The History of Hayfield Parish Church

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"The Church is said to have originally stood near the confluence of the two brooks, the Kinder and the Sett, on a site known as Kirksteads, near Bowden Bridge.

The Church appears to have been removed in 1386 to its present site. In that year a dispute between certain of the inhabitants Thomas Kinder took the Book, Bell and Chalice and carried them to Portwood, where-upon Ralph Bradbury and his neighbours made suit to the King's grace, with the help and aid of Sir Roger Leche, Chief Steward of Derbyshire, to obtain a grant of a piece of ground lying between two waters, to build a church. On this being granted Ralph Bradbury and his neighbours forced Thomas Kinder to fetch again the Bell, Book and Chalice, and made their Priest to say service in a small house while the Chapel was being built. Thomas Kinder retaliated and and complained to the Bishop that the Priest was forced to hold service in an unlawful house which he called a sheep cote. In reply to this charge they wrote explaining their difference to the Bishop, who pardoned them.

It was not until the year 1405 that the Church was completed we learn from the registers of the Duchy of Lancaster that in the 6th year of the reign of Henry lV orders were issued to the custodians of the royal forests of Whitlewood and Thornsett to deliver twelve oaks suitable for building purposes to be used ..."

This transcription of a 1909 History of Hayfield Parish Church was made by members of the:
Hayfield Heritage Archive Group
from the original document : email

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