councillors could have a stand, explaining the work of the Council.  The chairman also reported that the Pro-Loco Competition was well attended with a large number of entries.
            It was also decided to revise Standing Orders and prepare recommended changes to the August meeting.                                                                                                        ACTION PG, KW, MC
            193 Matters for discussion
            a)   Bank Vale Field
            Relevant papers for this discussion were circulated to the meeting.
            The Council agreed that the long-term aim should be the provision of a decent football pitch, with other sports facilities including changing facilities.
            The Council was committed to no more than one year's rent of the field to allow further negotiations on the land to take place.  The football club committee are now to set up a wider organisation, Hayfield Community Sports.  They have requested that the Parish Council nominate two councillors to join the committee.
            Under this proposal, if the organisation were to fold, ownership would revert to the community and the Parish Council.  Steady progress was being made, but there was a need to make all discussions transparent. 
            ACTION: July meeting to nominate two councillors. Letter to Football Club from MC
            b)   Noticeboard
            Relevant papers for this discussion were circulated to the meeting.
            It was agreed that the Council should seek its own site for a free-standing board.  Clerk to see if planning permission would be required.  Mr Bevin thanked for his generous offer now to supply his own board which the Council could also use.
            ACTION:  Letter to Mr Bevin from MC.  Enquiries to Borough Council regarding need for Planning.
            c)  Clerk's workload.
            A written report had been circulated with the minutes.
            ACTION: the Council authorised the Clerk to take delegated action in this matter.

            194  Letters received
            a) High Peak Community Housing: request for use of Football Field: granted.  ACTION: MC
            f)  Council Vacancy.  Derbyshire Association of Parish Councils had advised that if no request for an election had been received, the Council should now advertise a vacancy and request those interested to write to the Council.  The period should be time-limited.  The one person who had written expressing interest to be contacted and informed of this procedure.  ACTION: MC
            i)  Open Adventure: request for use of Old School Field granted. ACTION: MC
            o) Victim Support Derbyshire: request for funding not accepted ACTION: MC
            v)  Letter from High Peak Borough Council regarding siting of rubbish bins in centre of Hayfield.  It appears the Borough Council is unable to take action.  Suggest negotiations with Royal Hotel to find a screened site. ACTION: MC
            w)  DCC to be contacted regarding the less than adequate mowing of Little Hayfield.  Clerk delegated to action more mowings this year to bring up to standard. ACTION: MC
            x)  Bridleway between Swallow House Lane and Sett Valley Trail.  Clerk to contact DCC legal Department to inform that the Parish Council supports a bridleway. ACTION: MC
            y)  A letter from Mrs S Wyatt was read out, including the Clerk's reply.  A more accurate response had been formulated by Councillor P Gee, and this would be circulated to councillors and the press. ACTION: MC
            z)  Request for funding from Old Age Pensioner's Association: request granted for sum of £200.00 on provision of most recent balance sheet. ACTION: MC

            195  Clerk's report
            All matters on the agenda had been actioned.

            196  DALC Circulars
            Circulars 21/22/23/008 were summarised for the Council.

            196  Finance
            The following items were approved for payment:


Cheque No.

Payable To












High Peak Borough Council

Refuse collection



David G Ross




A Ramwell




High Peak Borough Council

Playground inspections







LSP Tool & Equipment Hire

Lawnmower service



T Middleton




H Taylor




T Critchlow

Finance admin







Glossop Motors

Van hire



Employee 1

Wages mth 3



Employee 2

Wages mth 3



T J Turner

Grass cutting



M Crompton



























Draft Budget:  A meeting of the Finance Committee to be arranged prior to the next Council meeting. ACTION: MC

            197  reports from representatives on outside bodies
            Hayfield Educational Trust: Cllr P Gee reported that matters would soon be sorted.
            Hayfield Village Hall: Cllrs Hodgson and Waterhouse reported that the AGM. had taken place
            M Crompton tabled a written report of activities in May and June.

            The meeting closed at 9.20pm.

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 7th May 2008 at Hayfield Memorial Village Hall, Hayfield

Present:  Councillors P. Gee, J. Harvey, E. Hodgson, J. McCall, S.McCall, M Platt, A. Ramwell, K. Waterhouse and V. Wieteska.

In Attendance:  Clerk Mike Crompton

Also Present:   County Councillor Beth Atkins,1 member of the Press, 5 members of the public



166. Election of Chair and acceptance of Office
Cllr A Ramwell was proposed by P Gee and seconded by J McCall.  Elected unanimously.
167. Apologies for absence
168. Variation of order of business
169. Declarations of Interest
Cllr E Hodgson declared an interest in agenda item 15 a): planning application   NP/HPK/0308/0248. 
Cllr J McCall declared an interest in agenda item 15 f): planning application NP/HPK/0408/0279
170. Items for part II
It was agreed that agenda item 17a) (discussion on Bank Vale Recreation Field) would be discussed in part II.
171. Public Speaking
Cllr P Gee stated that having checked legal reference regarding the objection which caused the meeting of the 2nd April to be postponed for one week, he reported that in fact the objection was INCORRECT, since the Council only need to give 3 clear days notice and this had been given.

Cllr K Waterhouse inquired about progress with the walks leaflet. Cllr Gee responded that the work was in hand ACTION: PG, MC
County Councillor Beth Atkins reported that agenda item 153a) of the previous meeting should have stated that Home Start was available across the division. The Toy Library is based in New Mills but available to Hayfield residents.  Cllr Atkins had received a reply from DCC Highways regarding planting at the entrance to the village. (Dealt with later in the agenda).  There was no progress on the Glossop Road entrance to the village. Problems with bus tickets; emails to Cllr Atkins and the companies to complain.  Concerning problems getting to hospital, Stepping Hill can provide transport.
Cllr Waterhouse indicated that the PCT will make no provision unless there is a physical need.
172. Minutes of the 9th April
Approved as a correct record.  Proposed Cllr P Gee, seconded Cllr K Waterhouse.
173. Election of Vice Chair
Cllr S McCall nominated: proposed Cllr P Gee, seconded  Cllr Val Wieteska.
174. Election of 4 members to Finance Committee
The following were elected to the Finance Committee:
Cllrs J Harvey (chair): E Hodgson, J McCall, K Waterhouse,
175. Election of 4 members to Recreation and Leisure Committee
The following were elected to the recreation and Leisure Committee:
Cllrs P Gee (chair): M Platt, J Harvey, V Wieteska,
176. Election of 2 members to Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Group
Cllr V Wieteska elected.  Second representative to be elected after next Council Meeting.
177. Election of 4 members to Built Environment Advisory Committee.
Cllrs J McCall (chair), K Waterhouse, J Harvey, P Gee.
178. Elections to outside bodies
No requests received.
179. Minutes of the meeting of the Built Environment Advisory Committee, 29th April 2008.
The minutes were not received as Councillors considered that there had been insufficient time to read them, but items requiring immediate attention should be dealt with by the Clerk under delegated authority.
180. Planning Applications
a) Alterations and extension to dwelling.  Farlands Cottage, Kinder Road, Hayfield.              (NP/HPK/0308/0248).  Proposed acceptance: an elegant  way to modernise an old building.
b) Ground and first floor extension to existing dwelling for the use of a disabled person.  Bank             Vale Farm, Bank Vale Road, Hayfield.  (NP/HPK/0308/0203). Previous application turned down because of size.  Now a much reduced submission.  Application now supported.
c) Notification of refusal of Planning Consent: Local need affordable Housing.  Land adjoining Brentwood, Thornsett Lane Birch Vale.  (NP/HPK/0208/0099)  Noted by the Council.
d) Retrospective application for roller shutter to doors to rear. Hayfield News, Market Street Hayfield. (HPK/2008/0223).  No objection.
e) Proposed erection of 3m high fence, Hayfield Primary School. CD1/0408/0.  Supported.
f) Extension with health and fitness facilities, Tunstead House, Edale Road. (NP/HPK/0408/0279).  The Council recommended acceptance.  It was considered an innovative way in which they plan to use the landscape.  The design was also thoroughly approved.
181. Chair's announcements
The chair asked that Council to make a positive action to reduce the workload of the Clerk.  Clerk to submit proposals on this. ACTION MC
A presentation of a Certificate was made to Councillor John Harvey on successful completion of a Chairmanship Course.
The chair reminded councillors of the impending May Queen Parade at which all were expected to attend.  Complaints had been received concerning motorised cycles on the Recreation Ground.  The Police to be notified. ACTION MC
182. Letters received
a) Resignation of Cllr Crompton: High Peak Borough Council to be informed and notice of vacancy posted. ACTION MC
g) A letter had been received from Derbyshire County Council regarding the siting of bollards around the edge of the cultivated area at the Top of Church Street/Chapel Road.  DCC would object to large stones, and if short wooden posts were to be used additional permission would be required that could take some time.  DCC suggested using the terms of the cultivation licence to plant shrubs to deter parking.  MOVED that consultation take place with Cllr J McCall and Helen Taylor to action this. ACTION MC
183. Agenda item 17 q)  Request from Hayfield Pro Loco for £175.00 sponsorship.
Approved, subject to proviso that the Chair of the Parish Council present the cheque to the winner. ACTION MC
184. Reports of the Parish Clerk
Agenda item 17a  a) Discussion with St Matthew's Church on Bank Vale Field.
Moved to Part II of the Agenda.
Agenda item 17a d) Recommendations of Built Environment Advisory Committee.  The Council approved the consultation with the rest of the village and the idea of holding an exhibition in Hayfield Library.
item 5) Consultation with owners of Old Co-op: ACTION J McC
item 5) Letter to Hayfield Library regarding exhibition ACTION MC
item 5) Feedback on proposed questionnaire: Cllrs J McCall and J Harvey to liaise on this with Clerk. ACTION MC
item 9) Letter to be sent to HPBC regarding sighting of rubbish bins near access to river by Royal Yard. ACTION MC
item 12)  Letter to DCC regarding Old Station Site:  Mrs F Allen thought the draft response too abrasive.  A mollified letter to be sent by the Parish Council. ACTION MC
Debate on strategy proposed in writing by Cllr J Harvey: to be included in the August meeting. ACTION JH, MC
185. DALC circulars.  Noted.

186. Finance.  The following cheques were approved for payment:

Cheque No.

Payable To







Direct Debit 02/05/08

British Gas



Direct Debit 11/04/08




Direct Debit

Alliance & Leicester

Bank charges 1Feb – 29 Feb


Direct Debit

Alliance & Leicester

Bank charges 1 Mar – 31 Mar


Direct Debit 25/05/08

High Peak Borough Council



Direct Debit 30/04/08

Alliance & Leicester





Wages mth 2




Wages mth 2







Ridge Insurance

Allotment insurance



Hayfield Village Hall

Room hire



Helen Taylor

Plants & materials



V Wieteska

Expenses – Wright Turner party



Well Dressing Committee




Hayfield, St Johns Methodist Church

Room hire



T Critchlow

Finance admin



LSP Tool & Equipment Hire

Strimmer service



Mike Crompton

Cash paid to employee



Trevor Middleton




Hayfield Parochial Church Council

Room hire



V Wieteska

Expenses – Friends of Hayfield



Helen Taylor




P Gee




Allianz Insurance




Hayfield Civic Trust

Pro Loco sponsorship



Hayfield, St John's Methodist Church

Room Hire






Note: Ridge Insurance cheque 101888 cancelled.  £210.00 of this bill had already been paid (Cheque 101881).   Cheque for £52.50 issued by Clerk to cover the difference and will be claimed in next submission.

187. Reports from representative on outside bodies.
188. Items for information.
Various leaflets.

Part I of the meeting ended at 9.30pm.