2009 - 2010

Hayfield Parish Council Council Meeting


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7th April 2010
at 7.15pm in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, A Ramwell, Mrs M Platt, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Safer Neighbourhood Police Officer, 5 members of the public, visitors Cllr H Young & Dep Mayor Alyson Hill from Bakewell Town Council. Borough Cllr T Ashton arrived at 7.30pm.
517. Apologies for absence – none.
518. Variations to the Order of Business – none.
519. Declarations of interest
     Cllr J McCall for planning application (a); Cllr Gee lives close to two planning applications but has no declaration of interest to make.
520. Matters for Part II – two items referred.
521. Public speaking
     Safer Neighbourhood Police report: the Inspector has changed and is now Insp. M Coey. Any issues with antisocial behaviour should be reported when they happen. The Council should contact Sergeant Bowman re. the May Queen.                            ACTION: MC
     Member of the public: the parking at Top of the Town is dangerously obstructing views of traffic on Church Street (often effectively single-carriageway). The Clerk has reported the requirement for double yellow lines here and will remind the police again.       ACTION: MC
     Query made on cost of re-cobbling the path near the Parish Council office; explained.
     Member of the public: dog fouling continues to be an issue and is dreadful; people expect something to be done. Recently erected notices on dog fouling have been torn down. The Clerk noted that dog fouling is the top concern of the Central Parishes Forum and that the Borough Council has agreed in principle to part-fund a dog fouling officer. The footpath leading to the allotments has had some repairs but is still unsafe. Comment also made on planning application (f): a restrictive covenant should prohibit the garden enclosure for which permission is being sought, and the enclosure would restrict views of drivers.
     Borough Cllr T Ashton: High Peak Borough Council are opening a One Stop Shop in Glossop, in conjunction with the County Council. Community Housing and hopefully the PCT will be there. Cllr Seipp asked for bus services to Glossop to be improved to aid access to the One Stop Shop. Cllr Gee questioned Cllr Ashton about information in the Council Tax brochures.
522. To confirm the non-confidential minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2010
     Confirmed as a true and accurate record.
523. Planning Applications
     a) Mr Simon Potkins, Highgate Hall, Highgate Road. Listed building consent for conversion of existing garage/store into additional bedrooms and erection of single-storey link block and glazed garden room. (HPK/2010/0069 and HPK/2010/0070). Email from Mrs Richardson noted. Recommended for approval.
     b) Mr Jim Conway, Hollinsworth Head Farm, Monks Road, Glossop. Proposed replacement building for storage machinery and to use in lambing season. (NP/HPK/0310/0183). No objections as it is a change to existing building. But note that the colour and appearance of the building must be carefully considered to blend with landscape. Recommended for approval.
     c) Mr Paul Senior, 28a New Mills Road, Hayfield. Change of use from home office to residential one bedroom house. (HPK/2010/0131). Recommended for approval.
     d) Mrs Alison Aldridge, 111 New Mills Road, Birch Vale. Erection of a single storey rear extension. (HPK/2010/0136). Recommended for approval provided it does not impinge on any Rights of Way.
     e) Mr Giles Wyatt, 2 Chendre Close Hayfield. Single storey rear extension and partial garage conversion to form habitable space. (HPK/2010/0143). Recommended for approval.
     f) Mr & Mrs S Wise, 19 Wood Lane. Fence extension to enclose further area of curtilege of side garden into rear garden. (HPK/2010/0137). No objection provided the covenants are not affected (as per member of public's comment earlier). Recommended for approval.
     g) Mr M Prior, Peep O Day Farm, Chinley. Change of use of previously approved (NP/HPK/0409/0330) ancillary accommodation to form mixed use of ancillary accommodation and B1 business use (NP/NPK/0310/0291). Recommended for refusal as it is an inappropriate use in such an area. There was some discussion over the need to encourage enterprise, and the means by which the building has been developed. Vote to refuse with 7 for refusal and 2 against.
     b) Planning application decisions
     Noted as per the agenda.
     c) Planning Appeals
     a)APP/H1033/C/06/2124522. Land adjacent to 68 New Mills Rd, Hayfield. Appeal against enforcement in respect of two split-level properties with balconies. Noted.
     b) Letter from PDNPA re. Marl House. Noted.
524. Chairman of Council's announcements
     a) Wright Turner Party (Cllr V Wieteska): Held on 20th March in St John's Hall. It was very successful and appreciated. Cllr Wieteska is now retiring from the organiser's role.
     b) Arrangements for May Queen procession: 8th May. The Council will be assembling at 1.15pm at Primrose Court to join the procession. Details for Sunday's events to be provided. The top soil on the Old School Field awaiting use by the Orchard Project will temporarily be used to form a protective bund for the orchard with posts added. Agreed.       ACTION: MC
     c) Central Parishes’ meeting was postponed to 21st April.
     d) Venue and/or day may change for Parish Meeting.
     e) Recycling centre at Bus Station: the bins are not being emptied regularly enough, recycling items are building up, and the general area is unsightly. It should also note the adjacent burnt litter bin, full bins in the car park, and Christmas trees awaiting recycling.       ACTION: MC
525. Report of the Parish Clerk
            a) Youth Advisory Committee. (Cllr A Seipp): The Committee decided that its first project will be reconfiguring the skate park and Rec to improve it for users and light it in an environmentally friendly way. Final plans to be decided at the next meeting then presented to full Council. A funding meeting and site visit have been held. Web site being set up. It is hoped the project will be self-funding by grants. DALC is also providing free chairmanship training to volunteers on the committee. Next meeting on 22nd April.
            b) L. Hayfield Advisory Committee. (Cllrs Seipp & Wieteska): There was a large attendance and strong local support. Key issues are: power outages, flower troughs, training of committee members, areas of Clough, traffic sign funding sought by Cllr T Ashton, new footpath between Little Hayfield & Hayfield, and the Orchard Project. Next meeting: 20th April.       ACTION: MC
            c) Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee. (Cllr P Gee): Key issues are the Kinder Trespass project, changes to the Rec by the Youth Committee, and the priority of finishing jobs that are outstanding due to bad weather. The Clerk is to contact Mr Saunders of Valley Rd, who is concerned about trees.                                          ACTION: MC
            d) Kinder Trespass Heritage project: update. (Cllr J Harvey): The second working party meeting has been held. The third meeting will consider a draft of the funding application. The  total cost will be about £50k. Support from other agencies is being sought. The working party is informally constituted and consists of Cllrs Harvey, Gee, McCall, two local history experts, Mrs S Wyatt and the Clerk. It exists to prepare the funding bid only. The application is focused on the Kinder Trespass, an event unique to Hayfield, but the heritage centre will have a broader outlook.
            e) Footpath, Valley Rd: the gap caused by erosion will be repaired.
            f) Allotment tree felling: National Trust may fell the trees for nothing, or the Council could insure Mr Brisley to carry out this task.                                   ACTION: MC
            g) Parish Land Registry: encouraged by Land Registry to register documents for £40.
            h) Valley Rd Rec: the tennis court posts are now in. At the end of the skate board area the bund has been dug out to create a ramp – to discuss urgently at Youth Council. ACTION: MC
            i) St John's storage: to be converted for grit/salt storage first; storage for tools on hold until outcome of heritage centre funding bid.
526. Matters for decision
     a) Funding and project priorities: 2010-11 priorities requested. A list of potential projects was tabled in January. Cllrs to review, and amend/append to this list and submit to the Clerk. The Clerk will generate a list of potential funding/project priorities for this financial year. BEAC needs to hold a meeting.       ACTION: MC
     b) Memorial Square opening: contingent on: installation of new lights, bench and tubs, and use of lottery funding for the ceremony (£2.5k is available).Cllr J McCall will contact street lighting department at DCC.       ACTION: JMC
     c) HPBC Standards Committee: vacancy for a Parish member.
     d) Representative on DALC Executive Committee: vacancy for a Parish member.
     e) Kinder Downfall Race, 25th April 2010: permission to use the field requested.
     f) Donation to Pro Loco (S.137) and Pro Loco Exhibition, June 2010: agreed £250 as prize. An exhibition alongside Pro Loco (19th June) of all village artists will be held. Derbyshire Life is doing an article on artists of the High Peak. Cllr S McCall will contact them to get the exhibition included. It needs advertising now.       ACTION: SMC & MC
527. Letters received  (including emails)
     The Clerk commented on the letters and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
     Letter (f): Clerk to reply as per Council's standard position.                     ACTION: MC
     Letter (g): Waiting to hear back from the Countryside Rangers on volunteer staffing of their Information Office. Relevant legal advice has been received from Glossop Volunteer Bureau.
     Letter (h): The funding for the cenotaph railings has been confirmed.
     Letter (i): Cllrs to volunteer for Code of Conduct training if required.              ACTION: ALL
     Emails (q): List of 34 emails appended to agenda. Clerk & Chair to write to Fishers Bridge residents thanking them for response to bins issue and tree trimming.         ACTION: SMC & MC
     Mr C Dean informed about indemnity insurance to allow the stalled purchase of Bank Vale field to progress. The field is in a bad state due to flooding. The Clerk will write to the Church and progress the insurance. Agreed.                                          ACTION: MC
     A newsletter will reproduce the Buxton Advertiser article on the Wright Turner party.
     The Youth Council will be opening the St Matthew's Church extension. A 'wish list' for Little Hayfield has been received. Both items to be emailed to Cllr Seipp              ACTION: MC
     HPBC have removed the bins near the cenotaph. The encroachment on a path in Birch Vale will be investigated.                                                        ACTION: MC      
     Park Life have requested an article on the Orchard Project.              ACTION: MC & SMC
528. DALC circulars
     The Clerk commented on the Circulars. They are available to view in the office.
529. Reports from representatives on outside bodies
     a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities: Nothing to report.
     b) others
530. Items for information - all information on file in the Council office.
531. Finance Payments for approval at the Council Meeting on 7th April 2010:

Cheque No.

Payable To




employee 1




employee 2




employee 3




employee 4




Audit Commission

2008-2009 audit fee




Tax & NIS




Telephone and internet



Rural Action Derbyshire

Finances: Jan – Mar 2010




Electricity to March 2010



Peter Lomas

Repairs to grit bin lids



St John’s Hayfield

Room hire + W Turner donation



B Wood (DALC)

Internal Audit 2008-2009



Severn Trent

Water rates (6 months)


BACs payment


Church Clock Lighting



Kinder Construction

Repairs to PC office cobbles




annual subscription



Mrs D Parker




Mr P Gee

Purchase of photocopier



Hayfield Civic Trust

Pro-Loco sponsorship



Peak Park Parishes’ F

Annual subscription



M Crompton




T Middleton




TJ Turner

Weeding & tidying



Hayfield Village Hall

Rental - April



LSP Tool Hire Ltd

Sundry equipment










Payments received March 2010: National Lottery Funding Going Places: final claim:   £9,250.00        
                                               High Peak Borough Council: Going Local:                    £225.00
b) Orchard project payments   Approved.

Cheque No.

Payable To








T J Turner

Clearing embankment & planting



PART I of the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

PART II: Resignation of two employees. Began at 8.55pm.

One of the village gardeners has resigned and given a month’s notice. The job needs advertising and remunerated between points 5-14 on the NJC scale, depending on experience. Advertise on notice board and a local paper. A letter thanking the employee for the excellent service given will be sent.                                ACTION: MC
     It was reported that a contractor had resigned due to family circumstances, but the verbal intention to resign has been rescinded.

The meeting concluded at 9.10pm.      


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd March 2010
at 7.30pm in St John’s Hall

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: County Cllr B Atkins, Borough Cllr T Ashton, 8 members of the public.

501. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs J Harvey, (absent on vacation); M Platt (working evening rota) and K Waterhouse (absent because of illness).
502. Variations to the Order of Business
503. Declarations of interest
504. Matters for Part II
Two matters were deferred to Part 2 during the course of the meeting.
505. Public speaking
County Cllr B Atkins: Reported on the Accessibility Partnership, which has 3 sub-committees looking at issues such as mapping, public & private transport. It covers all areas and has a one-stop helpdesk. A DALC meeting is being held on problems with NALC. There is a climate change conference at Matlock. Government funding for CCTV has been cut. She is looking into bus passes linked to new pensionable age. Cllr Gee raised the issues of Wood Lane ‘no through road’, the proposed bollards outside the post office to prevent vehicles mounting the pavement above cellars, and general parking issues.
Borough Cllr T Ashton: Reported that HPBC are raising Council Tax by 1.5% next year, over half is from Central Government. £180k is available to support parish councils through the Borough. Stirling Lloyd’s planning application is in; there are concerns from Birch Vale residents. There is a vacancy on the Standards Board.
Youth Council representative: asked if the Youth Council be involved in the opening ceremony of St Matthew’s Church extension. The vicar has agreed. The Clerk will confirm the date. It was agreed, and thanks were recorded for a member of the junior council coming to address the senior council. ACTION: MC
Member of the public: Raised the issue of correspondence between Cllr Hodgson and the Clerk. He supported Cllr Hodgson and raised issues. This matter was deferred to Part 2 of the meeting for a response. Cllr Gee informed about set procedures for complaints.
Member of the public: Concerned that Marl House Farm has recently displayed a Camping & Caravanning notice. No planning permissions have been submitted. Permission is needed not only for the site but for the sign. This should be investigated. ACTION: MC
Member of the public: Has on many occasions raised the issue of dog fouling bags only being available at the often-shut Countryside Service information office. They should be available at other sites in the village. ACTION: MC
Member of the public: Lives near New Mills Road cemetery; seeking support on the problems of grass verge parking there (happens due to the speed of vehicles). The Parish Council & DCC have tried to intervene in the past, unsuccessfully. Addition of new soil does not help: causes obstruction of footpath. Having cars park on the road would solve the problem and encourage slower-moving traffic. An ‘entry treatment’ to the village would also help. Councillors agreed to develop a strategy to deal with this, and referred it to BEAC. ACTION: MC & JMcC
Youth Council representative: There is a need for an area/walk in the village where dogs can be allowed off their leads to run. The Council is looking into this. ACTION: MC
506. To confirm the non-confidential minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2010
507. Planning Applications
a) Mr James Houghton 2 Lea Road Hayfield: two storey side extension. (NP/HPK/0110/0057). Recommended for approval.
     b) Stirling Lloyd Stirling Lloyd Polychem Ltd. Unit 1 Birch Vale Industrial Estate.  Demolition of existing fire damaged industrial building and replace with a modern purpose built structure and outbuildings together with associated car parking and landscaping. (HPK/2010/0084).
–The company provides ordinary jobs for ordinary people. A letter will be sent expressing strong support for retaining the site here for employment purposes, with a safer replacement expected. Recommended for approval.
508. Chairman of Council's announcements
a) Hayfield Youth Council: The first meeting has been held. It was lively and very successful. The young people were very committed and pleased to be there. It has been publicised in the latest newsletter. Cllr A Seipp thanked those Councillors who attended.
b) Little Hayfield Advisory Committee: The first meeting was held on 11th February and was very well attended. A committee was elected.
c) Kinder Trespass and Heritage Centre: two meetings have been held with interested parties. The meetings were very useful, with Derek Broomhead and Professor Nev Kirk particularly helpful. A further meeting will occur in 3 weeks time to progress this. Sue Wyatt brought the scheme up at the Civic Trust AGM and there was a lot of interest.
509. Report of the Parish Clerk
a) Recreation ground: the goalposts have been removed; the soil put back.
b) Allotments: Several trees are due to come down, the cost of which is covered by last year’s and this year’s allotment rents. The footpath beyond the field gate needs flattening for safety reasons. The Clerk will clarify land ownership, and the lower-cost scheme should be able to be funded as well. The Allotment Society’s priority is the trees. ACTION: MC
c) Minutes of Hayfield Youth Advisory Council: Minutes will be circulated once signed off by the Chair. Committee members have been contacted to give photo release permission.
d) Minutes of Little Hayfield Advisory Council: Minutes to be circulated once signed off by the Chair.
     e) Parish Council office path – has been repaired.
510. Matters for decision
     a) Remit of Youth Advisory Committee (document circulated): The Committee has approved the remit. There was some discussion about the technicalities with respect to Standing Orders. The Council voted to agree the remit.
     b) Remit of Little Hayfield Advisory Committee (document circulated): There was further discussion regarding Standing Orders. Cllr Gee proposed to amend the remit document to state that, along with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee, the two Sett Valley Councillors (covering Little Hayfield Ward) would be ex-officios. The wording needs changing from ‘Council’ to ‘Committee’. These amendments were agreed. The remit was also agreed.
     c) Draft contract with St John’s Methodist Church (document circulated): Deferred to Part 2.
     d) Requests for additional grit bins (Thornsett Lane, Cuckoo’s Nest, Lea Rd): There was some discussion regarding ownership of grit bins and the responsibility of DCC to grit their adopted highways, rather than the Parish Council continuing to provide grit & bins (as it is not the Parish’s responsibility). Cllr Wieteska felt there was great need for a bin near Cuckoo’s Nest. The Parish, Borough and County Councils need to work together better. There was also discussion about the public taking grit for their personal use and wasting it. A letter will be sent to John Hambrook regarding the solid ice that affects the road from Bowden Bridge to the water treatment site, caused by blocked gullies.        ACTION: MC
     The Clerk and two Councillors will look at the 3 proposed sites.       ACTION: MC
     The Clerk will contact Terry Redford/John Haken at HPBC regarding the various grit bin issues.       ACTION: MC
511. Letters received  (including emails)
     The Clerk commented on the letters and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
     Letter (a): Strong support for having a police presence in the Parish Council office.
     Letter (b): Authority was given to set up BACS for DCC Rights of Way grant.
     Letter (e): There is a lack of PDNPA enforcement of planning decisions. Meetings have been held and letters sent in the hope of improving the situation.
     Letter (g): It is not the Parish Council’s responsibility to find a place for residents’ bins. The bin belongs to HPBC and it is their responsibility. Bin bags are a possibility. The Council cannot set a precedent here. The Clerk will write to HPBC to say it is their responsibility and the bin must be removed within a set number of days.                            ACTION: MC      
     Letter (h): There is no budget for hanging baskets in Little Hayfield, and it would not be feasible as most lamp columns are attached to lamp columns. The eyesore at the Clough will be referred to the Advisory Committee as there is no budget for the Council to clear it up.
     Letter (l): Future Jobs project: to be progressed.
512. DALC circulars
     The Clerk commented on the Circulars. They are available to view in the office. Councillors should inform the Clerk if they wish to attend Chairmanship training on 24th April.
513. Reports from representatives on outside bodies
     There were no reports.
515. Items for information
     All information on file in the Council office.
516. Finance
 a) Payments for approval at the Council Meeting 3rd March 2010.  Approved.

Cheque No.

Payable To








Employee 1




Employee 2




Employee 3




Employee 4








Hayfield Village Hall

Room Hire 03/02: 10/02.




Christmas Lighting




4 tonnes grit



High Peak BC

Supply & erection Xmas Tree



High Peak BC

Playground inspection



G & R Leigh

Rails & Nails: Lea Rd



Leach’s Lawnmower Centre Ltd

Service & repair of mower



J Mellor

Removal of goal posts



M Bagshaw

Collection of grit x 2


BACs payment


Church clock lighting



Mrs D Parker

Office Cleaning



Viking Direct

500 Window envelopes



T J Turner

Grit bins and stone clearing



Cheque cancelled




V Wieteska

Wright-Turner party



M Crompton




T Middleton







Payments received February 2010:                                     ROW Grant:         £490.00
Allotments rents:    £78.00
b) Orchard project payments   Approved.

Cheque No.

Payable To








T J Turner

Clearing cultivation land


c) Cheques omitted from minutes 13th January 2010  Approved.

Cheque No.

Payable To




Hayfield Village Hall

Room Hire



Mrs S McCall

Xmas Tree lights



Joff Pincher

Data base and searches


d) Approval of Statement of accounts, Hayfield Parish Council to 31st March 2009.
Accounts prepared and reconciled by Rural Action Derbyshire, February 2010.  Approved.

PART I of the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

PART II of the meeting began at 9.05pm.

St John’s draft agreement: It has been drawn up in two parts: the storage of salt and grit bin provision; the storage of equipment. For the latter, the Parish Council will tidy up, insure, rent, secure, etc. Both have been agreed with St John’s. Agreed by the Parish Council.

Issue of Mr Williams letter, complaint against an employee.  The clerk left the meeting for this item.  The situation and its background were discussed. It was agreed that the problem arose due to miscommunication. A letter will be sent informing Mr Williams that the situation was a misunderstanding between the clerk & Cllr Hodgson, and it has been resolved between them. The matter has been resolved within the Council. Cllr S McCall will write the letter. A copy will be sent to Cllr Hodgson.

The meeting concluded at 9.15pm.      

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd February 2010
at 7.30pm in Hayfield Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), J Harvey, Mrs M Platt, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Four members of the public and a police officer.

486. Apologies for absence
    Apologies were given by P Gee, E Hodgson, K Waterhouse, J McCall.
487. Variations to the Order of Business
488. Declarations of Members interest
489. Public speaking
    Safer Neighbourhood Police Officer: the cellar of St John's for police has now been given up. Request to use Parish Council office.
    Member of the public: A6015 road speed limit decision required. She has heard it is difficult to police the whole area, but this is insufficient reason for a higher limit. The road surface to Birch Vale is worn down. There are still ‘Christmas Fayre’ signs on the A624. There has been no Arden Quarry liaison meeting for a year. It is 10yrs since 'completing' cell1.        ACTIONS: MC
    Member of the public: the television satellite link has broken today; we seem to have a lot going wrong here: many power cuts also. Can our MP raise this?                ACTION: MC
490. To confirm the non-confidential minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2010
491. Planning Applications received
    a) Mr Gareth Hardy, Meadows Farm, Ridge Top Lane Hayfield.  Conversion of outbuildings to form residence. (HPK/2009/0749). Recommended for approval.
    b) Mr John Willets, 10 North Road Hayfield.  Single storey side extension to replace single storey outhouse.  (HPK/2010/0014). Recommended for approval.
    c) P Casey, Enviro Limited. Birch Vale Quarry and Arden Quarry, Oven Hill Road, Birch Vale. Proposed change of use from existing quarry to recycling area. (CW1/0110/190). Clarification required on silencing of equipment. Clarification on current numbers of lorries required. Do they have an IPCertificate yet? Councillors will compile a list of questions to email to the Clerk within the week. The Clerk will draft a comprehensive reply.                        ACTION: MC
    Planning application decisions
    HPK/2009/0511: 1 Station Rd Birch Vale: single to two dwellings:         APPROVED
    HPK/2009/0525: 2 Brookhouse Court: extension.                        APPROVED
    HPK/2009/0555: 34 New Mills Rd: Porch.                                APPROVED
    HPK/2009/0568: Hazel House Valley Rd: garage.                        APPROVED
    HPK/2009/0605: 123 Kinder Rd: removal of condition 3                APPROVED
    HPK/2009/0668: Station Rd Birch Vale: 3 terrace houses                APPROVED
    NP/HPK/1109/0983: 4 Park Lane, Little Hayfield: erection of conservatory. APPROVED with conditions.
    Enforcement notice: Peak District National Park. Marl House Farm, Little Hayfield. Replace uPVC windows with timber frame windows.
    Planning Appeals: HPK/2009/0459: Mr A Sidebottom, land adjacent 68 New Mills Rd; two split level properties. Appeal against refusal.
492. Chairman of Council's announcements
a) Orchard Project update: There will be a meeting tomorrow with the new headmistress. Before the end of the planting season, the banks of the bypass over Swallow House Lane will be planted; more decorative trees will be higher up. Weather permitting, the last of the equipment will go to the school tomorrow. The scheme should be expanded to Little Hayfield – plot identification to be added to the agenda.                                        ACTION: MC
    b) Under bridge project: New Mills School: Cllr S McCall is continuing to work with school pupils. It is going very well.
    c) Official Opening, Memorial Square: Need to select another date. Clerk suggests delaying official opening until new lights are installed. Agreed. Waiting on DCC. LED lights will be much more cost effective than current. One more report to be submitted by Clerk & Cllr J McCall.
493. Report of the Parish Clerk
    a) Little Hayfield Advisory Committee (LHAC): Very successful meeting last night; over 20 people put their names forward. The next meeting is on 16th February. Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Committee is meeting next week; this will be the last one before it merges with LHAC.
    b) Hayfield Youth Advisory Committee: going ahead next week. There has been a lot of press interest. The Head of the Primary School will be attending with two reps from Hayfield School Council. Parental permission sought by Clerk for pictures in the press.                ACTION: MC
    c) Allotments: All payments for this year are in. AGM is tomorrow. This year some trees will be lopped. Approval given for this by the DCC tree officer.
    d) Actions taken: report circulated. Includes information that the bins in Memorial Square will now be dealt with. Cllr Harvey and the Clerk met with Chris Coombes re the Information Centre in the village – good news to report later in the minutes. Derbyshire Learning & Development Forum has put in a bid to fund 6mths of 200 jobs in the High Peak for 18-25yr olds. This is of great interest to the Parish Council and Hayfield residents and businesses. The Clerk will bid for some of these funded jobs by the end of next week. Young people in the Parish will benefit; the village will benefit from the work. It was agreed to go ahead as the Clerk proposed. This scheme will be publicised in the newsletter.                                        ACTION: MC
    e) Goal posts on Recreation ground and Bank Vale Field: Ongoing. Quotes are being sought for removal of posts. Youth Council supports this initiative.
    f) Work at Top o’ the Town cultivation area: agreed with neighbour. Gardeners will action.
    g) Central Area Parishes: report on meeting (including dog fouling): Moving towards employment of a dog fouling warden.
494. Matters for decision
    a) Progress on Information Centre, Hayfield: Cllr Harvey reported that a productive meeting was held with the head of the Countryside Service, re. getting the Centre at Hayfield Bus Station opened more often (it is only open on Sunday's in winter months). It was agreed that the Parish Council can progress in getting volunteers to staff the Visitors Centre to complement Countryside Service staffing. An Information Centre is also required in the village. If the ground floor of the Council office was cleared of tools (to be relocated), it could become a village tourist information centre. Grants may be available, linking to the Kinder Trespass project. Could also be staffed by volunteers. A toilet would be needed. Cllr Ramwell suggested a secure shed on the rec for tools etc. All these issues need feasibility studies. A site visit will take place next week at the potential grit storage area. A small working group will be set up for all these issues. Proposed by Cllr S McCall. Agreed. Cllr Harvey will coordinate.  ACTION: MC
Touch-screen suggestion: agreed to progress using people instead, as often these machines break and are out-of-date.
495. Letters received (including emails)
The Clerk commented on the letters and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
Letter (b): Bollards will be installed outside the post office and old butchers shop to prevent parking on the kerb: it is causing the collapse of the ceilings of cellars below.
Letter (c): The substation at Hallam's has been replaced/fixed. But power cuts have occurred since this so the Council should write to ask for an explanation. Different people have had different answers from the power company.                                        ACTION: MC
Letter (d): No funding forthcoming from DCC for Church Street. They feel it is not appropriate to designate Wood Lane as a play street, but a 'No through road' sign will be put up.
496. DALC circulars
    The Clerk commented on the Circulars. They are available to view in the office.
497. Reports from representatives on outside bodies
a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities: the Educational Trust are arranging a meeting with the headmistress.
    b) Others: the Wright Turner Party will be taking place on 20th March, held at St John's.
498. Items for information
    All information on file in the Council office.
499. Additional items brought forward with the permission of the Chairman
    Covered under relevant agenda items.
500. Finance
a) Payments for approval at the Council Meeting 3rd February 2010

Cheque No.

Payable To




Employee 1

Salary: January 2010



Employee 2

Salary: January 2010



Employee 3

Salary: January 2010



Employee 4

Salary: January 2010



HM Revenue & Customs




HM Revenue & Customs




St John’s Methodist Church

Room Hire



Ridge Insurance

Allotments insurance



G Yarwood

Christmas Tree lights



T J Turner

Grit bins, clearing verges



Mrs D Parker




T Middleton




P M Crompton




P A Barnes

Repair to stone wall



LSP Tool Hire Ltd

Gloves  Brush



John Mellor

Repair to Rec wall



G & R Leigh











Payments received January 2010:                VAT repayments:         £3834.29
                                                    Allotments rents:            £404.00       


PART I of the meeting closed at 8.40pm.


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th January 2010 at 7.30pm in St John’s Church Hall

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, Mrs M Platt, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Safer Neighbourhood policeman, 8 members of the public
470. Apologies for absence
      Apologies were given by Cllr J McCall.
471. Variations to the Order of Business
472. Declaration of Members Interests
      None given.
473. Items for Part II
      One item was deferred to Part II.
474. Public Speaking
      Police report: No issues reported. Questions were taken, largely on the matter of the snowy weather. Inconsiderate parking due to snow has been an issue, particularly on Church St/Market St, on zebra crossing zig-zags and the bus turning circle, impeding vehicle movements. Some idle vehicles may have been broken into in L. Hayfield; police have had no reports. Refuse vehicles have been unable to access Hayfield. Requested that DCC be contacted to clear roads.                        ACTION: MC
      Member of the public: suggestion that inconsiderately parked vehicles could be leafleted.
      Member of the public: Dustbins have not been emptied in many weeks. A refuse vehicle was in the bus station yesterday to receive bags, but only those on higher roads were contacted (who could not get down): the centre of the village needed to be informed.
      Cllr Waterhouse: Having published an incorrect list of double-yellow lines for Hayfield, DCC have not progressed with this issue. Letter to be written.      ACTION:MC
      Member of the public: Raised the issue that her name appeared in the local press report of the last Council meeting. It was confirmed that although the council had voted not to include the names of public speakers in the minutes, it has no control over what the press reports. There was some discussion on whether the anonymity decision should remain, due to issues of transparency etc. This will be investigated.            ACTION: MC
475. To confirm the Non-Confidential Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December ‘09
476. Planning Applications received

  1. Mr David Howell, Fishers Meadow Cottage, Ridge Top Lane, Hayfield. Two storey side extension to form large family room and two bedrooms. (HPK/2009/0196). Recommended for approval.
  2. Mr Alistair Chalmers, land adjacent to 40 Station Rd, Birch Vale. Terrace of three 3-bedroom dwellings with parking and amenity space. (HPK/2009/0668). Recommended for approval, with comments made on the improvement to the plans.
  3. Mr Jonathan Young, 123 Kinder Road, Hayfield. Removal of condition 3 relating to HPK/2006/0856. (HPK/2009/0605) (Condition 3: “The extension/ancillary building hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as Craigmore, 123 Kinder Road.”) HPK/206/0856 was recommended for approval by Hayfield Parish Council December 2006 Agenda item 164(b). Presented in error: dealt with at previous Council meeting.
  4. Mr Michael Sheldon, 31a New Mills Road, Birch Vale. Subdivision of existing dwelling to form two dwellings. (HPK/2009/0727). Recommended for approval, with comments made on the virtue of changing a larger property into two smaller ones.
  5. Mr Colin Ainsworth, Tom Heys Farm, Glossop Rd, Little Hayfield. Change of use from barn into living accommodation. (NP/HPK/1209/1093). Recommended for approval.

Planning application decisions

      1 Long Lee Cottage, Rowarth. Change of use from agricultural land to garden (NP/HPK/0909/0781). Granted.
477. Chairman of Council’s announcements

  1. Memorial Square update: Completed on time. The opening ceremony was postponed due to the weather. Apologies to May Queen & Hayfield Singers.            ACTION: MC
  2. Orchard Project update: Phase 1 complete. Trees in place on Old School Field, school and Valley Road rec. The school have their additional educational projects in place. £750 from Borough Council will go towards Swallow House Lane planting (opposite Scout Hut) once the weather allows. Phase 2 will involve other areas such as Little Hayfield (once their 9 Feb community meeting has taken place). Orchard Group to arrange to meet with the new school Head.                        ACTION: MC
  3. Underbridge Project update: Run by Hayfield Development Trust, under the bridge on Mill Street leading to Old School Field. Working with New Mills 6th Form. Will tie in to Kinder Mass Trespass project & youth project. Chapel School will be included. DCC have given permission to work on the under-bridge. Cllr Waterhouse requested that the lack of railings in the vicinity be addressed again.                        ACTION: MC

478. Report of the Parish Clerk

  1. Financial arrangements for 2010: Moving to new system, including salaries by BACs.
  2. Minutes of Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee (RLTC): Circulated.
  3. Actions taken: As per requested in last meeting minutes.

479. Matters for decision
      The precept was discussed, looking at four options.  Option (d), a 10% increase (equating to £4 on a Band D property), was proposed by the Finance Committee. Cllr Gee proposed option (d); Cllr Seipp seconded.. A named vote was requested: for: Cllrs S McCall, J Harvey, M Platt, P Gee, A Ramwell, A Seipp and V Wieteska against: Cllrs E Hodgson & K Waterhouse. The proposal was approved by 7 votes to 2.
480. Letters received (including emails)
The Clerk commented on the letters and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
Letter (a): a response has been sent re. Memorial Square bollard removal. Cllr Wieteska reported many people are unhappy with this.
Letter (b): As the Council has agreed not to provide donations, the Pavillion Club will be referred to Mr Pincher who will help in finding grants. Letter required.           ACTION: MC
Letter (d): Referred to Allotments Committee.                       ACTION: MC
Letter (f): Referred to Little Hayfield community meeting in February for decision. The Council have no objection in principle.                             ACTION: MC
Letter (j): The Stirling Lloyd report on Birch Vale incident is available to view in the office.
Letter (l): Clerk to write to Cllrs to arrange date to view planning system. ACTION: MC
Letter (o): Proposed that the Clerk should enter Hayfield Parish Council in the NALC Local Council Awards.                                          ACTION: MC
Letter (p): Clerk to enquire of our insurers whether the Parish Council would be liable if it cleared & gritted pavements then someone had an accident. Note that a Borough Councillor present said cases were being successfully brought against the Borough for such matters. (Standing Orders suspended to allow this intervention)           ACTION: MC
Letter (r): Referred to RLTC                                         ACTION: MC
481. DALC Circulars
      The Clerk commented on the Circulars. They are available to view in the office.
482. Reports from representatives on outside bodies
483. Items for information
      All information on file in the Council office.
484. Additional items brought forward by permission of the Chairman
      Covered under relevant agenda items.
485. Finance
a) Payments for approval at the Council Meeting 13th January 2010

Cheque No.

Payable To




Employee no. 1

Salary 21 Nov-31 Dec



Employee no. 2

Salary 21 Nov-31 Dec



Employee no.3

Salary 21 Nov-31 Dec



Viking Direct

Copier paper



St John’s Church

Room hire 02122009



British Telecom

Tel. & internet



Viking Direct

Printer cartridge



T J Turner

Planting, ground clearing










b) Memorial Square Project: payments and receipts

Cheque No.

Payable To




Kinder Construction

Final payment



Senior Projects Ltd

Final payment



Cheque no.     

Claim for:




Sale of excess cobbles

1st Dec. 2009


c) Orchard Project: payments and receipts

Cheque No.

Payable To




Yorkshire Purchasing

Single pocket lens



Cheque no.     

Claim for:







PART I of the meeting concluded at 9pm.


PART II of the meeting: Parish Council gritting.
      There had been an offer from a Village Organisation for the storage of salt/grit next winter in their cellar and a reciprocal grit bin arrangement was discussed. It was agreed to accept this proposal. A good risk assessment and method statement will be required.
                                                            ACTION: MC

PART II of the meeting concluded at 9.15pm.


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2nd December 2009 at 7.15pm in St John’s Church Hall.

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, J McCall, Mrs S McCall, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton.
Also present: County Cllr B Atkins, Borough Cllr T Ashton, Safer Neighbourhood policeman, members of the public.
454. Apologies for absence
    Cllr E Hodgson and Cllr M Platt
455. Variations to the Order of Business
456. Declarations of interest
457. Matters for Part II
458. Public speaking
    Police report: Very little crime to report. Damage has been reported to the Memorial Square fencing.
    County Councillor Beth Atkins: Birch Vale explosion – a liaison committee is to be formed. A CD-Rom for Emergency Planning is available. Information was given on what comprises the emergency plan. Vulnerable old people in Hayfield are included. Cllr Gee asked about the Wood Lane traffic notices and was told that bids need to go in for funding. There is a review of composting fees.
    Borough Councillor Tony Ashton: There is an inspections plan from Environmental Health. Establishments are graded 1-5*’s. There are free leisure facilities for school children. Recycling is improving. Food waste will be included from spring. Budgets – this is the 3rd year of below inflation 57% from government. The government has cut funding for concessionary travel.
    Member of the public: Recycling – there are problems with the collection of green bins, and they are often left in inappropriate places. There is an unacceptable level of power cuts, with one per day for three weeks. E-On are not responding to queries as to why they are happening. The Parish Council will write for an explanation.                        Action: MC
    Cllr Gee: United Utilities electricity on New Mills Road number is 0800 195 4141 (press 1).
    Letter to whoever called to complain about Tuesday??
    Salt box on Swallow House Lane needs action: approach DCC                Action: MC
459. Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 4th November
    Confirmed with the following corrections: 442: Cllr Hodgson asked the Clerk to write to ambulance service, not Cllr Atkins.  Cllr Waterhouse asked for Tamiflu injections to be available, not swine flu. 445 p2: Swallow House Lane dog bin should read litter bin. 447 should read matters for decision.  447a) Trustees of the Non-Eccclesiastical Charities elected for three years are: Cllrs Mrs E Hodgson, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska, Mr A Ramwell, Clerk M Crompton. Borough Cllr D Mellor and Cllr P Gee were elected for five years and have two more years to serve.
460. Planning Applications
    a) Mr David Howell, Fishers Meadow Cottage, Ridge Top Lane, Hayfield. Two storey side extension to form large family room and two bedrooms (HPK/2009/0196). This will be discussed at a later date with two Cllrs; omitted in error by Clerk.
    Planning Decision Notices – None.
461. Chairman's announcements
    a) Statement on Memorial Square: Completion expected on 11th December. Budget – changes to project on site but the scheme is on target to be within budget.
Street lights: there was a discussion following the decision of the last meeting and the response from DCC. Hayfield PC will need to meet the full cost. It was agreed to go ahead with replacing all three lights.
Bollards: there was much discussion on this question. As a result of design changes resulting from the discovery of a gas main on the site, the inclusion of bollards was reassessed. Cllr J McCall explained that a decision had to be taken as a result of the change of design.  The pavement in front of Bank House had been extended to cover the gas main.  Bollards then would result in a much narrower access, and so were not included. The bollards already installed would be removed so as not to narrow the access further.  Concern was expressed that decisions to change were taken without full Council approval.  However it was reluctantly agreed that in the circumstances decisions had to be taken to allow the project to complete on time.  The view was strongly expressed that a few adjoining residents had exerted undue influence.  It was pointed out that their agreement had been required to obtain the grant funding.  The situation is to be reviewed.
    A celebration of the completion of the project needs planning for 20th December. The British Legion could open it. The Hayfield Singers could be involved.                        Action: MC
    b) Report of progress on Community Orchard Project: On 22nd November 53 volunteers helped to plant 150 trees. 100 trees are being planted today (2nd December) at the school.
    c) Hayfield Youth Council (Cllr A Seipp): The venue for the inaugural meeting is the Royal Hotel. There was an objection to using the Royal Hotel.  The choice was made by the Youth Service, and the same venue is used for May Queen events.  Future meetings will be held under Council rules on appropriate venues.
    d) Christmas Tree Lights: installed.
462. Clerk's report
    a) Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting 18th November 2009: circulated.
    b) Minutes of Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Committee meeting, 19th November: circulated.
    c) Actions taken: not yet completed: Clerk to report to next meeting in January.
463. Matters for discussion
    a) Kinder Trespass and Tourism (Cllr J Harvey) Paper circulated re. the Old Station site. The website has been updated. Cllr Harvey met the tourism officer in order to get information on other websites. A strategy was outlined and potential partners (DCC, PDNPA) discussed. Whaley Bridge received £600k for a similar visitor centre. The DCC Rangers will be contacted. A budget of £100 was agreed to progress the project.                Action: MC
    Note that next week’s BEAC meeting is now cancelled.                        Action: MC
464. Letters received
    The Clerk commented on the letters received and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
    Letter (b): Lloyds Bank Share; clerk authorised to investigate with professional advice and take appropriate action.                                                        Action: MC
    Letter (i): Respond to Mr T Williams re. concerns over Memorial Square.        Action: MC
465. DALC circulars
    None received.
466. Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities: donations are as per previous years.
b) The Educational Charity AGM is in January. Projects are being looked for Young People ages 11-25.
    b) others. The clerk gave a brief verbal report on meeting attended.
467. Items for information
    All information on file in the Council office.
468. Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
    Covered under relevant agenda items.
469. Accounts for approval
a) Payments for approval at the Council Meeting 2nd December 2009

Cheque No.

Payable To




P A Barnes

Repair to noticeboard



Glossop Car and Van hire

Van hire



David G Ross




Marchington Stone

Rock Salt



Employee 1

Wages-month 8



Employee 2

Wages-month 8



Employee 3

Wages-month 8



P M Crompton




T Middleton




Mrs S McCall

Christmas Tree Lights



T Critchlow

Finance administration







Tony Williamson

Erecting hanging baskets



Fosters for Flowers

Christmas Tree (office)



Mrs D Parker




Peter Lomas

4 grit bin lids



LSP tool hire

Various items



T J Turner

Mole traps and clearance




Power of well being training










b) Memorial Square: payments and receipts

Cheque No.

Payable To




Kinder Construction

Stage I payment



Senior Projects Ltd

Stage I payment



Kinder Construction

Stages II & III payments



Mrs S McCall

Sign for Memorial Square







Cheque no.     

Claim for:



BACS payment

Stages I & II

16 Nov 2009


c) Orchard Project: payments and receipts

Cheque No.

Payable To




Frank P Matthews

Orchard trees



MDG Retail Ltd

Weather station



Yorkshire Purchasing

Science equipment



CBC Computer systems

Computer equipment



T J Turner

Work and trees for O. project



Frank P Matthews

Orchard trees (remainder)



John Mellor

Digging holes for trees



Bulk Tippers Ltd

40 tons topsoil



Mrs S McCall

Root Dip Gel


The meeting concluded at 9.30pm.



Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 4th November 2009 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, Mrs S McCall, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: County Cllr B Atkins, Safer Neighbourhood policeman, 6 members of the public.
438. Apologies for absence
    Cllr Platt & Borough Cllr Tony Ashton.
439. Variations to the Order of Business
440. Declarations of interest
441. Matters for Part II
442. Public speaking
    Police: Halloween – The police thanked Hayfield residents for their safe 'trick or treating': all children were supervised by adults and there were no incidents. Remembrance Day – officers are allocated and roads closed. Cllr Hodgson raised the issue of traffic wardens and parking; contact details will be provided.
    County Cllr Atkins: Memorial Sq is looking very good. New Mills Newtown station will be improved with planting. Children's Centre: progressing. Fundraising for a community medical unit is beginning. Cllr Waterhouse asked for the coned-off area on Glossop Rd junction to be worked on. Cllr Gee asked if the steep path from the bus stop at top of Glossop Rd can be improved, and whether Wood Lane be signed for 'access for residents only' or 'no through road'. Cllr Hodgson asked Cllr Atkins to write a letter to the ambulance service requesting a 4 wheel drive vehicle to access rural areas. She also asked for clarification on what advertising can be placed at the entrance to the village, and removal of those not in character or not for Hayfield. Cllr Waterhouse asked for clarification from PCT on where swine flu vaccines are available in this area.                                        Action: MC
443. Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 7th October
    Confirmed, with Cllr Gee removed from the attendance list.
444. Planning Applications
    a) Mr Jonathan Young, 123 Kinder Road, Hayfield. Removal of condition 3 relating to HPK/2006/0856 (HPK/2009/0605). (Condition 3: “The extension/ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as Craigmore, 123 Kinder Road.”). HPK/2006/0856 was recommended for approval by Hayfield Parish Council December 2006 Agenda item 164 b. Recommended. The Planning Authority should ensure the property can only be used as such by the current owner. The Council prefers it to be a permanent residence.        Action: MC
    Planning Decision Notices – none.
445. Chairman's announcements
    a) Orchard Project – Help with planting & refreshments requested on Sunday 22nd November, Scout Hut, 10.30 to plant apple trees. A schedule of works was circulated. Planting will take place on small plots as well as large.
    b) Memorial Sq – going very well; 50% complete. Weather has affected work recently. Work now begins on other side of the project. Design revised to accommodate preserved cobble stones discovered under tarmac. Budget update – on budget, one claim for finances made; one about to go in. Contingency pot mostly spent due to discovery of cobbles. Money found to extend project: continuing paving into War Memorial to allow disabled access. Excess cobbles to be stored at Cllr Hodgson's farm. Councillors have received many positive comments on the project. Lighting – Cllr J McCall proposed one old street light be replaced and the newer ones remain. Discussion held on the varieties of lights and the advice of HPBC & DCC conservation officers. Cllr Gee proposed Cllr J McCall progresses changing all three lights to LED lamps, which will be more energy efficient and a good compromise, with attempts made for DCC match funding. Agreed, with 8 for and 2 against.    Action: JMC
    c) DCC Liaison meeting – Cllrs S & J McCall & Cllr Atkins attended. There was a 'market place' of council departments. Theme: 'You report it, we'll sort it'. Cllr J McCall asked for heritage materials to be supported & DCC agreed. Letter to be sent to confirm.    Action: MC
    d) Dog fouling – increasing again. Area Parishes considering someone to enforce against dog fouling. Swallow House Lane dog bin still not replaced; no response to letters. Will write again.                                                                        Action: MC
    e) Issues raised by Cllrs re procedures – reminder that complaints procedure is in place and this is the best forum for complaints re. Cllrs or employees. Refer to Standing Orders.
    g) Hayfield Youth Council – letters are going out to 11-18 year olds, once a date is set. If Cllrs hear of someone not receiving a letter who should have done, let Cllr Seipp know.
    h) Birch Vale Bowling Club – an approach received to help find funding as it needs improvements. It is within Parish boundary. It was decided to request a copy of their constitution to discover whether the club is private or public, then refer the issue to RLTC to develop within village sports club project.                                        Action: MC
446. Clerk's report
    a) List of actions taken circulated.
    b) BEAC minutes, 20th October – circulated. A lengthy response to the High Peak Strategy has been written and submitted; written copies available from the Clerk.
    c) Bench repairs – work due to start as soon as the weather is inclement.
    d) Grit bins – all those owned by the Parish Council have been filled. Repairs quote has been received and has been actioned.       
    e) Trees on Recreation Ground – a resident of Valley Road has for some time complained that they block their view. The Parish Council will remove; the resident will pay.        Action: MC
    f) Birch Vale explosion – exchange of letters, particularly due to Sterling Lloyd's position re. insurance excesses. Being looked at by HPBC as matter of urgency. Clerk will redo emergency procedures document for next meeting, liaising with Cllr Atkins.        Action: MC
447. Matters for discussion
    a) Election of 5 trustees to Non-Ecclesiastical Charities Committee – Cllr Gee proposed the existing trustees be re-elected. Agreed.
    b) Bin storage by river access – Discussion held on how to progress. Most felt the Council should not pay to make storage for business bins; the issue is not the Parish Council's responsibility but the bin owners' and the Borough's. Proposed that the Clerk writes to Chris Noble of HPBC requiring the Borough to liaise with bin owners. Bins must be removed from Council land by 11 Dec, when the Memorial Square scheme finishes. A copy of the letter should be sent to businesses. Agreed, with 6 for, 1 abstention, 2 against.        Action: MC
    c) Hayfield Community Sports Club – Constitution circulated. Changes to ensure it complies with Educational Trust grant: the Council should decide when to wind up the Club, with assets to go to PC to be transferred to other sports clubs. The school rep should be a member of the management structure. Should be 2 Parish Council reps.        Action: MC
    d) Field off Glossop Rd – deferred to RLTC meeting for discussion. Clerk to write to Mr Alexander suggesting land is used for orchard rather than allotments.                Action: MC
    e) Purchasing policy – Cllr Seipp put forward: “Subject to availability, cost and quality, Hayfield Parish Council will pursue a purchasing policy of locally sourcing goods, materials and services.” Proposed by Cllr Ramwell. Agreed.
    f) Cllr Ramwell proposed purchasing new coloured Christmas tree lights to inaugurate the  Memorial Sq project. Agreed. Cllr Ramwell will investigate lights.                Action: AR
448. Letters received
    The Clerk commented on the letters received and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
    Letter (a): Council Rates for the Parish Council office are to double.
    Letter (b): agreed to claim quarterly against grants awarded for Memorial Sq and Orchards.
    Letter (d): Kinder Scout has now been made a National Nature Reserve.
    Letter (g): the Clerk to investigate possible relocation of Wood Lane grit bin.     Action: MC
    Letter (j): Cllrs to consider schemes for funding.
    Letter (m): Clerk will look into the condition of Bowden Bridge interpretation board and try to contact the Rangers on the issue.                                                Action: MC
    (n): following the resignation of the finance officer, the Clerk will investigate the costs of alternative provision before presenting to the next Parish Council meeting.        Action: MC
449. DALC circulars
    The various circulars were listed and commented on.
450. Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    No reports.
451. Items for information
    All information on file in the Council office.
452. Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
    Covered under relevant agenda items.
453. Accounts for approval
    a) Payments for approval at the Council Meeting 4th November 2009

Cheque No.

Payable To








Employee 1

Wages mth 7



Employee 2

Wages mth 7



Employee 3

Wages mth 7



T Middleton




P M Crompton




St John’s Methodist Church

Room hire



John Mellor

Coping stones



M Hallam




Employee 4

Wages – mth 7



T Critchlow

Finance admin







Walter Garlic & Sons Ltd

Repairs to tennis ct. net



Mrs D Parker




M Crompton

B&Q: sander, tree bark



T J Turner

Strimming, mowing, felling saplings*










*This element to be reimbursed by resident of Valley Road*
Bank Interest Received
30/09/09                £2.00

b) Memorial Square: payments and receipts

Cheque No.

Payable To




Kinder Construction

Stage I payment



Senior Projects Ltd

Stage I payment







Cheque no.     

Claim for:







c) Orchard Project: payments and receipts

Cheque No.

Payable To




Frank P Matthews Ltd

Orchard Trees



Cheque no.     

Claim for:







The meeting concluded at 9.15pm.



Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7th October 2009 at 7.15pm in St John's Church Hall.

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall,  Mrs M Platt, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: Borough Cllr Tony Ashton, 6 members of the public.
422. Apologies for absence
    Cllr P Gee, County Cllr B Atkins.
423. Variations to the Order of Business
    Agenda item 429(e) was moved to Public Speaking.
424. Declarations of interest
    Cllr Hodgson declared a personal not prejudicial interest re. 428(a). Cllr J McCall declared a personal and prejudicial interest re. 428(b).
425. Matters for Part II
426. Public speaking
    County Cllr Tony Ashton reported on the recent Stirling Lloyd factory explosion at Birch Vale. A Fire Service and HSC investigation is imminent. The firm wish to rebuild the site, but there are safety concerns. He also reported that Service Head Ian Young is now responsible for liaising with the Parish Council, to improve communications. The alliance with Staffordshire Moorlands Council is a management and efficiency move, not a merger.
    A member of the public spoke regarding the explosion), reporting on correspondence with Stirling Lloyd and raising concerns (with photographic evidence) about the road. The Clerk will compile a letter to the company, using the photos.                                    Action: MC
    Cllr J McCall spoke as Chairman of Hayfield Development Trust: a grant of £50k has been awarded to the Memorial Square scheme by Community Spaces. Thanks were expressed to all concerned. Paul Senior, local Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager has been appointed.
    He said that following a competitive tendering process, Kinder Construction has been appointed as contractor. The site compound will be installed next week. The scheme is due to complete in December and safe access will be ensured for Remembrance Day and the Carol Concert. All information is available in the Parish office.
    Cllr Waterhouse requested an update on the wheelie bin situation re. this scheme. Action: MC
    A member of the public spoke re. the Hayfield to New Mills 30/40mph scheme. She felt it was dangerous and the entire length of road in question should be 30mph. Particular concern re. parking etc at the cemetery. Concerns were also raised about the new yellow lining scheme: Top of the Town should be included. And the Parish grit bins are still empty.              Action: MC
    A member of the public said she attends the Safer Neighbourhood Forum as the rep of Wood Lane Neighbourhood Watch. There should be support from the rest of the village. More support and publicity is required from the Parish Council.                             Action: MC
    A member of the public requested yellow lines at Top of the Town. The footpath from the library to Derbyshire's and Bank St are in appalling condition and need resurfacing. Action:MC
427. Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 26th August 2009
428. Planning Applications
    a) Mr Chris Lines: St Matthews Church, Church Street, Hayfield. Improvement of existing premises to give accessible hall, new office and accessible toilet facilities (HPK/2009/0461). Recommended for approval.
    b) Mr C Boulton & Mr P Hughes: the Skillet, Steeple End Fold, Hayfield. Change of use from restaurant with flat over to two dwellings (HPK/2009/0490). J McCall left the meeting. Recommended for refusal due to loss of village amenity. The Council's policy is not to support the conversion of commercial premises into private dwellings.
    c) Mr Michael Bennett: 2 Brookhouse Court, Hayfield. Proposed extension to provide extension to kitchen and sitting room in place of conservatory and extension above to provide master bedroom and ensuite (HPK/2009/0525). Recommended for approval.
d) Mrs Patricia Clancy, Long Lee Cottage, Rowarth: Field adjacent to 1 Long Lee Cottage, change of use from agricultural land to garden (NP/HPK/0909/0781).
    e) Mr D Vernon, 1 Station Road, Birch Vale: Change of use from single dwelling to two separate dwellings including new garage to replace existing (HPK/2009/0511). Recommended for approval, but the planning authority should encourage the design of the elevations, particularly the rear, to be improved.
    f) Mr & Mrs M Ross, 34 New Mills Road, Birch Vale. New rear porch to replace existing with balcony above (HPK/2009/0555). Recommended for approval.
    Planning Decision Notices
    It was requested that in future, these are received and reported on at meetings. Action: MC
429. Chairman's announcements
    a) Pro-Loco Paintings. These are now displayed in the village hall, with thanks to Peter Lomas. Cllr Seipp asked for current artists to be displayed, but space is an issue. The Village Hall reps said they were happy to man an exhibition on Pro Loco day. This should be discussed at the next Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee meeting.                          Action: MC
    b) Orchard Project (document circulated). This is going ahead, with meetings occurring. A schedule of works will be put together & displayed in the noticeboard. The National Park have recognised this scheme as a flagship project, and other councils have shown interest.
    c) Village of the Year Awards. Hayfield was Highly Commended in the Environmental category.
    d) High Peak Community Housing Garden Awards. No one from Hayfield entered.
    e) Memorial Square. Covered earlier in agenda item 426.
430. Clerk's report
    a) Actions taken (document circulated). Salient points: the Clerk will contact Mr Alexander re. land ownership and Cllr Waterhouse has helped to identify land. Cllr Seipp has received her CRB check and so Youth Council can go ahead. Cllr Hodgson asked the Clerk to contact County Cllr Bingham re. telephone kiosks.                                          Action: MC
    b) Finance Committee (minutes circulated).
    c) Progress with Sports Club (document circulated). The proposed constitution for the Sports Club was circulated. The football club and fell runners are interested in Bank Vale Field.
    d) DALC Circular 49/2009: policing of local events (circulated).
    e) Report on condition of parish benches (courtesy of Cllr P Gee). Cllr Gee has photographed all the benches. A schedule of repairs has been developed, starting in November. Action: MC
    f) Tennis court net. The Clerk has asked Mr Lomas to look at the problems.           Action: MC
    g) Skate board area debris. Young people are raiding the cricket club bonfire. The Parish gardeners will return the debris on the day of the bonfire, unless health and safety requires earlier removal. It is a waste of time and money to act now, as the same problem recurs.
    h) Minor repairs. Work is about to start on Lea Rd Garden, the Memorial Garden, Swallow House Lane well, Lea Rd playground, Fairy Bank Rd retaining wall.
431. Matters for decision
    a) Mr P Alexander: allotment land and 'Platt Memorial Area'. (see agenda item 11p). Cllr J McCall and the Clerk will contact the Land Registry to clarify ownership.   Action: MC & JMcC
    Discussion was held on the problem with fallow deer on the proposed sites.
    A feasibility paper on the project, outlining pro's and con's to the Parish Council taking over the land, will be developed by the Recreation, Leisure & Tourism Committee by November's full council meeting. The Civic Trust should be involved. Agreed.                            Action: MC
    b) Back-dated pay awards (DALC Circular 51/2009). Has been agreed in previous Council meetings. Agreed.
432. Letters received
    The Clerk commented on the letters received and will reply accordingly. Particular points:
    Letter (e): The Council agreed to vote of Cllr Gadd for the HPBC Central Area Forum.
    Letter (f): The Council were very pleased to hear of the progress in gaining a safe footpath link from Hayfield to Little Hayfield.
    Letter (g): The Clerk has written to DCC saying a 30mph limit all through is desired.
    Letter (i): Councillors should let the Clerk know of nominees for the Young Achievers Award by 19th October.
    Letter (u): The Clerk will contact DCC to identify the areas in Hayfield that should have been included in the waiting & loading review (Lea Road junction, Top of the Town).            Action: MC
433. DALC circulars
    The various circulars were listed and commented on. Particular points:
    Re. 47/2009 and 52/2009, two additional Councillors wish to attend the Parish Council Liaison with Derbyshire County Council on 22nd October.                                    Action: MC
434. Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities. Village Hall: At the last Parish Council meeting, it was requested that five trustees be nominated for the committee. This should be a separate item on next month's agenda.                                                                    Action: MC
    Hayfield Educational Trust: no meeting. Books have gone to auditing & Charity Commission.
    b) Clerk on various bodies (report circulated of meetings attended).
435. Items for information
    All information is now on file in the Council Office.
436. Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
    The Little Hayfield questionnaire results were circulated. A meeting of the Little Hayfield Traffic Advisory Committee is required in order to discuss this.                             Action: MC
437. Finance
    a) Payments for approval at the Council Meeting 7th October 2009:

Cheque No.

Payable To




P M Crompton




T Middleton




T Turner

Mowing (Aug)



T Turner

Mowing (Sept)



Hayfield, St John's Methodist Church

Room hire



D Parker




British Telecom

Telephone bill




Electric bill



Employee 1

Wages – mth 6 (inc back pay)



Employee 2

Wages – mth 6 (inc back pay)



Employee 3

Wages – mth 6 (inc back pay)



Shaw & Sons

Minutes book



LSP Tool & Equipment




T Critchlow

Finance admin







British Legion

Poppy Appeal



Peter Lomas

Hanging paintings, VH






(* Includes invoices of £130.00 paid in cash for painting and wall repairs. ** Includes August payment)

    Receipts August/September (£):
    29/08/09        Bank Interest Received                         2.06
    18/09/09        HPBC 2nd half of precept        19,990.00
    22/08/09        HPBC Going Places                     750.00
    22/08/09        Beth Atkins: cenotaph grant          1,125.00
    Total receipts August/September:                   £21,867.26
The meeting concluded at 20.50.           


Minutes of the meeting held on 26th August 2009 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Hayfield.

Present: Cllr S McCall (chair), Cllrs, M Platt, P Gee, V Wieteska, A Ramwell, J Harvey, J McCall, E Hodgson, A Seipp and K Waterhouse.
In attendance: clerk M Crompton.
Also present: PCSO Tony McKeown, 13 members of the public.
406              Apologies for absence
Borough Cllr Tony Ashton, County Councillor Beth Atkins
407            Variation in order of business.
Agenda item 11w was moved to Part II
408            Declarations of Interest.
409            Public participation
PCSO Tony McKeown reported disturbances outside the Pack Horse Inn the previous Friday after the re-opening of the premises.  A speed-watch exercise had taken place the previous Monday morning, for which the four volunteers were thanked.  Four vehicles had their registrations noted for speeding.  Reports had been made concerning the noise created by an open-air event on the nights of the 15th and 16th August.
Mr P Alexander addressed the meeting.  His mother had lived in the village and some land in her possession was to be left to the community.  2.5 acres would be dedicated woodland in her memory.  His niece would work with the Civic Trust and the Parish Council to progress this.  A further plot of land off Glossop Road was to be left for allotments, approximately 1.25 acres.  The Council thanked Mr Alexander for this generous gift.                                                ACTION: MC
Cllr A Seipp reported that the access ramps to the disabled bungalows on St John’s Street were being blocked by parked cars.                                                                                    ACTION: MC
Cllr K Waterhouse reported that overgrown bushes on Swallow House Lane were now blocking the footpath.  To be reported to the Highways Authority.                                                ACTION: MC
410             To confirm the non-confidential minutes of the meeting held on 26th August 2009.
411            Planning applications received
a) Hayfield Sheepdog Trials. Spray House Farm, Glossop Road, Little Hayfield.
Dismantle existing storage facility and erect new steel framed structure. (NP/HPK/0709/0683).
Recommended for APPROVAL.
b) Mr. Alastair Chambers, Land adjacent to Cairnthwaite, Station Road, Birch Vale.  Construction
of a terrace of 3 x 3 bed dwellings. (HPK/2009/0462).  Considerable concern was expressed
about this development, in the light of letters received. Recommended for APPROVAL.
c) Mr Alan Sidebottom; Land adjacent to 68 New Mills Road, Hayfield.  Two split level properties with balconies to rear. (HPK/2009/0459)  Recommended for REFUSAL.
Planning notices received
d) Bank Vale House, Bank Vale Road, Hayfield. New outbuilding to form hobby workshop and garden store. (NP/HPK/0609/0440) Planning permission GRANTED.
412            Chairman of Council’s announcements
a) Pro Loco Paintings.  Agreement had been reached with the Village Hall Trustees regarding hanging the Pro-Loco paintings in the Hall as a permanent exhibition.            ACTION: SMcC, JMcC
b) Orchard Project.  Grants had now been received from the National Park Sustainable Development Fund: £8,100.00: from High Peak Borough Council Going Local Fund: £750.00: Hayfield Educational Trust: £500.00, and £500.00 to be donated by the Parish Council. 
413            Report of the Parish Clerk
a) Training for Councillors.  The clerk reported on the number of training seminars now available for Councillors, including conferences.
b) Repairs to the swings at Hayfield Recreation Ground had now been carried out.
c) The tree which had fallen across the river had now been removed by the Environment Agency, thanks to the efforts of Mr Keith Brisley.
414            Matters for decision
a) Little Hayfield Surveys.  Now almost complete with around 40 received.  A full analysis to be presented at the October Meeting.
b) Orchard project and management.  A meeting to be set up with Mr J Posnett to progress this matter.            Mrs E Crompton would be invited to join the group to liaise with the School.  ACTION: MC
c) DCC had offered a more wide-ranging maintenance agreement.  This was welcomed by the Council.  Clerk to progress.                                                                                    ACTION: MC
d) Kinder Trespass Trail.  The clerk had omitted to circulate the relevant document.  Council decided to postpone discussion until the document had been read and digested.  Cllr Harvey gave a short summary of the proposal, with which the Council agreed.  The clerk’s apologies were accepted.            A copy of the paper to be circulated.                                           ACTION: MC, JH
e) Proposed youth council in Hayfield.  Cllr A Seipp reported on a meeting held with the Count Youth organiser.  A report had been circulated.  The Council AGREED the proposed timetable, and the mechanism of an Advisory Committee as the best way forward.                   ACTION: MC, AS
f) Proposed update on asset register to include state of benches in Hayfield.   ACTION: PG, MC
415            Letters received.
A Mr and Mrs Norris of Birch Vale arrived at this point, misunderstanding the time allocation for public intervention at the beginning of the meeting.  The Chair kindly consented to suspend standing orders with the approval of Council to allow them to speak regarding planning application HPK/2009/0462. They expressed concerns regarding traffic problems the development might cause.
Letter from BT on telephone kiosks: clerk to write to urge retention of service.            ACTION: MC
The clerk comment on the letters received and would reply accordingly.  Item w) was deferred to Part II.
416            DALC Circulars
The various liaison meetings and training sessions were listed.  Councillors wishing to attend meetings to advise the clerk.
Circular 43/2009, Power of Well Being.  The clerk was asked to see if a seminar could be held for Parishes in the Central area of High Peak.                                                            ACTION: MC
417            Reports from outside bodies
The clerk had circulated a list of meetings attended.
418            Items for information
All documents received now on file in the office: councillors free to consult as they wished.
419            Additional items brought forward with permission of the Chairman
            420 Finance
            a) Items approved at the July Finance and Planning ad hoc meeting.

Cheque No.

Payable To




T Turner




P M Crompton




Employee 1

Wages – mth 4



The Royal Hotel

Black sacks



G & R Leigh




LSP Tool & Equipment




T Middleton




Employee 2

Wages – mth 4



H Taylor




Employee 3

Wages – mth 4



T Critchlow

Finance admin







D Parker









b) Items approved at the August meeting.

Cheque No.

Payable To




Employee no.1

Wages – mth 5



Employee no.2

Wages -  mth 5



Employee no.3

Wages -  mth 5



P M Crompton




N Deaville

Painting cenotaph



Chafe’s solicitors

Land registry, cenotaph



T J Turner

Travel expenses



T Middleton




T Critchlow

Finance administration







DCM Products Ltd

Repair of swings, H. Rec.



Hayfield V Hall

Room hire






Bank Interest Received
30/05/09            £2.06
30/06/09            £1.99

The grant application for Bank Vale Field was discussed.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.



Minutes of the meeting held on 1st July 2009 at 7.15pm in St John’s Sunday School, Hayfield.

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (chair), Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska, P Gee, J Harvey, J McCall.  The Planning Group had been convened for 6.30pm.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton
Also present: Inspector Martin Coey, Sergeant J Bowman, PCSO Will Brockett, Derbyshire Constabulary; Mr Corey McVann, High Peak Borough Council; 6 members of the public.
The Council had agreed that a Police presentation on the issue of Public Events would be made prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Police presentation: Policing Public Events
Inspector Coey outlined the legal and statutory duties of the police in public events.  In force since 1999, National Policy was that events such as public parades, processions, as far as possible should be police-free.  Laying out cones and road closures were not the duty of the police.  It was the responsibility of event organisers to apply for road-closures and to prepare a traffic management plan. 
The police would give any measure of advice and assistance on traffic management, preparation of plans, insurance and risk assessment.  But application for road closure must be made by the event organisers to DCC (for main roads) and HPBC (for side roads).
In the case of major road junctions and trunk roads, the police would be present and control traffic, as in Hayfield in crossing the busy A624.  They would also enforce road closures if required.
Councillors were reassured that there would be continuing police presence on dangerous roads, particularly the relief road.  However there was concern expressed that the police have the experience to deal with traffic, whereas parade marshals do not.  The Sheepdog Trials were cited as an example of where expertise is required in handling traffic, plus the authority to do so. 
The response was that traffic plans must be drawn up by the organisers, and help will be given.  The policy is not to prevent processions and events from taking place, but the responsibility is with the organisers.  The police will help organisers all they can.  It was agreed to get together as many affected village groups as possible and Inspector Coey would address their concerns.
The meeting began at 19.24.
390.             Apologies for absence
Cllr Mrs Eva Hodgson, medical appointment: Cllr Mrs Ann Seipp, medical condition; Cllrs Mrs Margaret Platt, away on holiday: Cllr A Ramwell, away on holiday.  County Councillor Beth Atkins, Borough Councillor Tony Ashton.
391.             Variation in order of business.
392.              Declaration of members’ interests.
393.              Matters to be decided in Part II
394.            Public participation.
A member of the public complained about weeds by the handrail on the slope to the Valley Road Well and that the drains on Valley Road overflow during downpours.  Clerk to investigate.                                                                                                ACTION: MC
A question was asked about the unannounced felling of a mature oak tree on New Mills Road.  The clerk had contacted the Borough tree officer, and had been told of its unsafe and diseased condition.           
            Mr Corey McVann of High Peak Borough Council spoke next, concerning the bins on             Council land on the river access by the Cenotaph.  He agreed that it was ludicrous that             terraced properties with no gardens should have two bins.  He stated he was attending             the meeting to discuss other possible locations, given the Council's disquiet at the             location in the centre of the village and a conservation area.
            He agreed that if requested he would write to or visit residents to ask for the removal of             bins.  The Royal Hotel had been approached about location on their land, but had its own             pressures for car-parking space and could not help.
            Cllr J McCall noted that in attempting to improve the area through the Millennium Square             project, large numbers of rubbish bins did not add to the visual appearance.  HPBC was             aware of the problems of terraced houses and bins.  Mr McVann could write to each             household to see if they needed a second green bin.  He agreed he would inspect each             bin prior to collection day to see which had been used.  It might also be possible to re-            locate some bins especially commercial food bins to another location, probably the bus             station, and use bigger, commercial bins.
            Mr McVann was thanked for his efforts, and would inform the Council of progress.
395.            Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd June 2009.
396.            Planning application received.
            a) Mr and Mrs D Fife.  New outbuilding to form workshop and store. Bank Vale House,             Bank Vale Road. (NP/HPK/0609/0440)  Recommended for APPROVAL.
                        b) Miss J Potts. Variation to construction of retaining wall to include domestic storage building.  Farlands Lodge, Kinder Road, Hayfield. (NPK/HPK/0609/0487)  The Council requested further information from the National Park Planning Authority, since the variations proposed appeared to extend beyond the original curtilege. NO DECISION.
            c) Ms Naomi Atherton, 105 Rose Bank, Kinder Road.  Replacement outbuilding for             garage/home office use. (HPK/2009/0313).  Recommended for APPROVAL.
            d) Planning decision notice: Chinley Moor Quarry: granted.
            e) Planning decision notice: Peep o' Day Farm: granted.
            f) Planning decision notice: Marl House Farm: refused.
397.            Chairman of Council's announcements
            a) Report on Pro-Loco event: a successful day, especially the exhibition.  Thanks             expressed to the Civic Trust and to the Village Hall. 
            b) Radar Speed-Trap training: has been successful.  An officer and two volunteers             needed on each occasion.  Can be as often as required.
            c) Memorial Square: Stage II application drafted with a lot of help from Cllr Waterhouse.             A  meeting to be held on the 8th with the Facilitator.  Good response to the Consultation,             with over 100 replies and 98% in favour.
            d) Old School Field cultivation area.  Second stage now complete.  Photo record needed.
            e) Orchard Project: still awaiting news of the Sustainable Development Fund Grant.
            f)  Central Parishes: the Council will support the dog warden scheme.
            g) Reports from outside bodies: all should be listed where there is Parish Council             representation.
398.            Report of the Parish Clerk
            A report had been prepared on all actions taken since the last meetings and of those of             other committees.
399.            Matters for decision
            a) It was noted that the Village Hall would be ideal for a permanent exhibition of the Pro            Loco paintings owned by the Parish Council.  The Trustees would be in favour.  The             insurance would be by the Parish Council.  Letter needed from the trustees.  ACTION:MC
            b) Shared dog warden with central parishes: agreed in principle but figures needed.
            c) Policing of Parish events: the police had reported earlier in the meeting.  It would             appear that the new arrangements might be acceptable with some help.
            d) Parish Council website: a group to meet and report to October meeting to include             content management system.                                                                        ACTION: MC
            e) Little Hayfield Questionnaires: to be devised by Clerk and Chair. ACTION: SMcC,MC
f) Representation on Village Organisations.  There was some discussion on this point, concerning the representation on the Village Hall Committee.  The Trustees of the Village Hall have not yet written to village organisations as suggested at the AGM, to invite representatives onto the Management Committee. Some clarification was needed to ascertain the organisations that could be invited, according to the Constitution.

400.            Letters/emails received 
The letters were read out and appropriate responses suggested.                        ACTION: MC
401.            DALC circulars
These had been sent by email and post to all Councillors.
402.            Reports from representatives on outside bodies.
            This had been discussed under Matters for decision.  The clerk circulated a list of meetings attended in June.
403.            Items for information                                                           
            Circulars and newsletters on file for inspection in the Council Offices.
404.            Additional items
            Discussed at appropriate points in the agenda.
405.            Finance
            a) The following cheques were approved for payment:

            Cheque No.

Payable To




P M Crompton




Employee 1

Wages month 3



T J Turner

Mowing & strimming



S McCall

Picture hangers



T Middleton




Employee 2

Wages month 3



H Taylor




Employee 3

Wages month 3*



Employee 4

Wages month 3*



Hayfield Village Hall

Room hire



St Matthew’s Church

Room hire



High Peak BC

Playground Inspection



B Wood

Internal Audit



T Critchlow

Finance admin








Electricity bill



D Parker




Leaches Lawnmower




J Harvey

Travel expenses



T Middleton

Travel expenses




Strimmer wire



M Hallam

Gates on Bank Vale Field




IT and telephone



Hayfield Village Hall

Room Hire



High Peak Borough C.

Lamp post inspection



M Hallam

Additional Gate fitments



T J Turner

Grass cutting + sand



G W Lomas & Sons

Repairing cenotaph ***



G W Lomas & Sons

Refurbishing flag pole ***



Society of LC Clerks

C Arnold Baker 8th Edition






 *     Includes pay award back-dated to 1st April 2009. ** Cheque 102198 cancelled; already paid.
 *** Repairs paid for by grant from County Councillor Beth Atkins

b) Approval of Annual Accounts: to be circulated for approval.
c) Annual Return: approved and signed.
406            Confidential Information
The meeting closed at 9.35pm.





Minutes of the meeting held on 6th May 2009 at 7.15pm in St John's Methodist Church Sunday School, Hayfield.

Present: Cllrs Mrs S McCall (Chair), P Gee, J Harvey, Mrs E Hodgson, J McCall, Mrs M Platt, A Ramwell, Mrs A Seipp, Mrs K Waterhouse, Mrs V Wieteska.
In attendance: Clerk M Crompton, Minutes Clerk Mrs K Chesworth.
Also present: 5 members of the public, County Cllr B Atkins, 2 members of the police, 1 member of the press.
348. Election of Chairman and acceptance of Office
    Cllr Sue McCall was elected Chairman.
349. Apologies for absence
    Borough Cllr T Ashton.
350. Variations to the Order of Business
351. Declarations of interest
    None. General declarations of interest were recorded for the forthcoming Parish Council year.
352. Matters for Part II
    Three items were referred to Part II as per the Agenda and Additional Items.
353. Public speaking
    - Sergeant J Bowman's update: The New Mills & Hayfield Beat Sweep was very successful. It included a community awareness event at the library; meeting Primrose Court residents & Brownies; Community Speedwatch. Road closure orders have been prepared for the May Queen festival, with plenty of officers available for Friday and Saturday evening. Cllr Ramwell said May Queen parade vehicles should drive one-way (downwards) on Highgate Road.
    - County Cllr Atkins' update: The bench on Kinder Rd leading to Ashes Farm needs fixing. Foster Carers Fortnight starts next week. The Children's Centre is progressing well. Highways are checking HGV signs. There has been a speeding complaint on Swallow House Lane. The Lantern Pike trailer eyesore is being pursued. Fly tipping & damaged walls are being dealt with. Compost bins are available from DCC at a reduced rate.
    - Member of the public: re. the recent Council vote on the Church St footpath. She felt it did not resolve the conflicting views. She asked for a hybrid solution to be considered, with a footpath running as far as the two properties that object. The Chair asked her to put her views into writing for BEAC. DCC will be consulted about all the issues.                                                        Action: BEAC
    - Member of the public: It was omitted from the April minutes that additional outlets to provide free dog waste bags were available. Noted.
    Last year a 15% precept increase was raised for the lease of Bank Vale Field. The Clerk clarified that the money had been ring-fenced but not used as the rent had not yet been demanded. It may be used towards purchasing the field if this happens.
    - Member of the public: asked the Council to write to United Utilities re. the wall knocked down two years ago on Highgate Road that should have been reinstated.                        Action: MC
    An action list to be made from the last two Annual Parish Council meetings.                Action: MC
    -The issue was raised of the oak tree removed near the cemetery. It appeared to have been done by DCC without planning permission. The loss of amenity would be valued at about £300k. Another letter will be sent by the Clerk and Cllr Atkins will investigate.                                Action: MC
354. Non-confidential minutes of the last meeting, held on 1st April 2009
    The minutes were approved with the amendment stated above. Approved.
355. Election of Vice Chairman and acceptance of Office
    Cllr Gee proposed A Seipp; seconded by Cllr Platt. 8 in favour, 2 abstentions.  Approved.
356. Election of 4 Members to Finance Committee
    Cllr Gee proposed Cllrs J Harvey, E Hodgson, J McCall, and K Waterhouse; seconded by Cllr Ramwell. Approved. Cllr J Harvey was proposed as Chair. Approved.
357. Election of 4 Members to Recreation, Leisure and Tourism Committee
    Cllr Gee proposed Cllrs P Gee, M Platt, A Ramwell, and V Wieteska; seconded by Cllr Seipp. Cllr Ramwell proposed Cllr P Gee as Chair; seconded by Cllr Platt. Both proposals.   Approved.
358. Election of 2 Members to Little Hayfield Traffic Committee
    Cllr Gee proposed Cllrs A Seipp and V Wieteska. Voted and approved.
359. Election of 2 Members Hayfield Built Environment Advisory Committee
    Cllr Gee proposed Cllrs J Harvey, E Hodgson, J McCall and K Waterhouse with Cllr J McCall as Chair. Voted and approved.
360. Election to outside bodies
    - Village Hall Committee: Cllr Gee proposed Cllr Seipp. seconded by Cllr Platt.                Approved.
    - Hayfield Sports Association: needs two representatives. Cllr Gee proposed Cllr A Ramwell; seconded by Cllr Platt. Cllr Ramwell proposed Cllr Gee seconded by Cllr Seipp.                      Approved.
    - Orchard Project: S McCall & A Seipp: proposed Cllr Gee seconded Cllr Wieteska.         Approved.
    - Educational Trust: no Council representative required.
    - Hayfield Development Trust: Cllr Gee proposed A Seipp; seconded Cllr Wieteska.         Approved.
361. Appointment of Wright Turner Party Organiser
    Cllr Gee proposed Cllrs M Platt & V Wieteska; seconded by Cllr Seipp.                             Approved.
362. To receive the Minutes of the Built Environment Advisory Committee
    Agreed as a true record.
363. Planning Applications
    a) Mr I Grice, 45 Kinder Road, Hayfield. First floor rear extension (HPK/2009/0171).         Approved.
    b) Miss J Blake, 9 Chendre Close, Hayfield. Rear conservatory (HPK/2009/0189).            Approved.
    c) Mr A Sidebotham, land adjacent to 68 New Mills Road, Hayfield. Variation of conditions 5 and 8 to HPK/2008/0433 (HPK/2009/0157).                                                         Rejected.
    d) Mr & Mrs Robb, 13 Pike Close, Hayfield. Planning appeal re. front porch (NP/HPK/0109/0037). Noted.
    e) Mr Mark Prior, design alterations & amendments, Peep O'Day Farm, Chinley (NP/HPK/12081033). Recommend that the planning decision is deferred until an explanation of building use is obtained. Proposed by Cllr J McCall; seconded by Cllr Hodgson.                                      Agreed.
    Planning Decision Notices
    a) Heys Farm, Hayfield. Replacement of damaged building: approved (NP/HPK/0109/0037). Noted.
364. Chairman's announcements
    A meeting is being arranged with Hayfield Sports Association on 20th or 29th May. The Clerk will confirm the date and notify attendees.                                                            Action: MC
365. Clerk's report
    a) Actions taken from BEAC meeting. Cllr McCall's update: Memorial Square: the first hurdle has been passed and an action plan made. More consultation is required. BEAC proposes exhibiting a set of drawings at the May Queen. A questionnaire has also been developed for residents and visitors. Letters of support from local organisations are required. All agreed. With the Council gaining ownership of the land, the potholes need temporarily filling to prevent accidents, in time for May Queen if possible.                                                                                   Action: MC
    Church St: The Clerk has been provided with drawings to send to DCC. Design and costing will be requested. The footpath is not discounted Option 2 is now being followed.                   Action: MC
    Road markings/signage to prevent parking on junctions are required at Top o' the Town, Swallow House Lane/Glossop Road junction, and Lea Road/Swallow House Lane junction. Letters should be sent to DCC and the Police requesting this.                                         Agreed.Action: MC
    The dustbins on slope to river by Memorial Square need re-siting as they are an eyesore, particularly for the new streetscene. HPBC should be written to to request action.                         Action: MC
    b) Progress on lottery grant. The first stage has been passed; second stage is ongoing.
    c) General report on actions this month. Discussed. Hand-held radar speed camera training will be attended by Cllrs Hodgson, J McCall, Platt and Seipp, and L Anderson.                    Action: MC
    d) Proposal for Hayfield Victorian Christmas. Approved                                          Action: MC
    e) Preparations for Pro-Loco exhibition. Cllrs S McCall & Gee will investigate stands. A meeting will be held with the Civic Trust. This is urgent due to timescales.                                    Action: MC
    f) Employee training. The gardeners went on playground inspection course training and have subsequently found defects on playground equipment. RTLC will look into this. The Clerk will investigate what can be done through the Service Level Agreement.                      Action: RLTC & MC
366. Matters for discussion
    a) Report on illegal paths on recreation land, Little Hayfield (already circulated). A discussion was held. It was agreed that residents cannot encroach on Council land, and this land should be for everyone's enjoyment. In particular, this land is in the Peak Park and a Conservation Area. There is a separate issue of maintaining the Clough. It was proposed that a letter is sent to the offending parties instructing removal and reinstatement. Agreed.                                                          Action: MC
    Following reinstatement, a working party should be formed to maintain the area, and Barry Soames should be asked to investigate the flora/fauna. Agreed.                                  Action: MC
    b) Road signage and Shude Hill path (Cllr E Hodgson). A sign is needed for Glossop Rd and for Shude Hill: saying 'no use by bikes'; it needs reinstating for safety purposes.  It was indicated this was not a matter for debate but should be reported to the clerk.                                           Action MC
    c) High Peak and Derbyshire Dales Core strategy. The Clerk will put together a paper and work with the Core Area group to put together a joint response. Agreed.                           Action: MC
    d) Central Area Parishes: policy on dog fouling (document enclosed). A letter is being sent to  Council by the 5 parishes, requesting action or that we do the work ourselves.
    e) Lorry damage at Top o' the Town. Letter and photograph circulated. Additional damage has been done. Highways need to move or change the bollard.                                         Action MC.
    f) Actions to be approved of BEAC meeting. See item 365(a).
    g) Dates of meetings for 2009-10 (document already circulated and enclosed).            Agreed.
    h) Flags: St George's Day, Armed Services Day. Flags for both need purchasing. A list of flag days is available online. The flagpole needs painting. Agreed.                                        Action: MC
    i) Proposal for a Youth Council (Cllr A Seipp). The British Youth Council (YC) has been contacted re. starting a YC for Hayfield 11-18yr olds, who cannot vote but have a big impact on the village. There will be two representatives per age-group and three meetings per year. Cllr Seipp will lead on this project. New Mills & Chapel Schools are happy to help & yr 5 & 6 at Hayfield School will be involved. The Council will finance a venue and provide help where necessary. Agreed.                Action: AS
367. Letters received
    a) Confirmation from DALC of training booked. The Clerk notified attendees.
    b) Lesley Stevens, HPBC Going Local: confirmation of funding bid.
    c) Email from Mrs V Richardson. Re. traffic speed limits; letter to DCC.                        Action: MC
    d) Email from Ella Davies, re. agenda item 366(a). Read out earlier.
    e) HPBC: Town Centre Regeneration & Going Local. This is re. 367(b).
    f) Letters from Chafes Solicitors (M Travis). re. Bank Vale Field.
    g) Monica Gillespie, Tree Monitoring Officer: unreported trimming of trees.                 Action: MC
    h) Sheridan Lomas: Pond in Bluebell Wood. Reported this to Rangers and replied. Pond is unfit frogs; contact Paul Finn.                                                                        Action: MC
    i) Alliance and Leicester Bank: receipt of £25k grant funding.
    j) Glossop Volunteer Bureau: volunteer training. Re. volunteers & the law.
    k) Playground Service Level Agreement.
    l) Lloyds Banking Group AGM.
    m) Equalities and Human Rights Commission.
    n) Letter from Professor TK Atwood & L Busey, Waterside Cottage, Little Hayfield.
o) Mrs Fiona Roscoe, re. Church Street options.                                Action: BEAC & MC
    p) Derbyshire Environmental Trust AGM. 19th May.
    q) HPBC: Meeting 12th May. AGM.
    r) Allianz Insurance document.
    s) Letter from Eric Easton re. state of Bank Vale Field. Discussed in item 360.

368. DALC circulars
    a) Email on COSSH Awareness.
    b) DALC Circular 17/2009: General Circular.
    c) DALC Circular 18/2009: Licensing Act 2009.
    d) DALC Circular 19/2009: Govt Response to Taylor Report on Rural Communities.
    e) DALC Circular 20/2009: Employment Act 2008.
    f) DALC Circular 21/2009: Quick Employment tips.
369. Reports from representatives of outside bodies
    a) Non-Ecclesiastical Charities. Nothing to report.
    b) Hayfield Educational Trust. Meeting scheduled for 7th May. All grants have been made.
    c) Other bodies. Clerk’s activities circulated
370. Items for information
    The Clerk showed various leaflets. Those on Parish Maps will be given to RLTC.         Action: MC
371. Accounts for approval
    a) Cheques signed on 15th April:

Cheque No.

Payable To




LSP Equipment Hire

Service & sharpening




Insurance policy



High Peak CVS




Redmoor B Supplies*

Laths for pathways



G R Leigh

Items for allotments



Kinder Construction

Clearing OSF roots






*Cheque made payable to M Crompton: paid by debit card.

b) Cheques for signing 6th May 2009:

Cheque No.

Payable To




Hayfield PCC

Room hire



High Peak Borough Council

Trade refuse collection



Robert Hodgson








Employee 1

Wages – mth 1



Employee 2

Wages – mth 1



Employee 3

Wages – mth 1



T Turner




H Taylor




T Middleton




Audit Commission




T Critchlow

Finance admin







LSP Tool Hire

2 pairs gloves







Viking Direct

Paper and mouse



Safety Shop

2 bum bags




1 hour






Receipt:                 Lloyds TSB/HBOS: dividends        £88.18
                            United Utilities: rent                £47.31

372. Urgent items brought forward with the permission of the chairman
    Included within the earlier minutes where relevant.

PART I of the meeting closed at 9.30pm.


PART II of the meeting.  Minutes. Began at 9.35pm.

a) Terms and conditions of employment: Parish Clerk (document to be circulated)
    Cllr Gee proposed the requests in the circulated letter are accepted, with the proviso that the Clerk's hours are reviewed periodically to ensure they are correct and fair.                         Agreed.
Proposed that the Clerk starts at salary scale point 28.                                 Agreed.
b) Employment of cleaner for 1 hour per month
    Discussed.                                                                                Agreed.
c) Lantern Pike Inn, Little Hayfield
         The Clerk to write agreeing the landlord’s proposals. All agreed.                                     Action MC

The meeting concluded at 9.45pm.