St John’s Methodist Church

Opened in 1782, St John’s Methodist Church is the only non-conformist chapel in Hayfield, and is one of the oldest Methodist churches in the world. Research at the time of the church’s bicentenary celebrations established it as the 13th oldest in the UK, and it was in all probability opened by John Wesley himself. For this, and for its simple beauty, the chapel is now a Grade 2 listed building.


The exterior of the chapel has changed little since then, with only a porch and a small rear extension added. The interior is illuminated by lovely stained glass windows, and is currently characterised by polished pine, box pews facing an elevated pulpit

More than just a building, St John’s is a living church. It has a small, but regular, and caring congregation meeting every Sunday at 10.45am, and boasts an active Sunday school and youth group. The members play a full part in the life of the local community, and the premises are widely used by village groups midweek.

words by Colin Smith photo's Phil Gee

 St John's Website

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